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Created July 21, 2020 18:34
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#lang racket/base
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jakob L. Kreuze <>
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see
;;; <>.
(define fold-left foldl)
(define (println . items)
(for-each display items)
(define (sum list) (fold-left + 0 list))
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (some n) (cons 'some n))
(define (none) 'none)
(define (is-some? n) (and (pair? n) (eq? 'some (car n))))
(define (is-none? n) (eq? 'none n))
(define (unwrap n)
(if (is-some? n)
(cdr n)
(error 'unwrap "Tried to unwrap `none'.")))
(define (map-option proc n)
(if (is-some? n)
(some (proc (unwrap n)))
(define-syntax maybe-bind
(syntax-rules ()
((maybe-bind ((name option) ...)
(when (andmap is-some? (list option ...))
(let ((name (unwrap option))
;;; Image encoding.
;; Encode the WIDTH by HEIGHT image given as PIXELS into the portable pixmap
;; format (PPM), writing the result to `(current-output-port)'.
(define (write-ppm width height pixels)
(define (delimit-values values)
(cond ((null? values)
((= 1 (length values))
(display (car values))
(delimit-values (cdr values)))
(display (car values))
(display " ")
(delimit-values (cdr values)))))
;; Magic
(delimit-values '("P3"))
;; Dimensions
(delimit-values (list width height))
;; Depth
(delimit-values '("255"))
;; Image contents
(for-each delimit-values (vector->list pixels)))
;;; I really don't want to deal with all of my vectors being lists. Also, I'm
;;; going to guess that -- at least in CHICKEN -- this is going to be faster
;;; than passing around list.
(struct vec3 (x y z))
;; Macro for destructuring a vec3.
(define-syntax vec3-bind
(syntax-rules ()
((vec3-bind ((names vec) ...)
(let-values ((names (values (vec3-x vec)
(vec3-y vec)
(vec3-z vec)))
;; Return the sum of VECS, as in vector space addition.
(define (vec3+ . vecs)
(define (add u v)
(vec3-bind (((x1 y1 z1) u) ((x2 y2 z2) v))
(vec3 (+ x1 x2) (+ y1 y2) (+ z1 z2))))
(if (zero? (length vecs))
(vec3 0 0 0)
(fold-left add (car vecs) (cdr vecs))))
;; Return the difference of VECS, as in vector space subtraction.
(define (vec3- . vecs)
(define (sub u v)
(vec3-bind (((x1 y1 z1) u) ((x2 y2 z2) v))
(vec3 (- x1 x2) (- y1 y2) (- z1 z2))))
(if (zero? (length vecs))
(vec3 0 0 0)
(fold-left sub (car vecs) (cdr vecs))))
;; Return the vector U scaled by a constant C, as in vector space scalar
;; multiplication.
(define (vec3* c u)
(vec3-bind (((x y z) u))
(vec3 (* c x) (* c y) (* c z))))
;; Return the dot product of the vectors U and V.
(define (vec3-dot u v)
(+ (* (vec3-x u) (vec3-x v))
(* (vec3-y u) (vec3-y v))
(* (vec3-z u) (vec3-z v))))
;; Return the cross product of the vectors U and V.
(define (vec3-cross u v)
(vec3-bind (((x1 y1 z1) u) ((x2 y2 z2) v))
(vec3 (- (* y1 z2) (* z1 y2))
(- (* z1 x2) (* x1 z2))
(- (* x1 y2) (* y1 x2)))))
;; Return a list (x y z) of the components of vector U.
(define (vec3->list u)
(vec3-bind (((x y z) u))
(list x y z)))
;; Return the magnitude of vector U.
(define (vec3-magnitude u)
(vec3-bind (((x y z) u))
(sqrt (+ (square x) (square y) (square z)))))
;; Return the normal vector parallel to vector U.
(define (vec3-normalize u)
(vec3* (/ 1 (vec3-magnitude u)) u))
(define-struct ray (origin direction))
;; Return the position of RAY at time T.
(define (ray-point-at ray t)
(vec3+ (ray-origin ray) (vec3* t (ray-direction ray))))
;; Convert D, a value in degrees, to radians.
(define (degrees->radians d)
(let ((pi 3.1415926535897932384626433))
(* d (/ pi 180))))
;; Return the ray corresponding to the point X, Y on the viewport plane.
(define (coordinate->ray x y)
(let* ((dist 1.0)
(top (* dist (tan (/ (degrees->radians camera-fov) 2))))
(right (* top image-aspect-ratio))
(bottom (- top))
(left (- right))
(W (vec3-normalize (vec3- camera-position camera-target)))
(U (vec3-normalize (vec3-cross camera-up W)))
(V (vec3-cross W U))
(corner (vec3+ camera-position
(vec3* left U)
(vec3* bottom V)
(vec3* (- dist) W)))
(across (vec3* (* 2 right) U))
(up (vec3* (* 2 top) V)))
(make-ray camera-position
(vec3+ corner
(vec3* x across)
(vec3* y up)
(vec3* (- 1) camera-position))))))
;;; Shapes and generic procedures for working with them.
(define-struct plane (p0 n material))
(define (intersect-plane ray shape t-min t-max)
(let* ((normal (vec3-normalize (plane-n shape)))
(denominator (vec3-dot (ray-direction ray) normal)))
(if (zero? denominator)
(let ((t (/ (vec3-dot (vec3- (plane-p0 shape) (ray-origin ray))
(if (<= t-min t t-max)
(some t)
(define-struct sphere (center radius material))
(define (intersect-sphere ray shape t-min t-max)
(let* ((oc (vec3- (ray-origin ray) (sphere-center shape)))
(A (vec3-dot (ray-direction ray) (ray-direction ray)))
(B (* 2.0 (vec3-dot oc (ray-direction ray))))
(C (- (vec3-dot oc oc) (square (sphere-radius shape))))
(discriminant (- (square B) (* 4 A C)))
(t (if (positive? discriminant)
(let ((p (/ (+ (- B) (sqrt discriminant)) (* 2 A)))
(m (/ (- (- B) (sqrt discriminant)) (* 2 A))))
(if (>= m t-min) m p))
(/ (- B) (* 2 A)))))
(if (and (not (negative? discriminant))
(<= t-min t t-max))
(some t)
;; If RAY intersects SHAPE with T-MIN ≤ t ≤ T-MAX, return (some . t). Otherwise,
;; return 'none.
(define (intersect ray shape t-min t-max)
(let ((proc (cond ((plane? shape) intersect-plane)
((sphere? shape) intersect-sphere))))
(proc ray shape t-min t-max)))
(define (normal-plane shape position)
(vec3-normalize (plane-n shape)))
(define (normal-sphere shape position)
(vec3-normalize (vec3- position (sphere-center shape))))
;; Return the normal vector of SHAPE at POSITION.
(define (normal shape position)
(let ((proc (cond ((plane? shape) normal-plane)
((sphere? shape) normal-sphere))))
(proc shape position)))
;; Return the material associated with SHAPE's surface.
(define (get-material shape)
(let ((proc (cond ((plane? shape) plane-material)
((sphere? shape) sphere-material))))
(proc shape)))
;;; Lights, and generic procedures for working with them.
(define-struct light-sample (intensity position direction))
(define-struct spot-light (from to intensity exponent cutoff-angle))
(define (spot-light-at light point)
(let* ((position (spot-light-from light))
(target (spot-light-to light))
(direction (vec3- position point))
(cutoff (spot-light-cutoff-angle light))
(pf (vec3-normalize (vec3- point position)))
(intensity (if (< (vec3-dot pf (vec3-normalize (vec3- target position)))
(cos (degrees->radians cutoff)))
(vec3 0.00 0.00 0.00)
(vec3* (* (/ 1 (square (vec3-magnitude direction)))
(expt (vec3-dot pf (vec3-normalize (vec3- target position)))
(spot-light-exponent light)))
(spot-light-intensity light)))))
(make-light-sample intensity position (vec3-normalize direction))))
;; Return the <light-sample> produced by LIGHT at POINT.
(define (light-at light point)
(let ((proc (cond ((spot-light? light) spot-light-at))))
(proc light point)))
;;; Materials.
(define-struct material (ka kd ks kr kt p ior))
(define (diffuse-material ka kd) (make-material ka kd '() '() '() '() '()))
(define (phong-material ka kd ks p) (make-material ka kd ks '() '() p '()))
;; Compute reflected vector, by mirroring l around n.
(define (reflect l n)
(vec3- (vec3* (* 2.00 (vec3-dot n l)) n) l))
(define (shade-pixel shape position origin)
(let* ((ka (material-ka (get-material shape)))
(kd (material-kd (get-material shape)))
(ks (material-ks (get-material shape)))
(p (material-p (get-material shape)))
(normal (normal shape position))
(Ia (vec3-bind (((x1 y1 z1) ka)
((x2 y2 z2) ambient-light))
(vec3 (* x1 x2) (* y1 y2) (* z1 z2))))
(Id (apply vec3+
(map (lambda (light)
(let* ((sample (light-at light position))
(direction (light-sample-direction sample))
(intensity (light-sample-intensity sample))
(scalar (max (vec3-dot normal direction) 0)))
(vec3-bind (((x1 y1 z1) kd)
((x2 y2 z2) intensity))
(vec3 (* x1 x2 scalar)
(* y1 y2 scalar)
(* z1 z2 scalar)))))
(Is (if (not (null? ks))
(apply vec3+
(map (lambda (light)
(let* ((sample (light-at light position))
(point (light-sample-position sample))
(intensity (light-sample-intensity sample))
(l (vec3-normalize (vec3- point position)))
(v (vec3-normalize (vec3- origin position)))
(r (reflect l normal))
(scalar (expt (max 0 (vec3-dot v r)) p)))
(vec3-bind (((x1 y1 z1) ks)
((x2 y2 z2) intensity))
(vec3 (* x1 x2 scalar)
(* y1 y2 scalar)
(* z1 z2 scalar)))))
(vec3 0.00 0.00 0.00))))
(vec3-bind (((x y z) (vec3+ Ia Id Is)))
(vec3 (min 1.0 x) (min 1.0 y) (min 1.0 z)))))
;;; Scene graph.
;; Arbitrarily-chosen parameters for rendering.
(define image-width 1920)
(define image-height 1080)
(define image-aspect-ratio (/ image-width image-height))
(define camera-position (vec3 8.00 5.00 9.00))
(define camera-target (vec3 0.25 0.00 0.50))
(define camera-up (vec3 0.00 1.00 0.00))
(define camera-fov 30)
;; Color of light in the scene that does not originate from a light source.
(define ambient-light (vec3 0.01 0.01 0.01))
(define lights (list (make-spot-light (vec3 10.00 10.00 5.00)
(vec3 0.00 0.00 0.00)
(vec3 100.00 96.00 88.00)
(define shapes (list (make-sphere (vec3 -0.25 0.00 0.25)
(phong-material (vec3 1.0 0.2 0.2)
(vec3 1.0 0.2 0.2)
(vec3 2.0 2.0 2.0)
(make-plane (vec3 0.00 -1.25 0.00)
(vec3 0.00 1.00 0.00)
(diffuse-material (vec3 1.0 1.0 0.2)
(vec3 1.0 1.0 0.2)))))
;; Return the nearest shape with which RAY intersects as (some . (shape .
;; point)), if any. Otherwise, return 'none.
(define (ray-intersect-scene ray)
(lambda (pair)
(list (car pair)
(ray-point-at ray (cadr pair))))
(fold-left (lambda (a b)
(cond ((is-none? a) b)
((is-none? b) a)
(maybe-bind ((t1 a) (t2 b))
(if (> (cadr t1) (cadr t2)) b a)))))
(map (lambda (shape)
(let ((intersection (intersect ray shape 0.001 10000)))
(map-option (lambda (t)
(list shape t))
(let ((image (make-vector (* image-width image-height) '(0 0 0))))
(define (coordinate->index x y)
(+ x (* y image-width)))
(define (screen->viewport x y)
(values (/ x image-width)
(/ (- image-height 1 y)
(define (vec3->color u)
(map (lambda (n) (inexact->exact (round (* 255 n)))) (vec3->list u)))
(let loop1 ((x 0))
(let loop2 ((y 0))
(unless (>= y image-height)
(vector-set! image (coordinate->index x y)
(let-values (((x y) (screen->viewport x y)))
(let* ((ray (coordinate->ray x y))
(intersection (ray-intersect-scene ray)))
(if (is-some? intersection)
(let-values (((shape position) (apply values (unwrap intersection))))
(vec3->color (shade-pixel shape position (ray-origin ray))))
(list 0 0 0)))))
(loop2 (+ y 1))))
(unless (>= x (- image-width 1))
(loop1 (+ x 1))))
(write-ppm image-width image-height image))
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