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Created October 9, 2019 21:09
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;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata
;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process.
#reader(lib "" "lang")((modname h2111082019-final) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()) (htdp-settings #(#t constructor repeating-decimal #f #t none #f () #f)))
;; Questions
;; Lists
;; Space Invaders!
(require 2htdp/image)
(define background (empty-scene 200 200))
;; A Posn is (make-posn Number Number)
;; A ListOfPosns is one of
;; - empty
;; - (cons Posn ListOfPosns)
(define ALIEN (circle 5 "solid" "blue"))
;; draw-aliens : ListOfPosns -> Image
;; draws alien markers at the given positions
(define (draw-aliens ps)
(cond [(empty? ps) background]
[(cons? ps)
(place-image ALIEN
(posn-x (first ps)) (posn-y (first ps))
(draw-aliens (rest ps)))]))
(check-expect (draw-aliens empty) background)
(check-expect (draw-aliens (cons (make-posn 0 0) empty))
(place-image ALIEN
0 0
;; move-aliens : ListOfPosns -> ListOfPosns
;; increase the y coordinate of all the aliens by 1
(define (move-aliens ls)
(cond [(empty? ls) empty]
[(cons? ls) (cons (move-one-alien (first ls))
(move-aliens (rest ls)))]))
(check-expect (move-aliens empty) empty)
(check-expect (move-aliens (cons (make-posn 0 0) empty))
(cons (make-posn 0 1) empty))
;; move-one-alien : Posn -> Posn
;; adds 1 to the y coord
(define (move-one-alien p) (make-posn (posn-x p) (add1 (posn-y p))))
(check-expect (move-one-alien (make-posn 0 0))
(make-posn 0 1))
(require 2htdp/universe)
(define-struct world [aliens bullet player])
;; A World is (make-world ListOfPosns MaybePosn Number)
(define (process-world w)
(... (process-listofposns (world-aliens w))
(process-maybeposn (world-bullet w))
(world-player w)))
;; draw-world : World -> Image
;; draw all the components of the world
(define (draw-world w)
(square 10 "solid" "goldenrod")
(world-player w) 195
(draw-bullet (world-bullet w) (draw-aliens (world-aliens w)))))
;; A MaybePosn is one of
;; - #false
;; - (make-posn Number Number)
(define (process-maybeposn mp)
(cond [(false? mp) ...]
[(posn? mp) ... (posn-x mp) (posn-y mp)]))
;; draw-bullet MaybePosn Image -> Image
;; draws the bullet (if any) at the given position
(define (draw-bullet mp img)
(cond [(posn? mp) (place-image (circle 10 "solid" "red")
(posn-x mp) (posn-y mp)
[else img]))
(check-expect (draw-bullet #false background) background)
(check-expect (draw-bullet (make-posn 0 0) background)
(place-image (circle 10 "solid" "red") 0 0 background))
;; move-world : World -> World
;; move the aliens and the bullet
(define (move-world w)
(make-world (move-aliens (world-aliens w))
(move-bullet (world-bullet w))
(world-player w)))
;; move-bullet : MaybePosn -> MaybePosn
(define (move-bullet p)
(cond [(false? p) p]
[(posn? p) (cond [(<= (posn-y p) 0) #false]
[else (make-posn (posn-x p) (- (posn-y p) 10))])]))
(check-expect (move-bullet #false) #false)
(check-expect (move-bullet (make-posn 10 20)) (make-posn 10 19))
(check-expect (move-bullet (make-posn 10 0)) #false)
(draw-world (make-world (list (make-posn 0 57) (make-posn 20 77) (make-posn 10 67) (make-posn 50 107))
(define world1 (make-world (cons (make-posn 0 0)
(cons (make-posn 20 20)
(cons (make-posn 10 10)
(cons (make-posn 50 50) empty))))
;; player : World KeyEvent -> World
;; move player left, right; shoot bullet
(define (player w ke)
(cond [(string=? ke "left")
(make-world (world-aliens w) (world-bullet w) (max 0 (- (world-player w) 1)))]
[(string=? ke "right")
(make-world (world-aliens w) (world-bullet w) (min 200 (+ (world-player w) 1)))]
[(string=? ke " ")
[(posn? (world-bullet w)) w]
[else (make-world (world-aliens w)
(make-posn (world-player w) 200)
(world-player w))])]
[else w]))
;; update-world : World -> World
;; remove dead things from the world after moving
(define (update-world w)
(make-world (remove-aliens (world-aliens (move-world w))
(world-bullet (move-world w)))
(remove-bullet (world-aliens (move-world w))
(world-bullet (move-world w)))
(world-player w)))
;; remove-aliens : ListOfPosns MaybePosn -> ListOfPosns
(define (remove-aliens lop mp)
(cond [(empty? lop) empty]
[else (cond [(hit? mp (first lop))
(remove-aliens (rest lop) mp)]
[else (cons (first lop)
(remove-aliens (rest lop) mp))])]))
;; remove-bullet : ListOfPosns MaybePosn -> MaybePosn
(define (remove-bullet l mp)
(cond [(empty? l) mp]
[else (if (hit? mp (first l))
(remove-bullet (rest l) mp))]))
;; hit? : MaybePosn Posn -> Boolean
(define (hit? mp p)
(cond [(false? mp) #false]
[else (and (<= (abs (- (posn-x mp) (posn-x p))) 5)
(<= (- (posn-y mp) (posn-y p)) 5))]))
;; aliens-landed? : ListOfPosns -> Boolean
(define (aliens-landed? l)
(cond [(empty? l) #false]
[else (or (>= (posn-y (first l)) 200)
(aliens-landed? (rest l)))]))
;; stop : World -> Boolean
;; stop if the aliens have landed
(define (stop w)
(aliens-landed? (world-aliens w)))
(big-bang world1
[on-key player]
[to-draw draw-world]
[on-tick update-world 0.1]
[stop-when stop])
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