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Last active April 1, 2021 15:59
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A UILabel subclass that detects and attempts to fix intrinsicContentSize bugs in UILabel on iOS 11
import UIKit
/// A UILabel subclass that detects and attempts to fix intrinsicContentSize bugs in UILabel
class iOS11CompatibleLabel: UILabel {
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
// First attempt at a fix...
// All UILabels that misbehave have numberOfLines==0 and preferredMaxLayoutWidth=0
// but all UILabels that have these two properties as 0 do not necessarily misbehave
// So this fix worked, but modified the label unecessarily some of the time
// Note that on subsequent passes, UIKit sets preferredMaxLayoutWidth to a non-zero value, presumably to iterate onto the correct height for the label.
// let shouldAdjustNumberOfLines = self.label.numberOfLines == 0 && self.label.preferredMaxLayoutWidth == 0
// Second attempt at a fix...
// This is a little more hacky but doesn't have any false positives as the above attempt does
guard super.intrinsicContentSize.width > 1000000000.0 else {
return super.intrinsicContentSize
var count = 0
if let text = self.text {
text.enumerateLines {(_, _) in
count += 1
} else {
count = 1
let oldNumberOfLines = self.numberOfLines
self.numberOfLines = count
let size = super.intrinsicContentSize
self.numberOfLines = oldNumberOfLines
return size
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You are just a life saver after 6 hours of struggle. Thank you very very much

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No worries! Just a headsup - I think we had to reduce from 1000000000.0 at some point (a newer version of iOS seemed to use a lower number)

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