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Created March 25, 2014 14:32
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#! /bin/sh
exec racket -tm "$0" ${1+"$@"}
#lang racket
(provide main)
;; accept the shortest sequence of LetterKeyEvents that match some = regular exp.
;; = --------------------------------------------------------------------------= -------------------------
(require 2htdp/universe 2htdp/image rackunit)
(require xml/xml)
;; should come with the above:
(element-named-attributes msg name:id ...)
;; XML-Element -> [Listof String]
(lambda (e)
(match (element-attributes e)
[(list-no-order (attribute _ _ 'name:id name:id) ...)
(values name:id ...)]
[else (error 'parse (format msg e))])))
;; XML-Element Symbol *->* [Listof XML-Element]
;; retrieve all elements with name n in name*
(define (elements-named-content e . name*)
(define c (filter element? (element-content e)))
(define l
(for/list ((n name*)) (filter (lambda (x) (eq? (element-name x) n))
(unless (= (- (length c) (apply + (map length l))) 0)
(displayln (- (length c) (length l)))
(for ((e c))
(unless (memq e l)
(displayln `(not found ,e))))
(error 'element-named-elements "too many [~s] elements: ~e" name*
(apply values l))
;; = --------------------------------------------------------------------------= -------------------------
;; String[File] -> "d" or "error"
(define (main f)
(with-handlers ((exn:fail? (lambda (e) (displayln (exn-message e)))))
(define x:xml (with-input-from-file f read-xml/element))
(define x:fsm (parse x:xml))
(accept x:fsm)
(sleep 1)))
;; = --------------------------------------------------------------------------= -------------------------
;; Parse the XML into the internal FSM data structure=20
;; Any -> FSM=20
;; parse the given=20
(module+ test=20
(define (read-parse xml0:string)
(parse (read-xml/element (open-input-string xml0:string))))
(define xml0:string
<fsm initial=3D"a">
<final name=3D"d"></final>
<transition current=3D"a" next=3D"bc">
<action value=3D"a"></action>
<transition current=3D"bc" next=3D"bc">
<action value=3D"b"></action>
<action value=3D"c"></action>
<transition current=3D"bc" next=3D"d">
<action value=3D"d"></action>
(check-equal? (read-parse xml0:string) fsm0)
(define xml0-b:string
<fsm initial=3D"a">
<final name=3D"d" />
<transition current=3D"a" next=3D"bc">
<action value=3D"a" />
<transition current=3D"bc" next=3D"bc">
<action value=3D"b" />
<action value=3D"c" />
<transition current=3D"bc" next=3D"d">
<action value=3D"d" />
(check-equal? (read-parse xml0-b:string) fsm0))
(define (parse x)
;; parse does not check the names of states because all strings are allowed
(define (<fsm> x)
(define parse-initial
(element-named-attributes "not an initial: ~e" initial))
(define (<finals> e*)
(map (element-named-attributes "not a final specification: ~e"
name) e*))
(define (<transition*> e*)
(define (<transition> e)
(define-values (c n) ((element-named-attributes "not a
transition: ~e" current next) e))
(define k* (elements-named-content e 'action))
(transition c (map (compose key>>> (element-named-attributes
"not an action:" value)) k*) n))
(map <transition> e*))
(define (key>>> x)
(unless (and (= (string-length x) 1) (regexp-match
#px"\\d|[a-zA-Z]" x))
(error "not an alphanumeric key: ~e" x))
;; -- IN --=20
(unless (eq? (element-name x) 'fsm) (error 'parse "not an fsm: ~e"
(define-values (f t) (elements-named-content x 'final 'transition))
(fsm (parse-initial x) (<finals> f) (<transition*> t)))
;; -- IN --=20
(<fsm> x))
;; = --------------------------------------------------------------------------= -------------------------
;; deal with one FSM=20
;; FSM =3D (fsm State [List-of State] [List-of Transition])
;; State =3D String=20
;; Transition =3D (transition State [List-of LetterKeyEvent] State)
(struct fsm (initial finals transitions) #:transparent)
(struct transition (current keys next) #:transparent)
(define ER "error")
(define state? string?)
(define state=? string=?)
;; EXAMPLE: a(b|c)*d
(define AA "a")
(define BC "bc")
(define DD "d")
(define t*
(list (transition AA (list "a") BC)
(transition BC (list "b" "c") BC)
(transition BC (list "d") DD)))
(define i0 AA)
(define f* (list DD))
(define fsm0 (fsm i0 f* t*))
;; = --------------------------------------------------------------------------= ---
(define SIZE 100)
(define white (square SIZE "solid" "white"))
(define yellow (square SIZE "solid" "yellow"))
(define green (square SIZE "solid" "green"))
(define red (square SIZE "solid" "red"))
;; = --------------------------------------------------------------------------= ---
;; FSM -> State or "unacceptable"
(define (accept fsm)
(define i0 (fsm-initial fsm))
(define f* (fsm-finals fsm))
(big-bang i0
(on-key (next (fsm-transitions fsm)))
(to-draw (image i0 f*))
(stop-when (lambda (w) (cons? (member w (cons ER f*)))))))
;; = --------------------------------------------------------------------------= ---
;; Transition* State KeyEvent -> State=20
;; retrieve the next state from a (transition ...) in t* such that ...
;; if there is no such transition, signal the error "can't happen"
(module+ test
(check-equal? ((next t*) AA "a") BC)
(check-equal? ((next t*) AA "b") ER)
(check-equal? ((next t*) AA "c") ER)
(check-equal? ((next t*) AA "d") ER)
(check-equal? ((next t*) AA "e") ER)
(check-equal? ((next t*) AA "left") ER)
(check-equal? ((next t*) BC "a") ER)
(check-equal? ((next t*) BC "b") BC)
(check-equal? ((next t*) BC "c") BC)
(check-equal? ((next t*) BC "d") DD)
(check-equal? ((next t*) BC "e") ER)
(check-equal? ((next t*) BC "left") ER)
(check-equal? ((next t*) DD "a") ER))
(define ((next t*) current ke)
(or (for/or ((t t*))
(and (state=? (transition-current t) current)
(member ke (transition-keys t))
(transition-next t)))
;; = --------------------------------------------------------------------------= ---
;; State State [Listof State] -> Image=20
;; render state as image=20
(module+ test
(check-equal? ((image i0 f*) AA) white)
(check-equal? ((image i0 f*) BC) yellow)
(check-equal? ((image i0 f*) DD) green)
(check-equal? ((image i0 f*) ER) red))
(define ((image initial finals) current)
[(state=? current initial) white]
[(member current finals) green]
[(state=? current ER) red]
[else yellow]))
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