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Last active January 2, 2023 07:44
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Aesara/Theano implementation of the WFTP distribution
"""Aesara/Theano functions for calculating the probability density of the Wiener
diffusion first-passage time (WFPT) distribution used in drift diffusion models (DDMs).
import arviz as az
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
from pymc3.distributions import draw_values, generate_samples
from in_jax import jax_wfpt_rvs
import aesara.tensor as T
except ImportError:
import theano.tensor as T
def aesara_use_fast(x):
"""For each element in `x`, return `True` if the fast-RT expansion is more efficient
than the slow-RT expansion.
x: RTs. (0, inf).
err = 1e-7 # I don't think this value matters much so long as it's small
# determine number of terms needed for small-t expansion
_a = 2 * T.sqrt(2 * np.pi * x) * err < 1
_b = 2 + T.sqrt(-2 * x * T.log(2 * T.sqrt(2 * np.pi * x) * err))
_c = T.sqrt(x) + 1
_d = T.max(T.stack([_b, _c]), axis=0)
ks = _a * _d + (1 - _a) * 2
# determine number of terms needed for large-t expansion
_a = np.pi * x * err < 1
_b = 1.0 / (np.pi * T.sqrt(x))
_c = T.sqrt(-2 * T.log(np.pi * x * err) / (np.pi ** 2 * x))
_d = T.max(T.stack([_b, _c]), axis=0)
kl = _a * _d + (1 - _a) * _b
return ks < kl # select the most accurate expansion for a fixed number of terms
def aesara_fnorm_fast(x, w):
"""Density function for lower-bound first-passage times with drift rate set to 0 and
upper bound set to 1, calculated using the fast-RT expansion.
x: RTs. (0, inf).
w: Normalized decision starting point. (0, 1).
bigk = 7 # number of terms to evaluate; TODO: this needs tuning eventually
# calculated the dumb way
# p1 = (w + 2 * -3) * T.exp(-T.power(w + 2 * -3, 2) / 2 / x)
# p2 = (w + 2 * -2) * T.exp(-T.power(w + 2 * -2, 2) / 2 / x)
# p3 = (w + 2 * -1) * T.exp(-T.power(w + 2 * -1, 2) / 2 / x)
# p4 = (w + 2 * 0) * T.exp(-T.power(w + 2 * 0, 2) / 2 / x)
# p5 = (w + 2 * 1) * T.exp(-T.power(w + 2 * 1, 2) / 2 / x)
# p6 = (w + 2 * 2) * T.exp(-T.power(w + 2 * 2, 2) / 2 / x)
# p7 = (w + 2 * 3) * T.exp(-T.power(w + 2 * 3, 2) / 2 / x)
# p = (p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6 + p7) / T.sqrt(2 * np.pi * T.power(x, 3))
# calculated the better way
# k = (T.arange(bigk) - T.floor(bigk / 2)).reshape((-1, 1))
# y = w + 2 * k
# r = -T.power(y, 2) / 2 / x
# p = T.sum(y * T.exp(r), axis=0) / T.sqrt(2 * np.pi * T.power(x, 3))
# calculated using the "log-sum-exp trick" to reduce under/overflows
k = T.arange(bigk) - T.floor(bigk / 2)
y = w + 2 * k.reshape((-1, 1))
r = -T.power(y, 2) / 2 / x
c = T.max(r, axis=0)
p = T.exp(c + T.log(T.sum(y * T.exp(r - c), axis=0)))
p = p / T.sqrt(2 * np.pi * T.power(x, 3))
return p
def aesara_fnorm_slow(x, w):
"""Density function for lower-bound first-passage times with drift rate set to 0 and
upper bound set to 1, calculated using the slow-RT expansion.
x: RTs. (0, inf).
w: Normalized decision starting point. (0, 1).
bigk = 7 # number of terms to evaluate; TODO: this needs tuning eventually
# calculated the dumb way
# b = T.power(np.pi, 2) * x / 2
# p1 = T.exp(-T.power(1, 2) * b) * T.sin(np.pi * w)
# p2 = 2 * T.exp(-T.power(2, 2) * b) * T.sin(2 * np.pi * w)
# p3 = 3 * T.exp(-T.power(3, 2) * b) * T.sin(3 * np.pi * w)
# p4 = 4 * T.exp(-T.power(4, 2) * b) * T.sin(4 * np.pi * w)
# p5 = 5 * T.exp(-T.power(5, 2) * b) * T.sin(5 * np.pi * w)
# p6 = 6 * T.exp(-T.power(6, 2) * b) * T.sin(6 * np.pi * w)
# p7 = 7 * T.exp(-T.power(7, 2) * b) * T.sin(7 * np.pi * w)
# p = (p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6 + p7) * np.pi
# print(p)
# calculated the better way
k = T.arange(1, bigk + 1).reshape((-1, 1))
y = k * T.sin(k * np.pi * w)
r = -T.power(k, 2) * T.power(np.pi, 2) * x / 2
p = T.sum(y * T.exp(r), axis=0) * np.pi
# print(p)
# calculated using the "log-sum-exp trick" to reduce under/overflows
# k = T.arange(1, bigk + 1).reshape((-1, 1))
# y = k * T.sin(k * np.pi * w)
# r = -T.power(k, 2) * T.power(np.pi, 2) * x / 2
# c = T.max(r, axis=0)
# p = T.exp(c + T.log(T.sum(y * T.exp(r - c), axis=0))) * np.pi
return p
def aesara_fnorm(x, w):
"""Density function for lower-bound first-passage times with drift rate set to 0 and
upper bound set to 1, selecting the most efficient expansion per element in `x`.
x: RTs. (0, inf).
w: Normalized decision starting point. (0, 1).
y = T.abs_(x)
f = aesara_fnorm_fast(y, w)
s = aesara_fnorm_slow(y, w)
u = aesara_use_fast(y)
positive = x > 0
return (f * u + s * (1 - u)) * positive
def aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z, t):
"""Probability density function with drift rates normally distributed over trials.
x: RTs. (-inf, inf) except 0. Negative values correspond to the lower bound.
v: Mean drift rate. (-inf, inf).
sv: Standard deviation of drift rate. [0, inf), 0 if fixed.
a: Value of decision upper bound. (0, inf).
z: Normalized decision starting point. (0, 1).
t: Non-decision time. [0, inf)
flip = x > 0
v = flip * -v + (1 - flip) * v # transform v if x is upper-bound response
z = flip * (1 - z) + (1 - flip) * z # transform z if x is upper-bound response
x = T.abs_(x) # abs_olute rts
x = x - t # remove nondecision time
tt = x / T.power(a, 2) # "normalize" RTs
p = aesara_fnorm(tt, z) # normalized densities
return (
+ ((a * z * sv) ** 2 - 2 * a * v * z - (v ** 2) * x)
/ (2 * (sv ** 2) * x + 2)
/ T.sqrt((sv ** 2) * x + 1)
/ (a ** 2)
def aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t):
"""Probability density function with normally distributed drift rate and uniformly
distributed starting point.
x: RTs. (-inf, inf) except 0. Negative values correspond to the lower bound.
v: Mean drift rate. (-inf, inf).
sv: Standard deviation of drift rate. [0, inf), 0 if fixed.
a: Value of decision upper bound. (0, inf).
z: Normalized decision starting point. (0, 1).
sz: Range of starting points [0, 1), 0 if fixed.
t: Non-decision time. [0, inf)
# uses eq. 4.1.14 from Press et al., numerical recipes: the art of scientific
# computing, 2007 for a more efficient 10-step approximation to the integral based
# on simpson's rule
n = 10
h = sz / n
z0 = z - sz / 2
f = 17 * aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z0, t)
f = f + 59 * aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z0 + h, t)
f = f + 43 * aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z0 + 2 * h, t)
f = f + 49 * aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z0 + 3 * h, t)
f = f + 48 * aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z0 + 4 * h, t)
f = f + 48 * aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z0 + 5 * h, t)
f = f + 48 * aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z0 + 6 * h, t)
f = f + 49 * aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z0 + h * (n - 3), t)
f = f + 43 * aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z0 + h * (n - 2), t)
f = f + 59 * aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z0 + h * (n - 1), t)
f = f + 17 * aesara_pdf_sv(x, v, sv, a, z0 + h * n, t)
return f / 48 / n
def aesara_pdf_sv_sz_st(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t, st):
""" "Probability density function with normally distributed drift rate, uniformly
distributed starting point, and uniformly distributed nondecision time.
x: RTs. (-inf, inf) except 0. Negative values correspond to the lower bound.
v: Mean drift rate. (-inf, inf).
sv: Standard deviation of drift rate. [0, inf), 0 if fixed.
a: Value of decision upper bound. (0, inf).
z: Normalized decision starting point. (0, 1).
sz: Range of starting points [0, 1), 0 if fixed.
t: Nondecision time. [0, inf)
st: Range of Nondecision points [0, 1), 0 if fixed.
# uses eq. 4.1.14 from Press et al., Numerical recipes: the art of scientific
# computing, 2007 for a more efficient n-step approximation to the integral based
# on simpson's rule when n is even and > 4.
n = 10
h = st / n
t0 = t - st / 2
f = 17 * aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t0)
f = f + 59 * aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t0 + h)
f = f + 43 * aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t0 + 2 * h)
f = f + 49 * aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t0 + 3 * h)
f = f + 48 * aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t0 + 4 * h)
f = f + 48 * aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t0 + 5 * h)
f = f + 48 * aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t0 + 6 * h)
f = f + 49 * aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t0 + h * (n - 3))
f = f + 43 * aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t0 + h * (n - 2))
f = f + 59 * aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t0 + h * (n - 1))
f = f + 17 * aesara_pdf_sv_sz(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t0 + h * n)
return f / 48 / n
def aesara_pdf_contaminant(x, l, r):
"""Probability density function of exponentially distributed RTs.
x: RTs. (-inf, inf) except 0. Negative values correspond to the lower bound.
l: Shape parameter of the exponential distribution. (0, inf).
r: Proportion of upper-bound contaminants. [0, 1].
p = l * T.exp(-l * T.abs_(x))
return r * p * (x > 0) + (1 - r) * p * (x < 0)
def aesara_pdf_sv_sz_st_con(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t, st, q, l, r):
""" "Probability density function with normally distributed drift rate, uniformly
distributed starting point, uniformly distributed nondecision time, and
exponentially distributed contaminants.
x: RTs. (-inf, inf) except 0. Negative values correspond to the lower bound.
v: Mean drift rate. (-inf, inf).
sv: Standard deviation of drift rate. [0, inf), 0 if fixed.
a: Value of decision upper bound. (0, inf).
z: Normalized decision starting point. (0, 1).
sz: Range of starting points [0, 1), 0 if fixed.
t: Nondecision time. [0, inf)
st: Range of Nondecision points [0, 1), 0 if fixed.
q: Proportion of contaminants. [0, 1].
l: Shape parameter of the exponential distribution. (0, inf).
r: Proportion of upper-bound contaminants. [0, 1].
p_rts = aesara_pdf_sv_sz_st(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t, st)
p_con = aesara_pdf_contaminant(x, l, r)
return p_rts * (1 - q) + p_con * q
def aesara_wfpt_log_like(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t, st, q, l, r):
"""Returns the log likelihood of the WFPT distribution with normally distributed
drift rate, uniformly distributed starting point, uniformly distributed nondecision
time, and exponentially distributed contaminants.
x: RTs. (-inf, inf) except 0. Negative values correspond to the lower bound.
v: Mean drift rate. (-inf, inf).
sv: Standard deviation of drift rate. [0, inf), 0 if fixed.
a: Value of decision upper bound. (0, inf).
z: Normalized decision starting point. (0, 1).
sz: Range of starting points [0, 1), 0 if fixed.
t: Nondecision time. [0, inf)
st: Range of Nondecision points [0, 1), 0 if fixed.
q: Proportion of contaminants. [0, 1].
l: Shape parameter of the exponential distribution. (0, inf).
r: Proportion of upper-bound contaminants. [0, 1].
return T.sum(T.log(aesara_pdf_sv_sz_st_con(x, v, sv, a, z, sz, t, st, q, l, r)))
def aesara_wfpt_rvs(v, sv, a, z, sz, t, st, q, l, r, size):
"""Generate random samples from the WFPT distribution with normally distributed
drift rate, uniformly distributed starting point, uniformly distributed nondecision
time, and exponentially distributed contaminants.
v: Mean drift rate. (-inf, inf).
sv: Standard deviation of drift rate. [0, inf), 0 if fixed.
a: Value of decision upper bound. (0, inf).
z: Normalized decision starting point. (0, 1).
sz: Range of starting points [0, 1), 0 if fixed.
t: Nondecision time. [0, inf)
st: Range of Nondecision points [0, 1), 0 if fixed.
q: Proportion of contaminants. [0, 1].
l: Shape parameter of the exponential distribution. (0, inf).
r: Proportion of upper-bound contaminants. [0, 1].
size: Number of samples to generate.
x = np.linspace(-12, 12, 48000)
dx = x[1] - x[0]
pdf = aesara_pdf_sv_sz_st_con(x, v, sv + 1, a, z, sz, t, st, q, l, r)
cdf = np.cumsum(pdf) * dx
cdf = cdf / cdf.max()
u = np.random.random_sample(size)
ix = np.searchsorted(cdf, u)
return x[ix]
class WFPT(pm.Continuous):
"""Wiener first-passage time (WFPT) log-likelihood."""
def __init__(self, v, sv, a, z, sz, t, st, q, l, r, **kwargs):
self.v = v = T.as_tensor_variable(pm.floatX(v)) = sv = T.as_tensor_variable(pm.floatX(sv))
self.a = a = T.as_tensor_variable(pm.floatX(a))
self.z = z = T.as_tensor_variable(pm.floatX(z)) = sz = T.as_tensor_variable(pm.floatX(sz))
self.t = t = T.as_tensor_variable(pm.floatX(t)) = st = T.as_tensor_variable(pm.floatX(st))
self.q = q = T.as_tensor_variable(pm.floatX(q))
self.l = l = T.as_tensor_variable(pm.floatX(l))
self.r = r = T.as_tensor_variable(pm.floatX(r))
def logp(self, value):
return aesara_wfpt_log_like(
def random(self, point=None, size=None):
v, sv, a, z, sz, t, st, q, l, r, _ = draw_values([self.v,,
self.r,], point=point, size=size)
return generate_samples(
jax_wfpt_rvs, v, sv, a, z, sz, t, st, q, l, r, size
def test():
v = 1
sv = 0
a = 0.8
z = 0.5
sz = 0.0
t = 0.0
st = 0.
q = .0
l = 0.5
r = 0.8
size = 3000
x = jax_wfpt_rvs(v, sv, a, z, sz, t, st, q, l, r, size)
with pm.Model() as model:
v = pm.Normal(name="v")
WFPT(name="x", v=v, sv=sv, a=a, z=z, sz=sz, t=t, st=st, q=q, l=l, r=r, observed=x)
results = pm.sample(10000, return_inferencedata=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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