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Last active May 15, 2019 22:01
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An more advanced example of using screen.

sudo apt install screen

PART 1 Running a big process in the cloud

1) ssh into server (or practice locally first)

2) start screen

$ screen

# press return to get back to terminal

3) run a command

$ htop

4) create a new screen

Ctrl+a c

4) run another command

$ echo 'running my big process here..'

5) split the screen (vertically)

Ctrl+a |

6) move cursor between split screens

Ctrl+a Tab

7) move to next screen

Ctrl+a n

8) detach from screen and let commands keep running

Ctrl+a d

9) disconnect from server


PART 2 Reconnecting to the process

1) re-connect by ssh

2) list screens

screen -ls

3) re-attach to screen

screen -r {id}

# {id} only required if you ran the screen command multiple times

4) check out your screens

Ctrl+a n

5) exit the screens


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