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Last active July 18, 2016 08:09
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Flattern array in JS
function flatten_array( arr ){
* Checks if _arr is an array
* @param Array|Mixed _arr variable to check
* @return Bool whether _arr is an array
const is_array = ( _arr ) => {
return typeof _arr === "object" && typeof _arr.concat === "function";
* Return an error object if arr is not an Array
if( !is_array( arr ) ){
return new Error("Invalid argument provided " , arr , " should be an array" );
* Reduces nested arrays into flattened array recursively
* @param Array res result of previous loop
* @param Array|Number item current item
* @return Array Reduced array
const _reducer = (res, item) => {
if( is_array( item ) )
return res.concat( item.reduce( _reducer, [] ) );
return res ;
* Reduce arr to flattened array
return arr.reduce( _reducer, [] );
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