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Last active June 10, 2020 23:47
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public class Graph
public class Connection
public Node n1;
public Node n2;
public int Distance { get; set; }
public Connection(Node n1, Node n2)
this.n1 = n1;
this.n2 = n2;
public class Node
public int F { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsSource { get; set; }
public Node Parent { get; set; }
public Node(bool isSource)
IsSource = isSource;
private List<Node> Nodes;
private List<Connection> Connections;
public Graph()
Nodes = new List<Node>();
Connections = new List<Connection>();
public void AddNode(Node node)
public void AddConnection(Connection conn)
public bool WidthSearch(Node start, Node finish)
List<Node> testQueue = new List<Node>();
List<Node> looked = new List<Node>();
while (testQueue.Count > 0)
var node = testQueue[0];
if (node == finish)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < Connections.Count; i++)
if (Connections[i].n1 == node)
if (!looked.Contains(Connections[i].n2))
if (Connections[i].n2 == node)
if (!looked.Contains(Connections[i].n1))
return false;
List<Connection> GetFor(Node n)
List<Connection> connections = new List<Connection>();
for (int i = 0; i < Connections.Count; i++)
if (Connections[i].n1 == n)
else if (Connections[i].n2 == n)
var conn = new Connection(Connections[i].n2, Connections[i].n1);
conn.Distance = Connections[i].Distance;
return connections;
public int AStar(Node start, Node goal)
List<Node> u = new List<Node>();
List<Node> q = new List<Node>();
start.F = 0;
while (q.Count > 0)
Node current = q.OrderByDescending(n => n.F).First();
if (current == goal)
return goal.F;
foreach (var v in GetFor(current))
int tentativeScore = current.F + v.Distance;
if (u.Contains(v.n2) && tentativeScore >= v.n2.F)
if (!u.Contains(v.n2) || tentativeScore < v.n2.F)
v.n2.Parent = current;
v.n2.F = tentativeScore;
if (!q.Contains(v.n2))
return -1;
public static void Tttt()
// создание узлов
var graph = new Graph();
graph.Nodes.Add(new Node(true));
graph.Nodes.Last().Name = "1";
graph.Nodes.Add(new Node(false));
graph.Nodes.Last().Name = "2";
graph.Nodes.Add(new Node(false));
graph.Nodes.Last().Name = "3";
// создание соединений
graph.Connections.Add(new Connection(graph.Nodes[0], graph.Nodes[1]));
graph.Connections.Last().Distance = 10;
graph.Connections.Add(new Connection(graph.Nodes[0], graph.Nodes[2]));
graph.Connections.Last().Distance = 20;
// Разделение на фабрики и производители
List<Node> processors = graph.Nodes.Where(n => !n.IsSource).ToList();
List<Node> sources = graph.Nodes.Where(n => n.IsSource).ToList();
// список расстояний от каждой фабрики до ближайшего источника
List<int> distances = new List<int>();
// для каждой фабрики ищем ближайший источник
foreach (var processor in processors)
int shortestDist = int.MaxValue;
foreach (var source in sources)
// вызываем поиск в графе A*
int currentDistance = graph.AStar(processor, source);
if (currentDistance < shortestDist)
shortestDist = currentDistance;
int k = 1; // количество элементов к удалению
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
var minimum_index = distances.IndexOf(distances.Max()); // находим индекс минимума
Console.WriteLine("We delete '{0}' node, with distance {1} to closest source", processors[minimum_index].Name,
// выводим все оставшиеся фабрики
foreach (var processor in processors)
// Вывод оставшихся
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' processor left", processor.Name);
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