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Created October 17, 2017 09:51
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import {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {ArtworkService} from './artwork.service';
import * as path from 'path';
import {remote} from 'electron';
//import * as child from 'child_process';
import * as ChildProcess from 'child_process';
//import {spawn} from 'child_process';
import {shell} from 'electron';
//import * as et from 'electron';
//const child = remote.require('child_process');
//let fs = require('fs');
//import {fileExists} from 'ts-node/dist';
//import {ConfigManager} from '../../../main-process/config/config.manager';
//import {ConfigFactory} from '../../../main-process/config/config.factory';
const testFilename = '/flixDev/flix-6a-client/0001g.jpg';
const testFilenames: string[] = ['testfile.jpg', 'testFile2.jpg', 'testFile3.jpg', '/flixDev/flix-6a-client/0001g.jpg'];
let artworkService: ArtworkService;
fdescribe('Artwork Service', specDefinition);
function specDefinition() {
it('should be given an existing file', testFileExists);
// it('should have viewed a set of files', viewFiles);
// it('should have edited a set of files', editFiles);
// it('should use electron code', electronTest);
it('should spawn', testSpawn);
function setup() {
providers: [
// ,ConfigManager
artworkService = TestBed.get(ArtworkService)
function testFileExists() {
const exists = artworkService.artworkExists(testFilename);
shell.openExternal(testFilename, {activate: true}, (error) => {
console.log('openExternal:', error)
//function viewFiles() {
// spyOn(artworkService, 'artworkExists').and.callFake((fileName) => true);
// artworkService.viewArtwork(testFilenames);
// expect(artworkService.fileCount).toBe(testFilenames.length);
// expect(artworkService.failedCount).toBe(0);
function testSpawn() {
// const p = ChildProcess.spawn('/Applications/', [testFilename]);
// p.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
// console.log('testSpawn:', data);
// });
function editFiles() {
spyOn(artworkService, 'artworkExists').and.callFake((fileName) => true);
function electronTest() {
const fs = remote.require('fs');
console.log('electronTest:', fs.existsSync(testFilename));
console.log('electronTest:', path.isAbsolute(testFilename));
// console.log('electronTest:', fs.exists(testFilename, (x) => {
// console.log('electronTest.fs.stat:', x);
// }))
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