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Last active August 31, 2023 12:15
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Query index properties in PosgreSQL: "hash" index
NOTE: In this example, we explore "hash" index properties using PostgreSQL system catalog tables
select a.amname,, pg_indexam_has_property(a.oid,
from pg_am a,
unnest(array['can_order','can_unique','can_multi_col','can_exclude']) p(name)
where a.amname = 'hash'
order by a.amname;
amname | name | pg_indexam_has_property
hash | can_order | f
hash | can_unique | f
hash | can_multi_col | f
hash | can_exclude | t
- can_order, the access method enables us to specify the sort order for values when an index is created
- can_unique, support of the unique constraint and primary key.
- can_multi_col, an index can be built on several columns
- can_exclude, support of the exclusion constraint EXCLUDE.
select, pg_index_has_property('<YOUR_INDEX_NAME>'::regclass,
from unnest(array['clusterable','index_scan','bitmap_scan','backward_scan']) p(name);
name | pg_index_has_property
clusterable | f
index_scan | t
bitmap_scan | t
backward_scan | t
- clusterable, a possibility to physically reorder rows according to the index (clustering with the same-name command CLUSTER).
- index_scan, support of index scan.
- bitmap_scan, support of bitmap sca
- backward_scan, the result can be returned in the reverse order of the one specified when building the index.
from unnest(array[
]) p(name);
name | pg_index_column_has_property
asc | f
desc | f
nulls_first | f
nulls_last | f
orderable | f
distance_orderable | f
returnable | f
search_array | f
search_nulls | f
- asc, desc, nulls_first, nulls_last, orderable; properties related to ordering of the values
- distance_orderable, results can be returned in the sort order determined by the operation
- returnable, a possibility to use index-only scans (covered indexes)
- search_array, support of search for several values with the expression "indexed-field IN (list_of_constants)"
- search_nulls, a possibility to search by IS NULL and IS NOT NULL conditions.
SUPPORTED OPERATORS (e.g. for varchar data type)
select amop.amopopr::regoperator
from pg_opclass opc, pg_opfamily opf, pg_am am, pg_amop amop
where opc.opcname = 'varchar_ops'
and opf.oid = opc.opcfamily
and am.oid = opf.opfmethod
and amop.amopfamily = opc.opcfamily
and am.amname = 'hash'
and amop.amoplefttype = opc.opcintype;
Hash index supports only equality operator, and does not support comparison, range operators. Either it does not provide row ordering.
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