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Created July 24, 2014 19:03
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#lang typed/racket
The paint-by-numbers-canavas% class accepts two initalization
arguments. They must be lists of lists of numbers and they must be the
same length. paint-by-numbers-canvas% objects accepts four methods:
set-rect : (int int (union 'on 'off 'unknown) -> void)
Sets the grid point specified by the first two arguments to the third.
The coordinates are from the top-left and the x coordinate comes first.
get-rect : (int int -> (union 'on 'off 'unknown))
Gets the value of the grid at the coordinates specified by the two integers
paint-rect : (int int -> void)
Draws the rectangle specified by the arguments.
Call this after calling set-rect to see the changes updated on the screen.
get-grid : (-> (list-of (list-of (union 'on 'off 'unknown 'wrong))))
Returns the current state of the entire board as a list of lists.
set-grid : ((vector-of (vector-of (union 'on 'off 'unknown 'wrong)))-> void)
Sets the state of the board. No drawing takes place
on-paint : (-> void)
Redraws the entire canvas. May be used if many rects were set.
all-unknown : (-> void)
Sets all board positions to 'unknown
close-up : (-> void)
call when canvas is closed.
See the bottom of this file for the creation of a file and a test
paint by numbers.
(require typed/racket/gui
(provide paint-by-numbers-canvas%
(: UNKNOWN-BRUSH : (Instance Brush%))
(define UNKNOWN-BRUSH (assert (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "DARK GRAY" 'solid)))
(: ON-BRUSH : (Instance Brush%))
(define ON-BRUSH (assert (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "BLUE" 'solid)))
(: OFF-BRUSH : (Instance Brush%))
(define OFF-BRUSH (assert (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "WHITE" 'solid)))
(: WRONG-BRUSH : (Instance Brush%))
(define WRONG-BRUSH (assert (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "RED" 'solid)))
(define LINES/NUMBERS-PEN (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "BLACK" 1 'solid))
(define BLACK-PEN (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "BLACK" 1 'solid))
(define WHITE-PEN (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "WHITE" 1 'solid))
(: WHITE-BRUSH : (Instance Brush%))
(define WHITE-BRUSH (assert (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "WHITE" 'solid)))
(define BAR-PEN (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "SALMON" 1 'solid))
(define BAR-BRUSH (assert (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "SALMON" 'solid)))
(define-struct: ado ([x : Integer] [y : Integer] [before : (Instance Brush%)] [after : (Instance Brush%)]))
(define-struct: pt ([x : Integer] [y : Integer]))
#| == define types == |#
(define-type brush-sym (U 'unknown 'off 'on 'wrong))
(provide brush-sym)
(define-type history (U Null (Listof ado)))
(define-type highlight (U #f Integer))
(define-type pt/f (U pt #f))
(define-type Paint-By-Numbers-Canvas%
(Class #:implements Canvas%
(init-field [row-numbers (Listof (Listof Integer))]
[col-numbers (Listof (Listof Integer))])
(init [parent (Instance Area-Container<%>)] ; FIXME
[style (Listof (U 'border 'control-border 'combo
'vscroll 'hscroll 'resize-corner
'gl 'no-autoclear 'transparent
'no-focus 'deleted))
[paint-callback ((Instance Canvas%) (Instance DC<%>) -> Any)
[label (Option String) #:optional]
[gl-config (Option Any) #:optional]
[enabled Any #:optional]
[vert-margin Natural #:optional]
[horiz-margin Natural #:optional]
[min-width (Option Natural) #:optional]
[min-height (Option Natural) #:optional]
[stretchable-width Any #:optional]
[stretchable-height Any #:optional])
[get-rect (-> Integer Integer brush-sym)]
[set-rect (-> Integer Integer brush-sym Void)]
[set-raw-rect (Integer Integer Integer -> Void)]
[set-grid ((Listof (Listof brush-sym)) -> Void)]
[get-col-numbers (-> (Listof (Listof Integer)))]
[get-max-col-entries (-> Integer)]
[draw-col-label (-> Integer Void)]
[get-row-numbers (-> (Listof (Listof Integer)))]
[draw-row-label (-> Integer Void)]
[calculate-row-margins (-> Void)]
[calculate-col-margins (-> Void)]
[update-min-spacing (-> Void)]
[get-grid (-> Any)]
[undo (-> Void)]
[redo (-> Void)]
[paint-rect (-> Void)]
[paint-rect/lines-numbers-pen (-> Void)]
(: paint-by-numbers-canvas% Paint-By-Numbers-Canvas%)
(define paint-by-numbers-canvas%
(class canvas%
(init-field [row-numbers : (Listof (Listof Integer))]
[col-numbers : (Listof (Listof Integer))])
(inherit get-dc get-client-size)
(: get-font (-> (Instance Font%)))
(define/private (get-font) (send (get-dc) get-font))
(: get-row-numbers (-> (Listof (Listof Integer))))
(define/public (get-row-numbers) row-numbers)
(: get-col-numbers (-> (Listof (Listof Integer))))
(define/public (get-col-numbers) col-numbers)
(: get-max-col-entries (-> Integer))
(define/public (get-max-col-entries)
(apply max (map (inst length Integer) (get-col-numbers))))
[define: extra-space-every : Integer 5]
[define: grid-x-size : Integer (length (get-col-numbers))]
[define: grid-y-size : Integer (length (get-row-numbers))]
[define: y-margin : Integer 1]
[define: x-margin : Integer 3]
[define: row-label-width : Integer 10]
[define: row-label-height : Integer 10]
[define: col-label-width : Real 10]
[define: col-label-height : Integer 10]
(: get-row-label-string ((Listof Integer) -> String))
[define/private (get-row-label-string l)
(if (null? l)
(let ([first (car l)]
[rest (cdr l)])
(apply string-append
(number->string first)
(map (lambda (x) (format " ~a" x)) rest))))]
(: get-col-label-strings ((Listof Integer) -> (Listof String)))
[define/private get-col-label-strings
(lambda (l)
(map number->string l))]
[define: grid : (Vectorof (Vectorof (Instance Brush%)))
(build-vector grid-x-size (lambda: ([i : Number]) (make-vector grid-y-size UNKNOWN-BRUSH)))]
(: get-string-height (String -> Real))
[define/private get-string-height
(lambda (s)
(let ([dc (get-dc)])
(let-values ([((width : Real) (height : Real)
(descent : Real) (ascent : Real))
(send dc get-text-extent s)])
(- height descent))))]
(: get-string-height/descent (String -> Real))
[define/private get-string-height/descent
(lambda (s)
(let ([dc (get-dc)])
(let-values ([((width : Real) (height : Real)
(descent : Real) (ascent : Real))
(send dc get-text-extent s)])
(: get-string-ascent (String -> Real))
[define/private get-string-ascent
(lambda (s)
(let ([dc (get-dc)])
(let-values ([((width : Real) (height : Real)
(descent : Real) (ascent : Real))
(send dc get-text-extent s)])
(: get-string-width (String -> Real))
[define/private get-string-width
(lambda (s)
(let ([dc (get-dc)])
(let-values ([((width : Real) (height : Real)
(descent : Real) (ascent : Real))
(send dc get-text-extent s)])
(: loc->string (Integer Integer -> String))
[define/private loc->string
(lambda (x y)
(format "(~a,~a)" x y))]
(: xy->grid (Integer Integer -> (U pt #f)))
[define/private xy->grid
(lambda (x y)
(let* ([grid-width (/ (- (get-canvas-width) row-label-width) grid-x-size)]
[grid-height (/ (- (get-canvas-height) col-label-height) grid-y-size)]
[xp : Integer (- x row-label-width)]
[yp : Integer (- y col-label-height)]
[x : Integer (inexact->exact (floor (/ xp grid-width)))]
[y : Integer (inexact->exact (floor (/ yp grid-height)))])
(if (and (<= 0 x)
(< x grid-x-size)
(<= 0 y)
(< y grid-y-size))
(make-pt x y)
(: grid->rect (Integer Integer -> (values Real Real Real Real)))
[define/private grid->rect
(lambda (x y)
(let* ([grid-width (- (get-canvas-width)
(quotient grid-x-size extra-space-every))]
[grid-height (- (get-canvas-height)
(quotient grid-y-size extra-space-every))]
[left (+ row-label-width
(quotient x extra-space-every)
(* x (/ grid-width grid-x-size)))]
[top (+ col-label-height
(quotient y extra-space-every)
(* y (/ grid-height grid-y-size)))]
[width (/ grid-width grid-x-size)]
[height (/ grid-height grid-y-size)])
(values left top width height)))]
(: get-canvas-width (-> Integer))
(define/private (get-canvas-width) (let-values ([(w h) (get-client-size)]) w))
(: get-canvas-height (-> Integer))
(define/private (get-canvas-height) (let-values ([(w h) (get-client-size)]) h))
[define: undo-history : history null]
[define: redo-history : history null]
(: do-do (ado (-> ado (Instance Brush%)) (-> ado (Instance Brush%)) -> Void))
[define/private do-do
(lambda (do current-sel new-sel)
(let* ([x (ado-x do)]
[y (ado-y do)]
[actual (get-raw-rect x y)]
[current (current-sel do)]
[new (new-sel do)]
(lambda ([brush : (Instance Brush%)])
(let ([color (send brush get-color)])
(list (send color red)
(send color green)
(send color blue))))])
(unless (eq? current actual)
(error 'do-do "expected ~a found ~a at (~a,~a)"
(color->val current)
(color->val actual)
x y))
(set-raw-rect x y new)
(paint-rect x y)))]
(: brush->symbol ((Instance Brush%) -> brush-sym))
[define/private brush->symbol
(lambda (res)
[(eq? res UNKNOWN-BRUSH) 'unknown]
[(eq? res OFF-BRUSH) 'off]
[(eq? res ON-BRUSH) 'on]
[(eq? res WRONG-BRUSH) 'wrong]
[else (error 'brush->symbol "wrong brush")]))]
(: sym->brush (brush-sym -> (Instance Brush%)))
[define/private sym->brush
(lambda (sym)
(case sym
[(unknown) UNKNOWN-BRUSH]
[(off) OFF-BRUSH]
[(on) ON-BRUSH]
[(wrong) WRONG-BRUSH]))]
(: in-rect? (pt pt pt -> Boolean))
[define/private in-rect?
(lambda (p cp1 cp2)
(or (and (<= (pt-x cp1) (pt-x p) (pt-x cp2))
(<= (pt-y cp1) (pt-y p) (pt-y cp2)))
(and (<= (pt-x cp2) (pt-x p) (pt-x cp1))
(<= (pt-y cp2) (pt-y p) (pt-y cp1)))))]
;; ((list-of (list-of (union 'unknown 'off 'on 'wrong))) -> void)
(: set-grid ((Listof (Listof brush-sym)) -> Void))
[define/public set-grid
(lambda (g)
(set! undo-history null)
(set! redo-history null)
(set! grid
(map (lambda: ([x : (Listof brush-sym)]) (list->vector (map (lambda: ([x : brush-sym]) (sym->brush x)) x)))
;; (-> (list-of (list-of (union 'unknown 'off 'on 'wrong))))
(: get-grid (-> (Listof (Listof brush-sym))))
[define/public get-grid
(lambda ()
(map (lambda: ([x : (Vectorof (Instance Brush%))]) (map (lambda: ([x : (Instance Brush%)]) (brush->symbol x)) (vector->list x)))
(vector->list grid)))]
;; (-> void)
(: undo (-> Void))
[define/public undo
(lambda ()
[(null? undo-history) (bell)]
(let ([do (car undo-history)])
(set! undo-history (cdr undo-history))
(set! redo-history (cons do redo-history))
(do-do do ado-after ado-before))]))]
;; (-> void)
(: redo (-> Void))
[define/public redo
(lambda ()
[(null? redo-history) (bell)]
(let ([do (car redo-history)])
(set! redo-history (cdr redo-history))
(set! undo-history (cons do undo-history))
(do-do do ado-before ado-after))]))]
(: paint-rect (Integer Integer -> Void))
[define/public paint-rect
(lambda (i j)
(send (get-dc) set-pen LINES/NUMBERS-PEN)
(paint-rect/lines-numbers-pen i j))]
;; (int int -> void)
(: paint-rect/lines-numbers-pen (Integer Integer -> Void))
[define/public paint-rect/lines-numbers-pen
(lambda (i j)
(let ([dc (get-dc)]
;; Change because these are mutable variables
[draw-small-start-p draw-small-start-p]
[draw-small-end-p draw-small-end-p])
(let-values ([((left : Real) (top : Real)
(width : Real) (height : Real)) (grid->rect i j)])
[(and draw-small-start-p
(in-rect? (make-pt i j)
(send dc set-pen WHITE-PEN)
(send dc set-brush WHITE-BRUSH)
(send dc draw-rectangle left top (cast width Nonnegative-Real)
(cast height Nonnegative-Real))
(let ([spacing 2])
(send dc set-pen LINES/NUMBERS-PEN)
(send dc set-brush (new-brush (get-raw-rect (pt-x draw-small-start-p)
(pt-y draw-small-start-p))
(send dc draw-rectangle
(+ left spacing)
(+ top spacing)
(cast (- width spacing spacing) Nonnegative-Real)
(cast (- height spacing spacing) Nonnegative-Real)))]
(send dc set-brush (get-raw-rect i j))
(send dc draw-rectangle left top (cast width Nonnegative-Real) (cast height Nonnegative-Real))]))))]
;; (int int -> (instance brush%))
(: get-raw-rect (Integer Integer -> (Instance Brush%)))
[define/public get-raw-rect
(lambda (i j)
'(unless (and (<= 0 i)
(< i grid-x-size)
(<= 0 j)
(< j grid-y-size))
(error 'get-raw-rect "cannot get (~a, ~a) in ~ax~a board"
i j grid-x-size grid-y-size))
(vector-ref (vector-ref grid i) j))]
;; (int int -> (union 'on 'off 'unknown 'wrong))
(: get-rect (Integer Integer -> brush-sym))
[define/public get-rect
(lambda (i j)
(brush->symbol (get-raw-rect i j)))]
;; (int int (instance brush%) -> void)
(: set-raw-rect (Integer Integer (Instance Brush%) -> Void))
[define/public set-raw-rect
(lambda (i j brush)
'(unless (and (<= 0 i)
(< i grid-x-size)
(<= 0 j)
(< j grid-y-size))
(error 'set-raw-rect "cannot set (~a, ~a) in ~ax~a board"
i j grid-x-size grid-y-size))
(vector-set! (vector-ref grid i) j brush))]
;; (int int (union 'on 'off 'unknown 'wrong) -> void)
(: set-rect (Integer Integer brush-sym -> Void))
[define/public set-rect
(lambda (i j sym)
(set-raw-rect i j (sym->brush sym)))]
;; (int int -> void)
(: set-to-error (Integer Integer -> Void))
[define/public set-to-error
(lambda (i j)
(let ([brush (sym->brush 'wrong)])
(set! undo-history (cons (make-ado i j (get-raw-rect i j) brush) undo-history))
(set-raw-rect i j brush)
(paint-rect i j)))]
;; (-> void)
(: all-unknown (-> Void))
[define/public all-unknown
(lambda ()
(let loop : Void
([i : Integer grid-x-size])
[(zero? i) (void)]
(let loop : Void
([j : Integer grid-y-size])
[(zero? j) (void)]
[else (set-rect (- i 1) (- j 1) 'unknown)
(loop (- j 1))]))
(loop (- i 1))])))]
[define: highlight-row : highlight #f]
[define: highlight-col : highlight #f]
(: draw-row-label (Integer -> Void))
(define/public draw-row-label
(lambda (n)
(let-values ([(gx gy gw gh) (grid->rect 0 n)])
(when (and (gx . >= . 0)
(gy . >= . 0)
(gw . >= . 0)
(gh . >= . 0))
(let* ([nums (list-ref (get-row-numbers) n)]
[dc (get-dc)]
[str (get-row-label-string nums)]
[str-height (get-string-height str)]
[str-ascent (get-string-ascent str)]
[str-width (get-string-width str)]
[sy (+ gy
(- (/ gh 2)
(/ str-height 2)))]
[sx (- row-label-width str-width x-margin)]
[x 0]
[y gy]
[w gx]
[h gh]
;; another fix for mutable variables
[highlight-row highlight-row])
(if (and highlight-row
(= highlight-row n))
(send dc set-pen BAR-PEN)
(send dc set-brush BAR-BRUSH))
(send dc set-pen WHITE-PEN)
(send dc set-brush WHITE-BRUSH)))
(send dc draw-rectangle x y w h)
(send dc draw-text str sx sy))))))
(: draw-col-label (Integer -> Void))
[define/public draw-col-label
(lambda (n)
(let-values ([(gx gy gw gh) (grid->rect n 0)])
(when (and (gx . >= . 0)
(gy . >= . 0)
(gw . >= . 0)
(gh . >= . 0))
(let* ([nums (list-ref (get-col-numbers) n)]
[strs (get-col-label-strings nums)]
[dc (get-dc)]
[highlight-col highlight-col])
(if (and highlight-col
(= highlight-col n))
(send dc set-pen BAR-PEN)
(send dc set-brush BAR-BRUSH))
(send dc set-pen WHITE-PEN)
(send dc set-brush WHITE-BRUSH)))
(send dc draw-rectangle gx 0 gw gy)
(let loop : Void
([ss : (Listof String) strs]
[line : Integer (- (get-max-col-entries) (length strs))])
[(null? ss) (void)]
(let* ([s (car ss)]
[str-width (get-string-width s)]
[str-height (get-string-height s)]
[x (+ gx
(- (/ gw 2)
(/ str-width 2)))]
[y (* line (+ str-height y-margin))])
(send dc draw-text (car ss) x y)
(loop (cdr ss)
(+ line 1)))]))))))]
(: new-brush ((Instance Brush%) Boolean -> (Instance Brush%)))
[define/private new-brush
(lambda (prev modifier?)
[(eq? prev UNKNOWN-BRUSH)
(if modifier?
(error 'internal-error
"unkown brush in board ~s\n" prev)]))]
(: check-modifier ((Instance Mouse-Event%) -> Boolean))
[define/private check-modifier
(lambda (evt)
(or (send evt get-right-down)
(send evt button-up? 'right)
(send evt get-alt-down)
(send evt get-meta-down)
(send evt get-control-down)
(send evt get-shift-down)))]
[define: modifier-on? : Boolean #f]
[define: last-p : pt/f #f]
;; (union #f if button not down
;; (make-pt num num)) if button down
[define: draw-small-start-p : pt/f #f]
;; (union #f if button dragged outside board
;; (make-pt num num)) if button dragged in board
[define: draw-small-end-p : pt/f #f]
[define: coordinate-p : pt/f #f]
;; (p1 p2 -> void)
(: update-range-of-rects (pt pt -> Void))
[define/private update-range-of-rects
(lambda (p1 p2)
(let ([x-small : Integer (min (pt-x p1) (pt-x p2))]
[x-large : Integer (max (pt-x p1) (pt-x p2))]
[y-small : Integer (min (pt-y p1) (pt-y p2))]
[y-large : Integer (max (pt-y p1) (pt-y p2))])
(let loop : Void
([x : Integer x-small])
(when (<= x x-large)
(let loop : Void
([y : Integer y-small])
(when (<= y y-large)
(paint-rect x y)
(loop (+ y 1))))
(loop (+ x 1))))))]
(: on-event ((Instance Mouse-Event%) -> Void))
[define/override on-event
(lambda (evt)
(let* ([x (send evt get-x)]
[y (send evt get-y)]
[p (xy->grid x y)])
[(or (send evt moving?)
(send evt entering?)
(send evt leaving?))
;; update depressed squares
(when draw-small-start-p
(let ([old-draw-small-end-p draw-small-end-p]
;; change to work around mutability
[draw-small-start-p draw-small-start-p])
[(and draw-small-start-p
(or (= (pt-x p) (pt-x draw-small-start-p))
(= (pt-y p) (pt-y draw-small-start-p))))
(unless (equal? draw-small-end-p p)
(set! draw-small-end-p p)
;; let is used to work around mutability
(let ([draw-small-end-p draw-small-end-p])
(when old-draw-small-end-p
(update-range-of-rects draw-small-start-p old-draw-small-end-p))
(when draw-small-end-p
(update-range-of-rects draw-small-start-p draw-small-end-p))))]
(set! draw-small-end-p #f)
(when old-draw-small-end-p
(update-range-of-rects draw-small-start-p old-draw-small-end-p))])))
(let ([dc (get-dc)])
;; update the bars
(let ([new-highlight-col
(if (and p
(not (send evt leaving?)))
(pt-x p)
[old-highlight-col highlight-col])
(unless (equal? old-highlight-col new-highlight-col)
(set! highlight-col new-highlight-col)
(when new-highlight-col
(draw-col-label new-highlight-col))
(when old-highlight-col
(draw-col-label old-highlight-col))))
(let ([new-highlight-row
(if (and p
(not (send evt leaving?)))
(pt-y p)
[old-highlight-row highlight-row])
(unless (equal? old-highlight-row new-highlight-row)
(set! highlight-row new-highlight-row)
(when new-highlight-row
(draw-row-label new-highlight-row))
(when old-highlight-row
(draw-row-label old-highlight-row))))
(set! last-p p)
;; update the coordinates
(send dc set-pen WHITE-PEN)
(send dc set-brush WHITE-BRUSH)
(send dc draw-rectangle 0 0 (cast row-label-width Nonnegative-Integer)
(cast col-label-height Nonnegative-Integer))
(when (and (not (send evt leaving?))
(unless (equal? coordinate-p p)
(let* ([i (pt-x p)]
[j (pt-y p)]
[string (loc->string (+ i 1) (+ j 1))]
[width (get-string-width string)]
[height (get-string-height string)]
[sx (- (/ row-label-width 2)
(/ width 2))]
[sy (- (/ col-label-height 2)
(/ height 2))])
(send dc draw-text string sx sy)))))]
[(send evt button-down?)
(set! draw-small-start-p p)
(set! draw-small-end-p p)
(set! modifier-on? (check-modifier evt))
(when p
(paint-rect (pt-x p) (pt-y p)))]
[(send evt button-up?)
; let to get around mutability
(let ([draw-small-start-p* draw-small-start-p])
[(and p draw-small-start-p*
(or (= (pt-x p) (pt-x draw-small-start-p*))
(= (pt-y p) (pt-y draw-small-start-p*))))
(let ([new (new-brush (get-raw-rect
(pt-x draw-small-start-p*)
(pt-y draw-small-start-p*))
(check-modifier evt))])
;(set! undo-history (cons (make-ado i j prev new) undo-history))
;(set! redo-history null)
(let ([x-small (min (pt-x draw-small-start-p*) (pt-x p))]
[x-large (max (pt-x draw-small-start-p*) (pt-x p))]
[y-small (min (pt-y draw-small-start-p*) (pt-y p))]
[y-large (max (pt-y draw-small-start-p*) (pt-y p))])
(set! draw-small-start-p #f)
(set! draw-small-end-p #f)
(set! modifier-on? #f)
(let loop : Void
([x x-small])
(when (<= x x-large)
(let loop : Void
([y : Integer y-small])
(when (<= y y-large)
(set-raw-rect x y new)
(paint-rect x y)
(loop (+ y 1))))
(loop (+ x 1))))))]
(let ([old-draw-small-start-p draw-small-start-p]
[old-draw-small-end-p draw-small-end-p])
(set! draw-small-start-p #f)
(set! draw-small-end-p #f)
(set! modifier-on? (check-modifier evt))
(when (and old-draw-small-start-p
(update-range-of-rects old-draw-small-start-p
(: on-paint (-> Void))
[define/override on-paint
(lambda ()
(let ([dc (get-dc)])
(send dc clear)
(let-values ([(width height) (get-client-size)])
(send dc set-pen LINES/NUMBERS-PEN)
(let loop : Void
([i : Integer grid-x-size])
[(zero? i) (void)]
[else (let loop : Void
([j : Integer grid-y-size])
[(zero? j) (void)]
[else (paint-rect/lines-numbers-pen (- i 1) (- j 1))
(loop (- j 1))]))
(loop (- i 1))]))
(let loop : Void
([l : (Listof (Listof Integer)) (get-col-numbers)]
[n : Integer 0])
[(null? l) (void)]
(draw-col-label n)
(loop (cdr l) (+ n 1))]))
(let loop : Void
([l : (Listof (Listof Integer)) (get-row-numbers)]
[n : Integer 0])
[(null? l) (void)]
(let ([last-p last-p])
(if (and last-p
(= (pt-y last-p) n))
(send dc set-pen BAR-PEN)
(send dc set-brush BAR-BRUSH))
(send dc set-pen WHITE-PEN)
(send dc set-brush WHITE-BRUSH)))
(draw-row-label n)
(loop (cdr l)
(+ n 1)))]))
(: calculate-row-margins (-> Void))
[define/public calculate-row-margins
(lambda ()
(let* ([dc (get-dc)])
(set! row-label-width
(cast (max (get-string-width (loc->string grid-x-size grid-y-size))
(apply max (map (lambda: ([x : (Listof Integer)]) (+ x-margin
(get-string-width (get-row-label-string x))
(get-row-numbers)))) Integer))
(let-values ([(width height descent ascent) (send dc get-text-extent "0123456789")])
(set! row-label-height (cast (+ y-margin height y-margin) Integer)))))]
(: calculate-col-margins (-> Void))
[define/public calculate-col-margins
(lambda ()
(let* ([dc (get-dc)])
(set! col-label-height
(cast (max
(get-string-height/descent (loc->string grid-x-size grid-y-size))
(apply max
(map (lambda: ([l : (Listof Integer)])
(let* ([strs (get-col-label-strings l)]
[margins (* (length strs) y-margin)]
[height (apply + (map (lambda: ([x : String]) (get-string-height x)) strs))])
(+ margins height)))
(get-col-numbers)))) Integer))
(set! col-label-width
(apply max
(map (lambda: ([l : (Listof Integer)])
(let ([label-strings (get-col-label-strings l)])
(if (null? label-strings)
(+ x-margin x-margin) ;; Minimum column label width (no labels)
(apply max
(map (lambda: ([x : String]) (+ x-margin
(get-string-width x)
(: update-min-spacing : -> Void)
[define/public update-min-spacing
(lambda ()
(min-width (cast (inexact->exact (ceiling (+ row-label-width (* grid-x-size col-label-width)))) Integer))
(min-height (cast (inexact->exact (ceiling (+ col-label-height (* grid-y-size row-label-height)))) Integer)))]
(inherit min-width min-height)
(: close-up (-> Void))
[define/public close-up
(lambda ()
(: reset-font ((Instance Font%) -> Void))
[define/public reset-font
(lambda (font)
(send (get-dc) set-font font)
(: pref-callback (-> Void))
(define pref-callback void #;(preferences:add-callback
(lambda (pref new-value)
(reset-font new-value))))
(: remove-pref-callback : -> Void)
[define/public (remove-pref-callback) (pref-callback)]
(reset-font (preferences:get 'paint-by-numbers:font))
(define-type Design-Paint-By-Numbers-Canvas%
(Class #:implements Paint-By-Numbers-Canvas%
(init-field [width Integer]
[height Integer])
(: design-paint-by-numbers-canvas% Design-Paint-By-Numbers-Canvas%)
(define design-paint-by-numbers-canvas%
(class paint-by-numbers-canvas%
(init-field [width : Integer] [height : Integer])
[define: row-spacing : Integer 5]
[define: col-spacing : Integer 5]
[define: row-numbers : (Listof (Listof Integer))
(vector->list (make-vector height (vector->list (make-vector row-spacing 1))))]
[define: col-numbers : (Listof (Listof Integer))
(vector->list (make-vector width (vector->list (make-vector col-spacing 1))))]
(: get-max-col-entries (-> Integer))
[define/override get-max-col-entries
(lambda ()
(: get-row-numbers (-> (Listof (Listof Integer))))
[define/override get-row-numbers
(lambda ()
(: get-col-numbers (-> (Listof (Listof Integer))))
[define/override get-col-numbers
(lambda ()
(inherit draw-col-label draw-row-label get-rect
(: calculate-col/row ((Integer -> brush-sym) (Listof (Listof Integer)) Integer -> (Listof Integer)))
[define/private calculate-col/row
(lambda (get-rect col/row-numbers num-row/cols)
(let loop : (Listof Integer)
([i : Integer num-row/cols]
[block-count : Integer 0]
[ans : (Listof Integer) null])
[(zero? i) (if (= block-count 0)
(cons block-count ans))]
(let ([this (get-rect (- i 1))])
(case this
[(unknown off wrong)
(if (zero? block-count)
(loop (- i 1) 0 ans)
(loop (- i 1) 0 (cons block-count ans)))]
[(on) (loop (- i 1) (+ block-count 1) ans)]
[else (error 'calculate-col "unknown response from get-rect: ~a\n" this)]))])))]
(: calculate-col (Integer -> (Listof Integer)))
[define/private calculate-col
(lambda (col)
(lambda: ([i : Integer]) (get-rect col i))
(length row-numbers)))]
(: calculate-row (Integer -> (Listof Integer)))
[define/private calculate-row
(lambda (row)
(lambda: ([i : Integer]) (get-rect i row))
(length col-numbers)))]
(: update-col/row (Integer (Listof (Listof Integer)) (Integer -> (Listof Integer)) -> (Listof (Listof Integer))))
[define/private update-col/row
(lambda (col/row col/row-numbers calculate-col/row)
(let loop : (Listof (Listof Integer))
([l col/row-numbers]
[n col/row])
[(null? l) (error 'update-col/row "col/row too big: ~a\n" col/row)]
[(zero? n)
(cons (calculate-col/row col/row)
(cdr l))]
(cons (car l)
(loop (cdr l)
(- n 1)))])))]
(: update-col (Integer -> Void))
[define/private update-col
(lambda (col)
(set! col-numbers
(update-col/row col
(lambda: ([x : Integer]) (calculate-col x))))
(draw-col-label col)
(let ([len (length (list-ref col-numbers col))])
(when (< col-spacing len)
(set! col-spacing len)
(: update-row (Integer -> Void))
[define/private update-row
(lambda (row)
(set! row-numbers
(update-col/row row
(lambda: ([x : Integer]) (calculate-row x))))
(draw-row-label row)
(let ([len (length (list-ref row-numbers row))])
(when (< row-spacing len)
(set! row-spacing len)
[define: update-row-col? : Boolean #t]
(: set-raw-rect (Integer Integer Integer -> Void))
[define/override set-raw-rect
(lambda (i j n)
(super set-raw-rect i j n)
(when update-row-col?
(update-col i)
(update-row j)))]
(: update-all-rows-cols (-> Void))
[define/private update-all-rows-cols
(lambda ()
(let loop : Void
([i : Integer width])
(unless (zero? i)
(update-col (- i 1))
(loop (- i 1))))
(let loop : Void
([i height])
(unless (zero? i)
(update-row (- i 1))
(loop (- i 1)))))]
(inherit set-rect)
(: set-bitmap ((Instance Bitmap%) -> Void))
[define/public set-bitmap
(lambda (bitmap)
(set! update-row-col? #f)
(let ([dc (make-object bitmap-dc% bitmap)]
[c (make-object color%)]
[width : Integer (send bitmap get-width)]
[height : Integer (send bitmap get-height)]
[warned? : Boolean #f])
(let loop : Void
([i : Integer width])
(unless (zero? i)
(let loop : Void
([j : Integer height])
(unless (zero? j)
(let ([m (- i 1)]
[n (- j 1)])
(send dc get-pixel m n c)
(when (and (not warned?)
(not (or (and (= 0 (send c red))
(= 0 (send c blue))
(= 0 (send c green)))
(and (= 255 (send c red))
(= 255 (send c blue))
(= 255 (send c green))))))
(set! warned? #t)
"Paint by Numbers"
"WARNING: This is a color bitmap; non-white pixels will be considered black"))
(set-rect m n
(if (and (= 255 (send c red))
(= 255 (send c blue))
(= 255 (send c green)))
(loop (- j 1))))
(loop (- i 1)))))
(set! update-row-col? #t)
(: set-grid ((Listof (Listof brush-sym)) -> Void))
[define/override set-grid
(lambda (g)
(set! update-row-col? #f)
(super set-grid g)
(set! update-row-col? #t)
(super-new (row-numbers null) (col-numbers null))
(set! row-numbers (vector->list (make-vector height (ann null (Listof Integer)))))
(set! col-numbers (vector->list (make-vector width (ann null (Listof Integer)))))))
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