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Created July 19, 2024 18:48
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Open Telemetry log sampler
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using OpenTelemetry;
using OpenTelemetry.Logs;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript.JSType;
public class TraceBasedLogSamplingProcessor : BaseProcessor<LogRecord>
private readonly bool waitForFirstTraceEntry;
private readonly LogLevel alwaysPassLogLevel;
private readonly Func<LogRecord, bool> shouldLogRecord;
private bool firstTraceEntryReceived = false;
/// <summary>
/// Processor that will sample log records based on the presence of a TraceId, and emit those records based on the Activity.Recorded flag.
/// All log messages without a TraceId will be emitted
/// </summary>
/// <param name="AlwaysPassLogLevel">Will emit all log messages at this level or greater, regardless of the trace status</param>
/// <returns>A TraceBasedLogSamplingProcessor instance</returns>
public static TraceBasedLogSamplingProcessor PassAllLogRecordsWithoutTraceId(LogLevel AlwaysPassLogLevel = LogLevel.Critical)
return new TraceBasedLogSamplingProcessor(true, AlwaysPassLogLevel, (data) => true);
/// <summary>
/// Processor that will sample log records based on the presence of a TraceId, and emit those records based on the Activity.Recorded flag.
/// Log messages without a TraceId will be sampled at the specified rate
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rate">A value > 0 and < 1 to represent the sample rate. A value of 0.2 will emit 20% of the log records without a TraceId</param>
/// <param name="WaitForFirstTraceEntry">When true, it will emit all log messages during startup until the first entry associated with a TraceId is seen</param>
/// <param name="AlwaysPassLogLevel">Will emit all log messages at this level or greater, regardless of the trace status</param>
/// <returns>A TraceBasedLogSamplingProcessor instance</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Occurs if the rate isn't between 0 and 1</exception>
public static TraceBasedLogSamplingProcessor FixedRateLogRecordsWithoutTraceId(double rate, bool WaitForFirstTraceEntry = true, LogLevel AlwaysPassLogLevel = LogLevel.Critical)
if (rate < 0 || rate > 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(rate), "Value must be between 0 and 1"); }
var random = new Random();
return new TraceBasedLogSamplingProcessor(WaitForFirstTraceEntry, AlwaysPassLogLevel, (data) => (random.NextDouble() > 1 - rate));
/// <summary>
/// Logger that will sample log records based on the presence of a trace id, and emit those records based on the Activity.Recorded flag.
/// Log messages without a trace id will be rate limited to the specified rate
/// </summary>
/// <param name="MaxRecordsPerSecond">The max number of log messages without a Trace that should be emitted</param>
/// <param name="WaitForFirstTraceEntry">When true, it will emit all log messages during startup until the first entry associated with a TraceId is seen</param>
/// <param name="AlwaysPassLogLevel">Will emit all log messages at this level or greater, regardless of the trace status</param>
/// <returns>A TraceBasedLogSamplingProcessor instance</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Occurs if the rate &lt; 0</exception>
public static TraceBasedLogSamplingProcessor RateLimitedLogRecordsWithoutTraceId(double MaxRecordsPerSecond, bool WaitForFirstTraceEntry = true, LogLevel AlwaysPassLogLevel = LogLevel.Critical)
if (MaxRecordsPerSecond < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(MaxRecordsPerSecond), "Value must be greater than 0"); }
double maxBalance = MaxRecordsPerSecond < 1.0 ? 1.0 : MaxRecordsPerSecond;
var rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(MaxRecordsPerSecond, maxBalance);
return new TraceBasedLogSamplingProcessor(WaitForFirstTraceEntry, AlwaysPassLogLevel, (data) => (rateLimiter.TrySpend(1.0)));
public TraceBasedLogSamplingProcessor(bool WaitForFirstTraceEntry, LogLevel AlwaysPassLogLevel, Func<LogRecord, bool> ShouldLogRecord)
this.waitForFirstTraceEntry = WaitForFirstTraceEntry;
this.alwaysPassLogLevel = AlwaysPassLogLevel;
this.shouldLogRecord = ShouldLogRecord;
public override void OnEnd(LogRecord data)
// If the log level is None, we don't want to do anything as they should not be emitted
if (data.LogLevel == LogLevel.None) return;
// Don't filter logs that are at or above the alwaysPassLogLevel
if (data.LogLevel >= alwaysPassLogLevel) return;
// If the span id is default, we are not in a trace
if (data.SpanId == default)
if (waitForFirstTraceEntry && !firstTraceEntryReceived)
if (shouldLogRecord(data))
firstTraceEntryReceived = true;
if (data.TraceFlags.HasFlag(ActivityTraceFlags.Recorded))
data.LogLevel = LogLevel.None;
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Proposal for a head-based log sampler that exhibits the following behaviors:

  • Sampler that will filter log messages based on the presence of an associated TraceId
    • If there is a TraceId then follow its Recorded property
      • This would result in traces that are emitted all having their corresponding logs.
      • Logs for traces that are not being emitted would be dropped
    • For logs not associated with a TraceId then optionally:
      • Include them all
      • Sample them with a fixed rate - eg 20% get emitted
      • Sample them with a rate limit - eg 5 logs would be emitted per second, the rest would be dropped  
  • Option to not sample any log messages of a specific level, such as Critical -
  • Option to not sample any log messages until log messages with a TraceId are seen. This should ensure that startup messages are not sampled.

This was written for the OTel processor API, assuming that setting a log level to None will filter it. But that doesn't work as the level is assessed before calling the processors and is not looked at again.

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