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Created April 22, 2019 14:08
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A BTree implementation on python
import bisect
# See Cormen et al, chapter 18 B-Trees. The implementation uses the 'bisect' module to implement
# a binary search (O(lg n)) through nodes.
def main():
def allocme():
nonlocal blocks
idx = len(blocks)
print("a new block #{} has been allocated.".format(idx))
return idx
def freeme(page, root):
# TODO defragmentation required
print("the block #{} has been deallocated".format(page))
nonlocal blocks
nonlocal treeroot
blocks[page] = None
if (treeroot != root):
print("new root is: #{}".format(root))
treeroot = root
def writeme(page, root, *node): # page - what allocme() returns,
# treeroot - the reference to the root of the btree
# *node - serialized key-value
# pairs of BTree node's params (keys)
print("write me to block #{}: ".format(page), node)
nonlocal blocks
nonlocal treeroot
blocks[page] = node
treeroot = root
def readme(page): # page - what allocme() returns. The method must return keys, childpages
# if no leaf, childpage[i] with keys < keys[i], childpages[i+1] with keys > keys[i]
nonlocal blocks
data = blocks[page]
print("read me from block #{}: ".format(page), data[0], data[1])
return data[0], data[1]
blocks = []
treeroot = 0
# check the page format
# blocks.append(([('a',), ('b',)], [1]))
# print(blocks)
# tree = BTree(t = 4, allocate = allocme, read = readme, write = writeme)
# tree.load(treeroot)
# tree.insert('c', 10)
# print(blocks)
tree = BTree(allocate = allocme)
blocks = []
treeroot = 0
tree2 = BTree(t = 2, allocate = allocme, free = freeme, read = readme, write = writeme)
ins = tree2.insert('a', 10)
print("'a' inserted:", ins)
ins = tree2.insert('a', 11)
print("'a' inserted:", ins)
value = tree2.find('a')
print("value for 'a':", value)
ins = tree2.insert('a', 1)
print("'a' inserted:", ins)
tree2.insert('b', 2)
tree2.insert('c', 3)
# firstly, split root here
tree2.insert('f', 6)
# insert in a non full node
tree2.insert('d', 4)
# insert in a full node
tree2.insert('e', 5)
ins = tree2.insert('g', 7)
ins = tree2.insert('g', 8)
ins = tree2.insert('g', 9)
tree2.insert('h', 10)
tree2.insert('k', 11)
tree2.insert('l', None)
tree3 = BTree(t = 2, allocate = allocme, free = freeme, read = readme, write = writeme)
tree3.insert('m', 13)
# let's find something
print("find nodes")
tree4 = BTree(t = 2, allocate = allocme, free = freeme, read = readme, write = writeme)
print("value for 'a':", tree4.find('a'), "(True, 1)")
print("value for 'b':", tree4.find('b'), "(True, 2)")
print("value for 'c':", tree4.find('c'), "(True, 3)")
print("value for 'd':", tree4.find('d'), "(True, 4)")
print("value for 'e':", tree4.find('e'), "(True, 5)")
print("value for 'g':", tree4.find('g'), "(True, 9)")
print("value for 'h':", tree4.find('h'), "(True, 10)")
print("value for 'k':", tree4.find('k'), "(True, 11)")
print("value for 'm':", tree4.find('m'), "(True, 13)")
print("value for 'l':", tree4.find('l'), "(True, None)")
print("value for 'f':", tree4.find('f'), "(True, 6)")
print("value for 'z':", tree4.find('z'), "(False, None)")
tree4.insert('o', 14)
tree4.insert('p', 15)
tree4.insert('n', 16)
print("remove something")
print("removing 'g'") # 3a, 3b
removed = tree4.remove('g')
print("removing 'g', removed:", removed)
print("removing 'e'") # 3b, 3a
removed = tree4.remove('e')
print("removing 'e', removed:", removed)
print("removing 'o'") # 2a
removed = tree4.remove('o')
print("removing 'o', removed:", removed)
print("removing 'a'") # 3a 3b (preparing for 2c, see bellow)
removed = tree4.remove('a')
print("removing 'a', removed:", removed)
print("removing 'h'") # 2b
removed = tree4.remove('h')
print("removing 'h', removed:", removed)
print("removing root")
print("removing 'f'") # changing root
removed = tree4.remove('f')
print("removing 'f', removed:", removed)
print("removing 'z'")
removed = tree4.remove('z')
print("removing 'z', removed:", removed)
print("removing 'b'")
removed = tree4.remove('b')
print("removing 'b', removed:", removed)
print("removing 'd'") # 2c
removed = tree4.remove('d')
print("removing 'd', removed:", removed)
class BTree:
def __init__(self, t = 2, allocate = None, free = None, read = None, write = None):
Constructs a new btree with the minimum degree (t) = 't'. The methods of the btree are
going to use the 'allocate', 'write' and 'read' methods to work with the storage the tree is
persisted to.
t (int) - the minimum degree of the btree (see the definition of b-trees in Cormen et al, 18.1)
allocate (function) - a callback that allocates a new storage page to be used as a new node.
free (function) - a callback that removes pages from the storage
read (function) - a callback that reads pages from the storage.
write (function) - a callback that writes pages into the storage.
self.__allocate = allocate
self.__free = free
self.__write = write
self.__read = read
self.__t = t # TODO 't' can be calculated based on page-size, key-size, ptr-size and satellite-data-size
self.__root = None
def find(self, key):
Takes as input a key 'key' to be searched for in this tree. If 'key' is in the tree, the method
returns 'True' and the value associated with the key. Otherwise, the method returns 'False, None'.
key - an input keey to be searched for in the tree.
'found, value' where 'found' (True/False) whether the key is in the tree,
'value' is the value associated with the key 'key'.
BTreeNotInitializedError if the method is invoked on an unitialized (created or loaded) btree.
BTreeInvalidNodeError while a btree that doesn't have btree property five described in Cormen et al 18.1:
(t - the minimum degree of the btree) the root may contain at most '2t - 1' keys, if the root is an internal
node, it may have at most '2t' children.
if not self.__root:
raise BTreeNotInitializedError()
return self.__find(self.__root, key)
def create(self):
Creates an empty root node for the tree. To build a b-tree, we first use the method to create
an empty root node and then call 'insert' to add new keys. Both of these methods use an auxiliary
function 'allocate', a parameter of the object 'self'.
del self.__root
self.__root = self.Node(self.__t, self.__allocate())
def load(self, root):
Loads the root of the tree. Before searching through the tree, the root must be loaded into the main
memory otherwise a BTreeNotInitializedError will be raised. The method uses an auxiliary function 'read'
to load pages into the main memory.
root - a reference to the root in the storage. The reference must be matched with the value returned
by the axiliary function 'allocate' during the invocation of the 'create' method.
BTreeInvalidNodeError while a btree that doesn't have btree property five described in Cormen et al 18.1:
(t - the minimum degree of the btree) the root may contain at most '2t - 1' keys, if the root is an internal
node, it may have at most '2t' children.
del self.__root
self.__root = self.Node(self.__t, root)
self.__read_page(self.__root, True)
def insert(self, key, value):
Inserts the new key 'key' and associated with it satellite data 'value' in a leaf as well as an intermediate
node. So, the simplest btree (not a b+ tree) strategy is implemented. Value 'value' can be any satellite data,
but take into account the data will be stored in pages increasing by themselves the minimum degree of the btree
(t) and thus the fragmentation.
'None' cannot be used as a key. 'None' can be used as a value but the method 'find' returns
'None' if the key is out of the tree.
key - a key for the being stored value 'value'.
value - a value associated with the key.
'True' if the key has actually been added to the tree, 'False' otherwise but the value for the key will
be overwritten in any case.
BTreeNotInitializedError if the method is invoked on an unitialized (created or loaded) btree.
BTreeInvalidNodeError while a btree that doesn't have btree property five described in Cormen et al 18.1:
(t - the minimum degree of the btree) every node other than the root must have at least 't - 1' keys. Every
internal node other than the root thus has at least 't' children. Every node may have at most '2t - 1' keys
and if it is an internal node, it may have at most '2t' children.
if not self.__root:
raise BTreeNotInitializedError()
if self.__root.full():
return self.__insert_in_nonfull(self.__root, key, value)
def remove(self, key):
Removes the key 'key' from the tree. Before searching through the tree, the root must be loaded into the main
memory otherwise a BTreeNotInitializedError will be raised. The method uses the following auxiliary functions:
'read' to load pages into the main memory, 'write' to save changed pages into the storage, and 'free' to remove
a page from the storage.
key - a key for being removed.
'True' if the key has actually been removed from the tree, 'False' otherwise.
BTreeNotInitializedError if the method is invoked on an unitialized (created or loaded) btree.
BTreeInvalidNodeError while a btree that doesn't have btree property five described in Cormen et al 18.1:
(t - the minimum degree of the btree) the root may contain at most '2t - 1' keys, if the root is an internal
node, it may have at most '2t' children.
if not self.__root:
raise BTreeNotInitializedError()
result = self.__remove(self.__root, key)
if self.__root.empty():
exroot = self.__root
self.load(exroot.major().page()) # invariant: root is always in the mm
return result
def __find(self, node, key):
found, value, child = node.find(key)
if not found and not node.leaf():
return self.__find(child, key)
return found, value
def __split_root(self):
exroot = self.__root
newroot = self.Node(self.__t, self.__allocate(), False)
newroot.insert(None, None, exroot)
_, newright = self.__split_child(newroot, exroot)
self.__root = newroot
def __insert_in_nonfull(self, node, key, value):
dest = node
while not dest.leaf():
_, _, child = dest.find(key)
if child.full():
median, next = self.__split_child(dest, child)
if key > median:
child = next
self.__flush_page(dest) # both pages: dest and its child must be keep
# loaded in the main memory during a split
dest = child
result = dest.insert(key, value)
return result
def __split_child(self, node, child):
# returns median, newnode
if node.leaf():
return None, None
newnode = self.Node(self.__t, self.__allocate(), child.leaf())
median = child.split(node, newnode)
return median, newnode
def __remove(self, node, key):
found, value, child = node.find(key)
if found:
if node.leaf():
# case 1
result = node.remove(key)
if child.hasminimum():
# case 2a
newkey, newvalue = self.__remove_predecessor(child)
result = node.replace(key, newkey, newvalue)
_, follow = node.siblings(key)
_, _, follow = follow
if follow.hasminimum():
# case 2b
newkey, newvalue = self.__remove_successor(follow)
result = node.replace(key, newkey, newvalue)
# case 2c
child.join(key, value, follow)
# special case, we will go into recursion thus all pages must be flushed (exc. child)
return self.__remove(child, key)
return result
if node.leaf():
# do nothing, the key is out of the tree
return False
if not child.hasminimum():
left, right = node.siblings(key)
child = self.__extend_child(node, child, left, right) # the left sibling can be the new child
return self.__remove(child, key)
def __remove_predecessor(self, node):
# returns the predecessor key,value
current = node
while not current.leaf():
right_child = current.minor()
if not right_child.hasminimum():
left_sibling = current.second_rightest()
right_child = self.__extend_child(current, right_child, left = left_sibling)
current = right_child
right_key, right_value = current.remove_rightest()
return right_key, right_value
def __remove_successor(self, node):
# returns the successor key,value
current = node
while not current.leaf():
left_child = current.major()
if not left_child.hasminimum():
right_sibling = current.second_leftest()
left_child = self.__extend_child(current, left_child, right = right_sibling)
current = left_child
left_key, left_value = current.remove_leftest()
return left_key, left_value
def __extend_child(self, node, child, left = None, right = None):
good_sibling = None
if left:
leftkey, leftval, left = left
if left and left.hasminimum():
good_sibling = left
sibling_extra = left.rightest()
remove_right = True # rightest() returns a reference to the right
parentkey, parentval = leftkey, leftval
if right:
rightkey, rightval, right = right
if right and right.hasminimum():
if left:
good_sibling = right
sibling_extra = right.leftest()
remove_right = False # leftest() returns a reference to the left
parentkey, parentval = rightkey, rightval
if good_sibling:
# case 3a
siblkey, siblval, siblchild = sibling_extra
child.insert(parentkey, parentval, siblchild)
node.replace(parentkey, siblkey, siblval)
good_sibling.remove(siblkey, remove_right = remove_right)
# case 3b
if right:
child.join(rightkey, rightval, right)
if left:
if left:
left.join(leftkey, leftval, child)
child = left # will find in the left sibling instead of child
if right:
return child
def __write_page(self, node):
self.__write(, # page returned by __allocate(), # special reference to root
node.entries(), # key/value pairs as an array
list(map(lambda n:, node.children()))) # child pages - references to the pages in the store
def __read_page(self, node, root = False):
# reads keys, values and references (page()) to children and builds the node in the main memory
keyvalues, childpages = self.__read( # keyvalues [0..n], childpages [0..n+1], childpages[i] for keys < key[i],
# childpages[i+1] for keys > key[i], if childpages = None or [] - leaf childpages or len(childpages) == 0, # is leaf
root, # is root
keyvalues, # key/value pairs
list(map(lambda p: self.Node(self.__t, p), childpages))) # children
def __free_page(self, node):
def __flush_page(self, node):
# removes the node from the main memory. We also can use LRU for the hottest nodes
# convention: root should always be in the main memory
if self.__root != node:
print("flush node #{}".format(
class Node:
def __init__(self, t, page, leaf = True):
self.__t = t
self.__page = page
self.__leaf = leaf
# len(__values) == len(__keys), by the same index, if no value for a key - None
# for non leaf: len(__children) == len(__keys) + 1, idx = index in __keys for a key
# __children[key] - the left child of the node for key (< key),
# __children[key+1] - the right one (> key)
self.__keys = []
self.__values = []
self.__children = []
def leaf(self):
return self.__leaf
def empty(self):
return len(self.__keys) == 0
def full(self):
return len(self.__keys) == 2 * self.__t - 1
def hasminimum(self):
return len(self.__keys) >= self.__t
def page(self):
return self.__page
def entries(self):
return list(zip(self.__keys, self.__values))
def children(self):
return self.__children
def major(self):
# major is the oldest children
return self.__children[0] if not self.leaf() and len(self.__children) > 0 else None
def minor(self):
# minor is the youngest children
return self.__children[-1] if not self.leaf() and len(self.__children) > 0 else None
def leftest(self):
# returns the first key, his value and the reference to the page with keys < the first one
# (if the node is not a leaf, otherwise the reference is None).
# If the node has only one key, the leftest can be equal to the rightest.
key = self.__keys[0] if len(self.__keys) > 0 else None
value = self.__values[0] if len(self.__values) > 0 else None
child = self.major()
return key, value, child
def second_leftest(self):
# returns the first key, his value and the reference to the page with keys > the
# first one and < the key after the first one (if the node is not a leaf, otherwise the reference
# is None). The difference between the 'leftest' and 'second_leftest' methods is only the reference
# to a child page, the key and value are the same.
key = self.__keys[0] if len(self.__keys) > 0 else None
value = self.__values[0] if len(self.__values) > 0 else None
child = self.__children[1] if not self.leaf() and len(self.__children) > 1 else None
return key, value, child
def rightest(self):
# returns the last key, his value and the reference to the page with keys > the last one
# (if the node is not a leaf, otherwise the reference is None).
# if the node has only one key, the leftest can be equal to the rightest.
key = self.__keys[-1] if len(self.__keys) > 0 else None
value = self.__values[-1] if len(self.__values) > 0 else None
child = self.minor()
return key, value, child
def second_rightest(self):
# returns the last key, his value and the reference to the page with
# keys < the last one and > the key just before the last one (if the node is not a leaf,
# otherwise the reference is None). The difference between the 'rightest' and 'second_rightest'
# methods is only the reference to a child page, the key and value are the same.
key = self.__keys[-1] if len(self.__keys) > 0 else None
value = self.__values[-1] if len(self.__values) > 0 else None
child = self.__children[-2] if not self.leaf() and len(self.__children) > 1 else None
return key, value, child
def find(self, key):
# binary-searches for the key 'key' in the node and returns
# whether the key is in the node at all, the value associates with the key,
# and the child (Node) that is staying for the 'key'.
idx = self.__position(key)
if idx == len(self.__keys) or self.__keys[idx] != key:
value = None
found = False
value = self.__values[idx]
found = True
child = self.__children[idx] if not self.leaf() else None
return found, value, child
def siblings(self, key):
# binary-searches for the key 'key' in the node and returns
# the left key, his value, and immediate left sibling as a tuple
# along with the right key, hist value, and immediate right sibling as another tuple
# of the child that is staying for the 'key'. If there is not a sibling, returns 'None'
# for the tuple this direction.
idx = self.__position(key)
left = (self.__keys[idx - 1], self.__values[idx - 1], self.__children[idx - 1]) if idx > 1 else None
right = (self.__keys[idx], self.__values[idx], self.__children[idx + 1]) if idx + 1 < len(self.__children) else None
return left, right
def insert(self, key, value, right = None):
result = False
if key:
idx = self.__position(key)
if len(self.__keys) < idx + 1 or self.__keys[idx] != key:
self.__keys.insert(idx, key)
self.__values.insert(idx, value)
result = True
else: # replace the value
self.__values[idx] = value
idx = 0
if not self.leaf() and right:
if len(self.__children) < idx + 2 or self.__children[idx] != right:
self.__children.insert(idx + 1, right)
return result
def remove_leftest(self):
# removes the leftest key, value and child and returns the removed key and value
# the complexity is O(len(__keys)) since the first element will be removed
key = value = None
if len(self.__keys) > 0:
key = self.__keys[0]
if len(self.__values) > 0:
value = self.__values[0]
if not self.leaf() and len(self.__children) > 0:
return key, value
def remove_rightest(self):
# removes the rightest key, valye and child and returns the removed key and value
# the compexity is O(1) since the last element will be removed
key = value = None
if len(self.__keys) > 0:
key = self.__keys[-1]
if len(self.__values) > 0:
value = self.__values[-1]
if not self.leaf() and len(self.__children) > 0:
return key, value
def remove(self, key, remove_right = True):
if not key:
return False
idx = self.__position(key)
if len(self.__keys) < idx + 1 or self.__keys[idx] != key:
return False
if not self.leaf():
idx = idx + 1 if remove_right else idx # if remove_right - remove the right reference otherwise - the left one
return True
def replace(self, key, newkey, newvalue):
if not key:
return False
idx = self.__position(key)
if len(self.__keys) > idx and self.__keys[idx] == key:
self.__keys[idx] = newkey
self.__values[idx] = newvalue
return True
return False
def split(self, parent, newnode):
# copy a half of keys and children to newnode
median_key = self.__keys[self.__t - 1]
median_value = self.__values[self.__t - 1]
newnode.__keys = self.__keys[self.__t:]
newnode.__values = self.__values[self.__t:]
self.__keys = self.__keys[:self.__t - 1]
self.__values = self.__values[:self.__t - 1]
if not self.leaf():
newnode.__children = self.__children[self.__t:]
self.__children = self.__children[:self.__t]
# insert the median and newnode to the parent node
parent.insert(median_key, median_value, newnode) # if key > median_key, welcome to newnode
return median_key
def join(self, newkey, newvalue, right = None):
# join newkey/newvalue and keys/values from the right node ('right) to the RIGHT of 'self'
if right:
if not self.leaf() and not right.leaf():
def read(self, leaf, root, keyvalues, children):
if len(keyvalues) > 2 * self.__t - 1:
raise BTreeInvalidNodeError("a page may have at most '2t - 1' ({}) keys but has {}."
.format(2 * self.__t - 1, len(keyvalues)),
if not root and len(keyvalues) < self.__t - 1:
raise BTreeInvalidNodeError("the page is not the root; therefore, it may have at least "\
"'t - 1' ({}) keys but has only {}."
.format(self.__t - 1, len(keyvalues)),
if not leaf:
if len(children) != len(keyvalues) + 1:
raise BTreeInvalidNodeError("every internal node may have a number of children ({}) "\
"exactly equals to a number of keys ({}) plus one."
.format(len(children), len(keyvalues)),
self.__leaf = leaf
self.__keys = list(map(lambda p: p[0], keyvalues))
self.__values = list(map(lambda p: p[1] if len(p) > 1 else None, keyvalues))
self.__children = children
def free(self):
del self.__keys
self.__keys = []
del self.__children
self.__children = []
def __position(self, key):
# binary-searches for the index for the key 'key' in the array of keys (O(lg n)).
return bisect.bisect_left(self.__keys, key)
class BTreeNotInitializedError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
super(BTreeNotInitializedError, self).__init__("create a new or load an existing "\
"btree to start working with it.")
class BTreeInvalidNodeError(Exception):
def __init__(self, warning, page):
super(BTreeInvalidNodeError, self).__init__(warning)
self.__page = page
def page(self):
return self.__page
if __name__ == "__main__":
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