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Created June 6, 2020 20:40
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// Example program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
using u64 = size_t;
enum direction
const std::string text =
const std::string text_big =
" 0 1 2 3 4 \n"
" 5 6 7 8 9 \n"
" a b \n"
" c d e f g \n"
" \n"
" h \n"
" \n"
" i j k l m n o p ";
void refresh()
std::stringstream debug;
size_t get_pos(direction dir, size_t caret_position)
switch (dir)
case left:
if (caret_position)
case right:
if (caret_position < text.length())
case up:
debug << "caret_position is " << caret_position << "\n";
u64 current_line_start = text.rfind("\n", caret_position - 1);
if (current_line_start == std::string::npos)
// This is the first line, so caret moves to the very beginning
caret_position = 0;
debug << "current_line_start is 'npos', caret_position set to 0\n";
// current line is not first, caret should ignore found '\n'
current_line_start += 1;
debug << "current_line_start is " << current_line_start << "\n";
const u64 caret_pos_in_line = caret_position - current_line_start;
debug << "caret_pos_in_line is " << caret_pos_in_line << "\n";
const u64 prev_line_end = current_line_start - 2; // ignore current char and \n before it
debug << "prev_line_end is " << prev_line_end << "\n";
u64 prev_line_start = text.rfind("\n", prev_line_end);
if (prev_line_start == std::string::npos)
// if previous line is the first line, there is no '\n' at the beginning
prev_line_start = 0;
debug << "prev_line_start is 'npos', prev_line_start set to 0\n";
prev_line_start += 1;
debug << "current_line_start is " << current_line_start << "\n";
const u64 prev_line_length = prev_line_end - prev_line_start + 1; // delta in indexes requires +1
debug << "prev_line_length is " << prev_line_length << "\n";
// TODO : Save caret position to some kind of buffer, so after switching back and forward, caret would be on initial position
if (prev_line_length < caret_pos_in_line)
// Previous line is shorter than current caret position, so caret moves to the very end of the previous line
caret_position = prev_line_end + 1;
debug << "prev_line_length " << prev_line_length << " is less than caret_pos_in_line " <<
caret_pos_in_line << ", so caret_position is " << caret_position << "\n";
// Previous line is longer than current, so caret should offset from prev_line_beginning the exact same distance as in current line
caret_position = prev_line_start + caret_pos_in_line;
debug << "prev_line_length " << prev_line_length << " is greater than caret_pos_in_line " <<
caret_pos_in_line << ", so caret_position is set to " << caret_position << "\n";
case down:
u64 current_line_end = text.find("\n", caret_position);
if (current_line_end == std::string::npos)
// This is the last line, so caret moves to the very end
caret_position = text.length();
debug << "current_line_end is 'npos', caret_position set to " << text.length() << "\n";
// move to the last character of the current line
current_line_end -= 1;
debug << "current_line_end is " << current_line_end << "\n";
u64 current_line_start = text.rfind("\n", current_line_end);
if (current_line_start == std::string::npos)
// if current line is the first one - there is no '\n' before it, so line starts from index 0
current_line_start = 0;
debug << "current_line_start is 'npos', caret_position set to 0\n";
// if line is not first, than '\n' was found and caret should ignore \n
current_line_start += 1;
debug << "current_line_start is " << current_line_start << "\n";
const u64 caret_pos_in_line = caret_position - current_line_start;
debug << "caret_pos_in_line is " << caret_pos_in_line << "\n";
const u64 next_line_start = current_line_end + 2; // ignore last char and \n
debug << "next_line_start is " << next_line_start << "\n";
u64 next_line_end = text.find("\n", next_line_start);
if (next_line_end == std::string::npos)
// if next line is the last line, there is no '\n' at the end, so we check 'find' result
next_line_end = text.length() - 1;
debug << "next_line_end is 'npos', next_line_end set to " << next_line_end << "\n";
next_line_end -= 1; // move to the last char in the line
debug << "next_line_end is " << next_line_end << "\n";
const u64 next_line_length = next_line_end - next_line_start + 1;
debug << "next_line_length is " << next_line_length << "\n";
// TODO : Save caret position to some kind of buffer, so after switching back and forward, caret would be on initial position
if (next_line_length < caret_pos_in_line)
// Next line is shorter than current caret position, so caret moves to the very end of the next line
caret_position = next_line_end + 1;
debug << "next_line_length " << next_line_length << " is less than caret_pos_in_line " <<
caret_pos_in_line << ", so caret_position is " << caret_position << "\n";
// Next line is longer than current, so caret should offset from next_line_start the exact same distance as in current line
caret_position = next_line_start + caret_pos_in_line;
debug << "next_line_length " << next_line_length << " is greater than caret_pos_in_line " <<
caret_pos_in_line << ", so caret_position is set to " << caret_position << "\n";
return caret_position;
void print_state(size_t pos)
static const size_t size = text.size();
const auto cursor = std::min(pos * 2, text_big.size());
auto textboard = text_big;
textboard[cursor] = '|';
std::cout << debug.str() << "\n";
std::cout << "New pos = " << pos << " = ";
if (pos > size) std::cout << "out of bounds";
else if (pos == size) std::cout << "end";
else if (pos < size && == '\n') std::cout << "newline";
else std::cout <<;
std::cout << "\n\n\n";
std::cout << textboard;
std::cout << "\n\n\n";
std::cout << "Enter Direction (wasd): ";
direction get_dir(const std::string& key)
if (key == "w") return direction::up;
if (key == "a") return direction::left;
if (key == "s") return direction::down;
if (key == "d") return direction::right;
return direction::invalid;
int main()
size_t pos = 0;
while (true)
// Get new input from console
std::string cmd;
getline(std::cin, cmd);
// Convert input to direction
const auto dir = get_dir(cmd);
if (dir == direction::invalid)
// Get new position
pos = get_pos(dir, pos);
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