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Last active July 23, 2020 12:55
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Processing build instructions

Building Processing

Processing's ant-based build chain can create executables natively runnable for Linux, Mac, and Windows. Before continuing, please be aware that you are agreeing to the license terms and that the developers do not make any guarantee or warranty (implicit or express) for any purpose.


Although Processing will download and use its own copy of OpenJDK and OpenJFX, the build chain itself requires Java 11+ and Ant in addition to getting a copy of the Processing source code.

Getting Java and Ant
You can choose to install these yourself or use the following guides below:

Getting Processing
One will also need to clone the repository for Processing itself. Some users who are simply building Processing but not contributing to it may prefer a "shallow" clone which does not copy the full history of the repository:

git clone --depth 1

Users that are developing for the project may require a full clone:

git clone


One can either build for your own operating system (the "host" operating system) or, starting with Processing 4, one can "cross-build" from a host nix system (linux or mac) to any other "target os" build.

Overview of steps
Before actually building, it is worth outlining the steps of the build process briefly:

  • The modules outside of build are built first. During this process, a number of automated unit tests will be executed with results displayed on the command line.
  • The build module itself will built and results will go into build/{os}/work where {os} is the operating system for which you are building like "windows". Note that both ARM and x64 builds go into the same OS directory.
  • During the build of build, the OpenJDK and OpenJFX will be downloaded with their binaries copied into the distribution. If building for the first time, these automated downloads from AdoptOpenJDK and Gluon may take some time.

Note that one may need to "clean" via ant linux-clean or equivalent.

Building for the "host" operating system
If building for your own system, navigate to where where you pulled the Processing source and execute ant build on the command line.

$ cd [path to processing repository]
$ cd build
$ ant build

The results will go into build/{os}/work where {os} matches the "host" operating system.

Executing a "cross-build"
If building for another operating system (if you are on Linux and want to build for Windows), there are a number of "cross-build" targets available. Note that one can only execute "cross-builds" on a *nix system (Linux or Mac) but "cross-builds" are available for all targeted operating systems.

For example, here is how to execute a cross-build "targeting" Windows (the results will go into build/windows/work):

$ cd [path to processing repository]
$ cd build
$ ant cross-build-windows

The following cross-build targets are available:

  • cross-build-macosx
  • cross-build-linux-x64
  • cross-build-linux-aarch64
  • cross-build-windows


The build can be run directly or through Ant.

Executing via Ant
If built for the host operating system, one can use the ant run target as shown below:

$ cd [path to processing repository]
$ cd build
$ ant run

If not yet built, this will cause Processing to be built prior to running.

Using Executable Directly
Regardless of if cross-building, there are executables generated that can be run directly on the target operating system:

  • Mac: the .app file can be executed via a double click at build/macosx/work/ or $ open build/macosx/work/
  • Linux: The resulting executable ends up at build/linux/work/processing.
  • Windows: The resulting executable ends up at build/windows/work/processing.exe.


A number of targets are provided for distribution of executables. If the executable is not yet built, it will be created prior to running the dist target.

Available targets:

  • macosx-dist
  • windows-dist
  • linux-dist

One can also use ant dist to distribute for the host OS.


For the host system, one can distribute like so:

$ cd [path to processing repository]
$ cd build
$ ant dist

From a nix system, one can cross-build and distribute for linux like so:

$ cd [path to processing repository]
$ cd build
$ ant linux-dist

Regardless, the distributable ends up in build/{os}/work where {os} is the target OS.

Code Signing
At present, only Mac builds require code signing to avoid an "App Gateway" issue. This is not executed by default by ant dist or ant macosx-dist. One can sign the resulting .app file though via:

$ /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign "Developer ID Application: Certificate Common Name"
$ /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign "Developer ID Application: Certificate Common Name"

Note that one will need to complete the jdk-... string to be something like jdk-11.0.1+13 depending on the build. Anyway, this will require an Apple Developer ID.

This is not strictly required especially if you are using your own app build.

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Thanks so much @hamoid!

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suyashcjoshi commented May 2, 2020

Hey, I"m trying to build Processing 4 by running ant clean on the Build folder however it's stuck at :

[downloader] Downloading from
[downloader] Downloading /Users/sj/Code/Creative Coding/processing4/build/macosx/jdk-11.0.6.tgz from

I don't want to re-download JDK 11 and JavaFX as I already have them locally in separate location on my Mac. How can I easily fix this ant file in order to use the local version ? This is very painful process. Thank you for your help.

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