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Created November 21, 2017 16:34
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Iterated rippled noise
import numpy as np
import brian
import brian.hears as hears
def irn(dur, f, g, n, method='s'):
"""Generate IRN with a duration dur in seconds, a pitch at f (either a
single value for a flat pitch, or an iterable for a contour) in Hz, a gain
of g (-1 <= g <= 1) and n iterations. Since this is done in the time
domain, processing time gets longer with larger n."""
x = hears.whitenoise(dur * brian.second) #input signal
y = np.ravel(x)
y0 = np.ravel(x) #for irno
if hasattr(f, '__iter__'):
f = np.array(f)
delay = np.array(np.round(1/f * x.samplerate), dtype=int)
if len(delay) != len(y):
raise Exception('len(f) should be %i, not %i' %(len(y),len(delay)))
delay = [int(1/float(f) * float(x.samplerate))] * len(y)
for i in xrange(n):
if method == 's':
y = [y[t] + g*y[t-delay[t]] for t in xrange(len(y))]
elif method == 'o':
y = [y0[t] + g*y[t-delay[t]] for t in xrange(len(y))]
raise Exception("IRN method not understood: should be 's' or 'o'")
return hears.Sound(np.array(y) / np.max(y))
def main():
dur, f, g, N = 1, 200, 1, [0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]
for n in N:
if not n:
sound = irn(dur, f, g, n, 's')
sound = hears.sequence(sound, irn(dur, f, g, n, 's'))'IRN_increasing_n.wav', normalise=True)
dur, f = 2, np.linspace(100, 400, 88200)
sound = irn(dur, f, g, n, 's')'IRN_increasing_f.wav', normalise=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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