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Created January 31, 2018 16:29
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Plays the "linear" version of Solitaire
type Card = (Int, Int)
type Deck = [Card]
type Hand = [Card]
collase_one :: Hand -> Hand
collase_one ((_, ra) : _ : _ : (_, rb) : rest) | ra == rb = rest
collase_one (a@(sa, _) : _ : _ : b@(sb, _) : rest) | sa == sb = [a, b] ++ rest
collase_one t = t
collape_all :: Hand -> Hand
collape_all = until (\d -> (collase_one d) == d) collase_one
play :: (Deck, Hand) -> [(Deck, Hand)]
play s@([], _) = [s]
play s@(deck, hand) = s : play (tail deck, collape_all $ head deck : hand)
score :: Deck -> Int
score deck = length . snd . last $ play (deck, [])
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