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Last active September 26, 2017 16:02
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package main
import (
type Vector2D struct {
x int
y int
type TileMap struct {
width int
height int
tiles []int
seed int64
fillPercentage int
const (
tileWall int = 1
tileEmpty int = 0
// String will return our map as astring for debugging purposes. This can be printed
// to the cli output
func (t *TileMap) String() string {
str := ""
for i, val := range t.tiles {
str = str + strconv.Itoa(val) + " "
if (i+1)%t.width == 0 {
str = str + "\n"
return str
// generateTiles will generate the walls for the tile map
func (t *TileMap) generateTiles() {
for i := 0; i < len(t.tiles); i++ {
t.tiles[i] = tileEmpty
tiles := t.getRegionTiles(15, 15)
// seed will set the seed value for a PRNG
func (t *TileMap) setSeed() {
if t.seed == 0 {
t.seed = time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()
func (t *TileMap) tileFinder(ch chan Vector2D, done chan bool) {
chicken := 0
for {
select {
case pos := <-ch:
ch <- pos
if chicken > 100 {
done <- true
func (t *TileMap) getRegionTiles(x int, y int) (tiles []Vector2D) {
ch := make(chan Vector2D, 10)
done := make(chan bool)
go t.tileFinder(ch, done)
ch <- Vector2D{x, y}
// block until the done channel is triggered
return tiles
// RandomFillMap will fill the map with random walls. We only set a wall if the
// prng is within our fillPercentage value
func (t *TileMap) randomFillMap() {
for i := 0; i < len(t.tiles); i++ {
r := rand.Intn(100)
x, y := t.getPosAtIndex(i)
if x == 0 || x == t.width-1 || y == 0 || y == t.height-1 {
t.tiles[i] = tileWall
} else {
if r < t.fillPercentage {
t.tiles[i] = tileWall
// SmoothMap will iteratively smooth the map. we simple check for the amount of walls
// nearby to decide whether we should smooth to walls or floors.
func (t *TileMap) smoothMap(iterations int) {
for k := 0; k < iterations; k++ {
for i := 0; i < len(t.tiles); i++ {
x, y := t.getPosAtIndex(i)
walls := t.calcWallCount(x, y)
if walls > 4 {
t.tiles[t.getIndexAtPosition(x, y)] = tileWall
} else if walls < 4 {
t.tiles[t.getIndexAtPosition(x, y)] = tileEmpty
// GetIndexAtPosition will get the index into the tile array using the coords
func (t *TileMap) getIndexAtPosition(x int, y int) int {
return x + (y * t.height)
// GetValueAtPosition will get the value of the tile at the given position
func (t *TileMap) getValueAtPosition(x int, y int) int {
return t.tiles[t.getIndexAtPosition(x, y)]
// GetPosAtIndex will get the x y positon at the given index
func (t *TileMap) getPosAtIndex(i int) (x int, y int) {
y = i % t.width
x = i / t.width
return x, y
func (t *TileMap) isInMapRange(x int, y int) bool {
return (x >= 0 && x < t.width && y >= 0 && y < t.height)
// calcWallCount calculates how many walls are nearby the coords
func (t *TileMap) calcWallCount(x int, y int) (numWalls int) {
numWalls = 0
for nX := x - 1; nX <= x+1; nX++ {
for nY := y - 1; nY <= y+1; nY++ {
if t.isInMapRange(nX, nY) {
if nX != x || nY != y {
v := t.getValueAtPosition(nX, nY)
numWalls += v
} else {
return numWalls
// NewMap will create a new tile map and return it
func NewMap(w int, h int, s int64, fp int) *TileMap {
tm := &TileMap{
width: w,
height: h,
tiles: make([]int, w*h),
seed: s,
fillPercentage: fp,
return tm
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