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Last active November 27, 2016 08:55
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The God Function
* This code will run as is in desktop versions of Chrome. Download and enjoy.
* Inspired by truth and beauty ;)
body {
.instance {
.container, .container svg {width:1400px; height:600px;}
.inverse svg{transform:rotate(180deg); filter:invert(100%)}
<div class="container">
<svg id="yin">
<path class="instance" id="u1" d="" style="stroke:green" />
<path class="instance" id="u2" d="" style="stroke:blue" />
<path class="instance" id="u3" d="" style="stroke:red" />
<div class="container inverse" style="margin-top:-25px;">
<svg id="yang">
var flip = function(qubit) {
return (qubit[0] ? [false, true] : [true, false])
//This is why you shouldn't give a fuck about the outcome of your decisions...
//and also why you should ;)
var resolve = function(qubit) {
//randomly flip a qubit as if collapsing the wave function
if (Math.random() < 0.5)
return qubit
return flip(qubit)
var getPathSegment = function(cmd, x, y) {
return cmd+x.toString()+","+y.toString()+" "
//Rendering options
var opts = {
maxLayers: 15,
baseLength: 20,
cTrue: 1.2,
cFalse: 0.8,
angle: 20,
direction: "up"
//Globals... Someone else can refactor this, I'm going to bed now
var rootValue = [true, false]
var tree= {}
var svgPath = ""
var init=function() {
tree.root= {value: resolve(rootValue), coords:{x: 700, y: 600, distance: opts.baseLength}}
svgPath= getPathSegment("M", tree.root.coords.x, tree.root.coords.y)
//Gets the co-ordinates for a child node, based on its attributes and those of its parents
var getCoords = function(parentCoords, direction, outcome) {
//The length of the line to draw
var newDistance = parentCoords.distance * (outcome[0] ? opts.cTrue: opts.cFalse)
//dX and dY from current position
var radians = opts.angle * (Math.PI/180)
var dY = newDistance * Math.sin(radians)
var dX = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(newDistance, 2) - Math.pow(dY, 2))
if (direction == "left")
dX = dX * -1
if (opts.direction == "up")
dY = dY * -1
return {x: parentCoords.x + dX,
y: parentCoords.y + dY,
distance: newDistance }
//Initialize the SVG path string that is going to draw the fractal, using a straight line for the trunk
var generateFractal= function (node, currentLayer) {
//console.log("layer: "+currentLayer)
if (currentLayer >= opts.maxLayers)
//Resolve the node's value and create the child nodes
var outcome = resolve(node.value)
node.left = {value: outcome,
coords: getCoords(node.coords, "left", outcome) }
node.right = {value: flip(outcome),
coords: getCoords(node.coords, "right", flip(outcome))}
//Draw the lines
svgPath += getPathSegment("M", node.coords.x, node.coords.y)
svgPath += getPathSegment("L", node.left.coords.x, node.left.coords.y)
svgPath += getPathSegment("M", node.coords.x, node.coords.y)
svgPath += getPathSegment("L", node.right.coords.x, node.right.coords.y)
//Generate the next layer of the tree
generateFractal(node.left, currentLayer+1)
generateFractal(node.right, currentLayer+1)
var render = function(targetElement) {
generateFractal(tree.root, 0)
//res.end(JSON.stringify(tree, null, 4))
document.querySelector(targetElement).setAttribute("d", svgPath)
for (var i = 1; i<= 3; i++ ) {
document.querySelector("#yang").innerHTML = document.querySelector("#yin").innerHTML;
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