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Created September 4, 2013 13:49
#lang racket/base
(require racket/unsafe/ops)
(define d "/home/samth/sw/plt")
(define (in-directory2 dir)
(let loop ([dir (path->complete-path dir)]
[prefix dir])
(for/fold ([lst '()]) ([i (in-list (directory-list dir))])
(let ([p (if prefix (build-path prefix i) i)]
[fp (build-path dir i)])
(if (directory-exists? fp)
(cons fp (append (loop fp p) lst))
(cons fp lst))))))
(define (in-directory3 dir)
(define ch (make-channel))
(thread (lambda ()
(let loop ([dir (path->complete-path dir)]
[prefix dir])
(for ([i (in-list (directory-list dir))])
(let ([p (if prefix (build-path prefix i) i)]
[fp (build-path dir i)])
(channel-put ch fp)
(when (directory-exists? fp)
(loop fp p)))))
(channel-put ch #f)))
(lambda ()
(define (in-directory4 dir MAX)
(define ch (make-channel))
(thread (lambda ()
(define v (make-vector MAX))
(define idx 0)
(let loop ([dir (path->complete-path dir)]
[prefix dir])
(for ([i (in-list (directory-list dir))])
(let ([p (if prefix (build-path prefix i) i)]
[fp (build-path dir i)])
(unsafe-vector-set! v idx fp)
(set! idx (unsafe-fx+ 1 idx))
(when (= idx MAX)
(set! idx 0)
(channel-put ch v)
(set! v (make-vector MAX)))
(when (directory-exists? fp)
(loop fp p)))))
(unsafe-vector-set! v idx eof)
(set! idx (unsafe-fx+ 1 idx))
(channel-put ch v)))
(lambda ()
(λ (pos) (unsafe-vector-ref (unsafe-car pos) (unsafe-cdr pos)))
(λ (pos) (if (= (unsafe-cdr pos) (unsafe-fx- MAX 1))
(cons (channel-get ch) 0)
(cons (unsafe-car pos) (unsafe-fx+ 1 (unsafe-cdr pos)))))
(cons (channel-get ch) 0)
(λ (val) (not (eof-object? val)))
(set! d (vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 0))
(time (for/sum ([i (in-directory d)]) 1))
(time (for/sum ([i (in-directory2 d)]) 1))
(time (for/sum ([i (in-directory3 d)]) 1))
'(channel/vector 5)
(time (for/sum ([i (in-directory4 d 5)]) 1))
'(channel/vector 10)
(time (for/sum ([i (in-directory4 d 10)]) 1))
'(channel/vector 1000)
(time (for/sum ([i (in-directory4 d 1000)]) 1))
(time (for/first ([i (in-directory d)]) 1))
(time (for/first ([i (in-directory2 d)]) 1))
(time (for/first ([i (in-directory3 d)]) 1))
'(channel/vector 5)
(time (for/first ([i (in-directory4 d 5)]) 1))
'(channel/vector 10)
(time (for/first ([i (in-directory4 d 10)]) 1))
'(channel/vector 1000)
(time (for/first ([i (in-directory4 d 1000)]) 1))
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