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Created February 18, 2024 16:44
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ubuntu@bitbop:~/nixpkgs$ NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nixglhost -- nix run --impure .#python3Packages.jax.passthru.test_cuda_jaxlibBin
warning: Git tree '/home/ubuntu/nixpkgs' is dirty
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/nix/store/210z4yz9xpmch1fj7pzn83wdsbylmmlj-test_cuda/bin/test_cuda", line 7, in <module>
rng = random.PRNGKey(0)
File "/nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/", line 240, in PRNGKey
return _return_prng_keys(True, _key('PRNGKey', seed, impl))
File "/nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/", line 202, in _key
return prng.random_seed(seed, impl=impl)
File "/nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/", line 595, in random_seed
seeds_arr = jnp.asarray(np.int64(seeds))
File "/nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/numpy/", line 2217, in asarray
return array(a, dtype=dtype, copy=bool(copy), order=order) # type: ignore
File "/nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/numpy/", line 2172, in array
out_array: Array = lax_internal._convert_element_type(
File "/nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/lax/", line 560, in _convert_element_type
return convert_element_type_p.bind(operand, new_dtype=new_dtype,
File "/nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/", line 444, in bind
return self.bind_with_trace(find_top_trace(args), args, params)
File "/nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/", line 447, in bind_with_trace
out = trace.process_primitive(self, map(trace.full_raise, args), params)
File "/nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/", line 935, in process_primitive
return primitive.impl(*tracers, **params)
File "/nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jax/_src/", line 87, in apply_primitive
outs = fun(*args)
jaxlib.xla_extension.XlaRuntimeError: NOT_FOUND: Couldn't find ptxas. The following locations were considered: /nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jaxlib/cuda/bin/ptxas, /home/ubuntu/.nix-profile/bin/ptxas, /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/ptxas, /home/ubuntu/.vscode-server/bin/903b1e9d8990623e3d7da1df3d33db3e42d80eda/bin/remote-cli/ptxas, /home/ubuntu/.nix-profile/bin/ptxas, /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/ptxas, /home/ubuntu/.nix-profile/bin/ptxas, /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/ptxas, /usr/local/sbin/ptxas, /usr/local/bin/ptxas, /usr/sbin/ptxas, /usr/bin/ptxas, /sbin/ptxas, /bin/ptxas, /usr/games/ptxas, /usr/local/games/ptxas, /snap/bin/ptxas, /usr/local/cuda-11.8/bin/ptxas, /usr/local/cuda/bin/ptxas, /nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jaxlib/../nvidia/cuda_nvcc/bin/ptxas, /nix/store/w48pp30vl0jk2wvwdqgb9zg06my5m7sy-python3-3.11.7-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jaxlib/../../nvidia/cuda_nvcc/bin/ptxas
For simplicity, JAX has removed its internal frames from the traceback of the following exception. Set JAX_TRACEBACK_FILTERING=off to include these.
{ lib
, blas
, buildPythonPackage
, setuptools
, importlib-metadata
, fetchFromGitHub
, jaxlib
, jaxlib-bin
, hypothesis
, lapack
, matplotlib
, ml-dtypes
, numpy
, opt-einsum
, pkgs
, pytestCheckHook
, pytest-xdist
, pythonOlder
, scipy
, stdenv
usingMKL = blas.implementation == "mkl" || lapack.implementation == "mkl";
# jaxlib is broken on aarch64-* as of 2023-03-05, but the binary wheels work
# fine. jaxlib is only used in the checkPhase, so switching backends does not
# impact package behavior. Get rid of this once jaxlib is fixed on aarch64-*.
jaxlib' = if jaxlib.meta.broken then jaxlib-bin else jaxlib;
jax = buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "jax";
version = "0.4.24";
pyproject = true;
disabled = pythonOlder "3.9";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "google";
repo = "jax";
# google/jax contains tags for jax and jaxlib. Only use jax tags!
rev = "refs/tags/${pname}-v${version}";
hash = "sha256-hmx7eo3pephc6BQfoJ3U0QwWBWmhkAc+7S4QmW32qQs=";
nativeBuildInputs = [
# The version is automatically set to ".dev" if this variable is not set.
# jaxlib is _not_ included in propagatedBuildInputs because there are
# different versions of jaxlib depending on the desired target hardware. The
# JAX project ships separate wheels for CPU, GPU, and TPU.
propagatedBuildInputs = [
] ++ lib.optional (pythonOlder "3.10") importlib-metadata;
nativeCheckInputs = [
# high parallelism will result in the tests getting stuck
dontUsePytestXdist = true;
# NOTE: Don't run the tests in the expiremental directory as they require flax
# which creates a circular dependency. See
# Not a big deal, this is how the JAX docs suggest running the test suite
# anyhow.
pytestFlagsArray = [
"-W ignore::DeprecationWarning"
disabledTests = [
# Exceeds tolerance when the machine is busy
# UserWarning: Explicitly requested dtype <class 'numpy.float64'>
# requested in astype is not available, and will be truncated to
# dtype float32. (With numpy 1.24)
# Invokes python manually in a subprocess, which does not have the correct dependencies
# ImportError: This version of jax requires jaxlib version >= 0.4.19.
] ++ lib.optionals usingMKL [
# See
# *
# *
# *
] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isAarch64 [
# See
# See
# Fails on some hardware due to some numerical error
# See
disabledTestPaths = lib.optionals (stdenv.isDarwin && stdenv.isAarch64) [
# RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast
pythonImportsCheck = [ "jax" ];
passthru =
test_cuda = jaxlib: pkgs.writers.writePython3Bin "test_cuda"
libraries = [ jax jaxlib ];
} ''
import jax
from jax import random
assert jax.devices()[0].platform == "gpu"
rng = random.PRNGKey(0)
x = random.normal(rng, (100, 100))
x @ x
test_cuda_jaxlibSource = test_cuda (jaxlib.override { cudaSupport = true; });
test_cuda_jaxlibBin = test_cuda (jaxlib-bin.override { cudaSupport = true; });
meta = with lib; {
description = "Differentiate, compile, and transform Numpy code";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.asl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ samuela ];
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