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Last active August 20, 2020 04:22
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babyROCA - Hackers Playground SSTF
M = 136798100663240822199584482903026244896116416344106704058806838213895795474149605111042853590
primes = [2]
for x in range(1201):
sice = []
for x in primes:
if M % x == 0:
M_ = 1
for i in range(len(sice)):
M_ *= sice[i]
if M % M_ != 0:
o_ = Mod(65537, M_).multiplicative_order()
print(o_, log(M_, 2).n(), M_)
# Pick Low Order and log(M_) > log(N)/4
import time
def coppersmith_howgrave_univariate(pol, modulus, beta, mm, tt, XX):
Coppersmith revisited by Howgrave-Graham
finds a solution if:
* b|modulus, b >= modulus^beta , 0 < beta <= 1
* |x| < XX
# init
dd =
nn = dd * mm + tt
# checks
if not 0 < beta <= 1:
raise ValueError("beta should belongs in (0, 1]")
if not pol.is_monic():
raise ArithmeticError("Polynomial must be monic.")
# calculate bounds and display them
* we want to find g(x) such that ||g(xX)|| <= b^m / sqrt(n)
* we know LLL will give us a short vector v such that:
||v|| <= 2^((n - 1)/4) * det(L)^(1/n)
* we will use that vector as a coefficient vector for our g(x)
* so we want to satisfy:
2^((n - 1)/4) * det(L)^(1/n) < N^(beta*m) / sqrt(n)
so we can obtain ||v|| < N^(beta*m) / sqrt(n) <= b^m / sqrt(n)
(it's important to use N because we might not know b)
# Coppersmith revisited algo for univariate
# change ring of pol and x
polZ = pol.change_ring(ZZ)
x = polZ.parent().gen()
# compute polynomials
gg = []
for ii in range(mm):
for jj in range(dd):
gg.append((x * XX)**jj * modulus**(mm - ii) * polZ(x * XX)**ii)
for ii in range(tt):
gg.append((x * XX)**ii * polZ(x * XX)**mm)
# construct lattice B
BB = Matrix(ZZ, nn)
for ii in range(nn):
for jj in range(ii+1):
BB[ii, jj] = gg[ii][jj]
# transform shortest vector in polynomial
new_pol = 0
for ii in range(nn):
new_pol += x**ii * BB[0, ii] / XX**ii
# factor polynomial
potential_roots = new_pol.roots()
#print "potential roots:", potential_roots
# test roots
roots = []
for root in potential_roots:
if root[0].is_integer():
return roots
N = 1172182071079403612819460591410436801254598455663212814122676976455521772943555586683995840410187689112480076452984704299817334381387842689748983063082229411869124571739688203711476164271691372368112347398301683214529319606705993490175490698699529245499839
M = 136798100663240822199584482903026244896116416344106704058806838213895795474149605111042853590
M_ = 51693683179068137641702024930559289580874279697128737964619897244540414690590
m = 5
t = 6
c = discrete_log(Mod(N, M), Mod(65537, M))
c_ = discrete_log(Mod(N, M_), Mod(65537, M_))
o = Mod(65537, M).multiplicative_order()
o_ = Mod(65537, M_).multiplicative_order()
print(Integer(c_/2), Integer(floor((c_+o_)/2 + 1)))
for a in range((c_+o_)//2 + 1, c_//2 - 1, -1):
if a % 100 == 0:
P.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(N))
f = x + inverse_mod(M_,N) * Integer(pow(65537,a,M_))
B = 0.5
X = ceil(2*N^B/M_)
k = coppersmith_howgrave_univariate(f, N, B, m, t, X)
if len(k) > 0:
p = k[0]*M_+ Integer(pow(65537,a,M_))
if N%p == 0:
print(p, N/p)
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