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Created October 3, 2021 20:53
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(De)Activating GameObjects
Here is a bonus Unity example for 2D Game Design F21. Let me know what else you need!
Activate another GameObject on Start example: ShowOnStart.cs
Deactivate this GameObject on action (press space) example: HideOnAction.cs
Example Unity Project:
1. ShowOnStart requires the GameObject you want to activate deactivated in your scene (uncheck the top-left box in its Inspector)
2. ShowOnStart requires Another GameObject to activate it because scripts/components are also deactived when their GameObject is inactive
3. HideOnAction demonstrates by using a key press, but you can create a bool variable and then check to see if it is true to signal the action as well
// This sets this gameobject active
// This sets another gameobject (linked with a variable) incative
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class HideOnAction : MonoBehaviour
// You can set this to another key in the Inspector
public KeyCode hideKey = KeyCode.Space;
// Update is called once per frame
// Add any code here that needs to loop Constantly
void Update()
// Check to see if some condition is true...
if(Input.GetKeyUp(hideKey) == true)
// ... then hide this gameObject by deactivating it
/* Why isn't my code running once I deactivate this gameobject?
* Scripts and other components will also be deactivated
/* Why gameObject and not GameObject?
* gameObject refers to This One while GameObject means the entire class of gameobjects
/* What if I want something else to trigger this to deactivate?
* Use a bool variable and do something to eventually set that true
* Replace the input condition in if() to check your variable like if(gameOver == true)
* */
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class ShowOnStart : MonoBehaviour
// Link to the gameobject in your scene
public GameObject activateThisOne;
// Start is called before the first frame update
// Put any code in here that you want to run Just Once when your scene starts
void Start()
// To set this gameobject active...
/* Why can't you just put this directly on the gameobject itself?
* When a gameobject is inactive, it's scripts are also inactive
/* Why might you do this instead of just keeping the active box checked in the Inspector?
* Sometimes having something always active in your Scene View can make things cluttered
* Sometimes we want something to happen when we spawn (instantiate) clones of a prefab
/* Why am I getting a NullReferenceError?
* You forgot to set the public GameObject variable in the Inspector
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