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Last active May 18, 2021 02:32
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`nixpkgs-review wip` logs for pname/version refactor. View these logs with bat for the color-coded experience
> nixpkgs-review wip
$ git -c fetch.prune=false fetch --force master:refs/nixpkgs-review/0
remote: Enumerating objects: 13, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Total 7 (delta 5), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (7/7), 661 bytes | 132.00 KiB/s, done.
db2815a9da3..45e19f23d35 master -> refs/nixpkgs-review/0
$ git worktree add /home/skainswo/.cache/nixpkgs-review/rev-0d66d837d3d130c2e9dfb80e6b0cb0a29f85f2f7-dirty-3/nixpkgs 45e19f23d35f199ef252957c1bb7d010115accd0
Preparing worktree (detached HEAD 45e19f23d35)
Updating files: 100% (25983/25983), done.
HEAD is now at 45e19f23d35 fluent-bit: 1.7.4 -> 1.7.5
$ nix-env --option system x86_64-linux -f /home/skainswo/.cache/nixpkgs-review/rev-0d66d837d3d130c2e9dfb80e6b0cb0a29f85f2f7-dirty-3/nixpkgs -qaP --xml --out-path --show-trace
Applying `nixpkgs` diff...
$ nix-env --option system x86_64-linux -f /home/skainswo/.cache/nixpkgs-review/rev-0d66d837d3d130c2e9dfb80e6b0cb0a29f85f2f7-dirty-3/nixpkgs -qaP --xml --out-path --show-trace --meta
439 packages updated:
adapta-gtk-theme adminer almanah arcanist automysqlbackup bubblemail calls cantata cheese chrome-gnome-shell cinnamon-common cinnamon-control-center cinnamon-gsettings-overrides cinnamon-screensaver clementine-blob clementine-free composer-bookstack dropbox-cli drush dspam elementary-calendar elementary-greeter elementary-planner elementary-session-settings-unstable empathy engelsystem enlightenment evolution evolution-data-server evolution-data-server evolution-ews evolution-with-plugins extra-elementary-contracts far2l feedreader file-roller folks FSharp.AutoComplete geary gfbgraph gnome-applets gnome-books gnome-boxes gnome-calendar gnome-contacts gnome-control-center gnome-disk-utility gnome-documents gnome-flashback gnome-initial-setup gnome-maps gnome-multi-writer gnome-music gnome-notes gnome-online-accounts gnome-online-miners gnome-panel gnome-photos gnome-recipes gnome-session gnome-shell gnome-shell-extension-EasyScreenCast-unstable gnome-shell-extension-night-theme-switcher gnome-shell-gsconnect gnome-shell-pomodoro gnome-software gnome-terminal gnome-todo gnome-tweaks gnome-user-share grilo-plugins gsmartcontrol gvfs gvfs hhvm icingaweb2 kcachegrind kcachegrind kcachegrind kcachegrind kgx-unstable libgdata libzapojit logrotate lsp-plugins mailnag mailutils mate-utils matomo matomo matomo-beta mdadm nagios nautilus nautilus-python NDesk.Options nextcloud-news-updater partitionmanager petidomo phoronix-test-suite phosh php-apcu php-apcu php-apcu php-apcu_bc php-apcu_bc php-apcu_bc php-ast php-ast php-ast php-bcmath php-bcmath php-bcmath php-box php-box php-box php-bz2 php-bz2 php-bz2 php-calendar php-calendar php-calendar php-composer php-composer php-composer php-composer php-composer php-composer php-couchbase php-couchbase php-couchbase php-ctype php-ctype php-ctype php-curl php-curl php-curl php-dba php-dba php-dba php-deployer php-deployer php-deployer php-dom php-dom php-dom php-enchant php-enchant php-enchant php-event php-event php-event php-exif php-exif php-exif php-ffi php-ffi php-fileinfo php-fileinfo php-fileinfo php-filter php-filter php-filter php-ftp php-ftp php-ftp php-gd php-gd php-gd php-gettext php-gettext php-gettext php-gmp php-gmp php-gmp php-hash php-iconv php-iconv php-iconv php-igbinary php-igbinary php-igbinary php-imagick php-imagick php-imagick php-imap php-imap php-imap php-intl php-intl php-intl php-json php-json php-ldap php-ldap php-ldap php-mailparse php-mailparse php-mailparse php-maxminddb php-maxminddb php-maxminddb php-mbstring php-mbstring php-mbstring php-memcached php-memcached php-memcached php-mongodb php-mongodb php-mongodb php-mysqli php-mysqli php-mysqli php-mysqlnd php-mysqlnd php-mysqlnd php-oci8 php-oci8 php-oci8 php-opcache php-opcache php-opcache php-openssl php-openssl php-openssl php-pcntl php-pcntl php-pcntl php-pcov php-pcov php-pcov php-pcs php-pcs php-pcs php-pdlib php-pdlib php-pdlib php-pdo php-pdo php-pdo php-pdo_dblib php-pdo_dblib php-pdo_dblib php-pdo_mysql php-pdo_mysql php-pdo_mysql php-pdo_oci php-pdo_oci php-pdo_oci php-pdo_odbc php-pdo_odbc php-pdo_odbc php-pdo_pgsql php-pdo_pgsql php-pdo_pgsql php-pdo_sqlite php-pdo_sqlite php-pdo_sqlite php-pdo_sqlsrv php-pdo_sqlsrv php-pdo_sqlsrv php-pgsql php-pgsql php-pgsql php-php-cs-fixer php-php-cs-fixer php-php-cs-fixer php-php-parallel-lint php-php-parallel-lint php-php-parallel-lint php-phpcbf php-phpcbf php-phpcbf php-phpcs php-phpcs php-phpcs php-phpmd php-phpmd php-phpmd php-phpstan php-phpstan php-phpstan php-php_excel php-php_excel php-php_excel php-pinba php-pinba php-pinba php-posix php-posix php-posix php-protobuf php-protobuf php-protobuf php-psalm php-psalm php-psalm php-pspell php-pspell php-pspell php-psysh php-psysh php-psysh php-pthreads php-pthreads php-pthreads php-rdkafka php-rdkafka php-rdkafka php-readline php-readline php-readline php-redis php-redis php-redis php-session php-session php-session php-shmop php-shmop php-shmop php-simplexml php-simplexml php-simplexml php-smbclient php-smbclient php-smbclient php-snmp php-snmp php-snmp php-soap php-soap php-soap php-sockets php-sockets php-sockets php-sodium php-sodium php-sodium php-sqlite3 php-sqlite3 php-sqlite3 php-sqlsrv php-sqlsrv php-sqlsrv php-swoole php-swoole php-swoole php-sysvmsg php-sysvmsg php-sysvmsg php-sysvsem php-sysvsem php-sysvsem php-sysvshm php-sysvshm php-sysvshm php-tidy php-tidy php-tidy php-tokenizer php-tokenizer php-tokenizer php-v8 php-v8 php-v8 php-v8js php-v8js php-v8js php-wddx php-with-extensions php-with-extensions php-with-extensions php-with-extensions php-xdebug php-xdebug php-xdebug php-xml php-xml php-xml php-xmlreader php-xmlreader php-xmlreader php-xmlrpc php-xmlrpc php-xmlwriter php-xmlwriter php-xmlwriter php-xsl php-xsl php-xsl php-yaml php-yaml php-yaml php-zend_test php-zend_test php-zend_test php-zip php-zip php-zip php-zlib php-zlib php-zlib php-zmq php-zmq php-zmq pies popa3d prayer psensor pulseeffects pulseeffects qcachegrind rabbitvcs rapid-photo-downloader rss-bridge-cli shotwell smartmontools spacefm system-sendmail tlp totem tracker-miners udiskie udisks udisks udisks-glue unfs3 unit ursadb ( → 1.2.0) usermount vifm-full wingpanel wingpanel-indicator-datetime wp-cli xmonad-log-applet-gnomeflashback-unstable xmonad-log-applet-gnomeflashback-unstable yle-dl
$ nix --experimental-features nix-command build --no-link --keep-going --option build-use-sandbox relaxed -f /home/skainswo/.cache/nixpkgs-review/rev-0d66d837d3d130c2e9dfb80e6b0cb0a29f85f2f7-dirty-3/build.nix
error: builder for '/nix/store/6ps4wb41wxbzi3rg1287acmgzj42pms4-FSharp.Compiler.Service-0.0.90.drv' failed with exit code 1;
last 10 log lines:
> /build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(124,13): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type 'a -> 'b but here has type obj
> /build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(129,13): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type 'a -> 'b but here has type obj
> /build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(191,30): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Is' is not defined
> /build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(192,30): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Is' is not defined
> /build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(194,30): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Is' is not defined
> 11 Warning(s)
> 24 Error(s)
> Time Elapsed 00:02:35.3139090
For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/6ps4wb41wxbzi3rg1287acmgzj42pms4-FSharp.Compiler.Service-0.0.90.drv'.
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/jmydp05i27krxrwgck67f33s48d0kzii-FSharp.AutoComplete-0.18.2.drv' failed to build
error: builder for '/nix/store/78cycrqj26vp8plvnsshhfjp5ixk9fyb-php-couchbase-2.6.2.drv' failed with exit code 2;
last 10 log lines:
> /build/source/couchbase.c:1075:9: error: too few arguments to function 'zend_parse_parameters'
> 1075 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zdata) == FAILURE) {
> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> In file included from /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main/php.h:35,
> from /build/source/couchbase.h:25,
> from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
> /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend/zend_API.h:304:22: note: declared here
> 304 | ZEND_API zend_result zend_parse_parameters(uint32_t num_args, const char *type_spec, ...);
> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> make: *** [Makefile:210: couchbase.lo] Error 1
For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/78cycrqj26vp8plvnsshhfjp5ixk9fyb-php-couchbase-2.6.2.drv'.
[1/193/547 built (2 failed), 2081 copied (8098.8/8106.8 MiB), 2162.0 MiB DL] building php-mongodb-1.9.0 (buildPhase): gcc -I. -I/build/mongodb-1.9.0 -DPHP_AT[1/193/547 built (2 failed), 2081 copied (8098.8/8106.8 MiB), 2162.0 MiB DL] bu[1/193/547 built (2 failed), 2081 copied (8098.8/8106.8 MiB), 2162.0 MiB DL] bu[1/193error: builder for '/nix/store/kjpw3agcc3l1mqh363m51fz7mq4zkh9b-php-php_excel-1.0.2.drv' failed with exit code 2;
last 10 log lines:
> /build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:5588:2: note: in expansion of macro 'REGISTER_EXCEL_CLASS'
> 5588 | REGISTER_EXCEL_CLASS(Format, format, excel_format_object_clone);
> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> /build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:85:47: warning: assignment to 'zend_object_clone_obj_t' {aka 'struct _zend_object * (*)(struct _zend_object *)'} from incompatible pointer type 'zend_object * (*)(zval *)' {aka 'struct _zend_object * (*)(struct _zval_struct *)'} [8;;;;]
> 85 | excel_object_handlers_ ## c_name .clone_obj = clone; \
> | ^
> /build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:5589:2: note: in expansion of macro 'REGISTER_EXCEL_CLASS'
> 5589 | REGISTER_EXCEL_CLASS(Font, font, excel_font_object_clone);
> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> make: *** [Makefile:209: excel.lo] Error 1
For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/kjpw3agcc3l1mqh363m51fz7mq4zkh9b-php-php_excel-1.0.2.drv'.
[1/477/546 built (3 failed), 2081 copied (8098.8/8106.8 MiB), 2162.0 MiB DL] building adapta-gtk-theme- (buildPhase): Rende[1/477/546 built (3 failed), 2081 copie[1/477/546 built (3 failed), 2081 copied (8098.8/8106.8 MiB), 2162.0 MiB DL] building adapta-gtk-terror: builder for '/nix/store/y7l19rj1rk41s8c6yr6lsizlvx02d0rf-kgx-unstable-2021-03-13.drv' failed with exit code 1;
last 10 log lines:
> In file included from ../src/kgx-window.h:24,
> from ../src/kgx-application.h:24,
> from ../src/kgx.h:20,
> from ../src/main.c:20:
> ../src/kgx-terminal.h:24:10: fatal error: kgx-enums.h: No such file or directory
> 24 | #include "kgx-enums.h"
> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
> compilation terminated.
> [11/27] Compiling C object nautilus/ command contains newlines, to capture output)
> ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/y7l19rj1rk41s8c6yr6lsizlvx02d0rf-kgx-unstable-2021-03-13.drv'.
error: 4 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/5wpq8mm4a0pmpy3xg9fp4s3623hribrm-env.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/3p6njhpbxqsvc0bl3bmqs8s79vv66rsc-review-shell.drv' failed to build
24 packages marked as broken and skipped:
gnome.gnome-documents hhvm libsForQt512.kcachegrind php73Extensions.pcs php73Extensions.v8 php73Extensions.v8js php73Extensions.zmq php73Packages.phpmd php74Extensions.pcs php74Extensions.pthreads php74Extensions.v8 php74Extensions.v8js php74Extensions.zmq php80Extensions.apcu_bc php80Extensions.pcs php80Extensions.pthreads php80Extensions.v8 php80Extensions.v8js php80Extensions.zmq udisks1 udisks_glue unfs3 xmonad_log_applet xmonad_log_applet_gnome3
4 packages failed to build:
dotnetPackages.FSharpAutoComplete kgx php80Extensions.couchbase php80Extensions.php_excel
407 packages built:
adapta-gtk-theme adminer almanah php arcanist automysqlbackup bookstack bubblemail calls cantata chrome-gnome-shell cinnamon.cinnamon-common cinnamon.cinnamon-control-center cinnamon.cinnamon-gsettings-overrides cinnamon.cinnamon-screensaver clementine clementineUnfree dotnetPackages.NDeskOptions dropbox-cli drush dspam elementary-planner empathy engelsystem enlightenment.enlightenment evolution evolution-data-server evolution-ews evolutionWithPlugins far2l feedreader folks gfbgraph gnome-multi-writer gnome-recipes gnome.bijiben gnome.cheese gnome.file-roller gnome.geary gnome.gnome-applets gnome.gnome-books gnome.gnome-boxes gnome.gnome-calendar gnome.gnome-contacts gnome.gnome-control-center gnome.gnome-disk-utility gnome.gnome-flashback gnome.gnome-initial-setup gnome.gnome-maps gnome.gnome-music gnome.gnome-online-accounts gnome.gnome-online-miners gnome.gnome-panel gnome.gnome-photos gnome.gnome-session gnome.gnome-shell gnome.gnome-software gnome.gnome-terminal gnome.gnome-todo gnome.gnome-tweak-tool gnome.gnome-user-share gnome.grilo-plugins gnome.gvfs gnome.libgdata gnome.libzapojit gnome.nautilus gnome.nautilus-python gnome.pomodoro gnome.shotwell gnome.totem gnome.tracker-miners gnome2.gvfs gnomeExtensions.easyScreenCast gnomeExtensions.gsconnect gnomeExtensions.night-theme-switcher gsmartcontrol icingaweb2 kcachegrind libsForQt514.kcachegrind logrotate lsp-plugins mailnagWithPlugins mailutils mate.mate-utils piwik matomo-beta mdadm nagios nextcloud-news-updater pantheon.elementary-calendar pantheon.elementary-greeter pantheon.elementary-session-settings pantheon.extra-elementary-contracts pantheon.wingpanel-indicator-datetime pantheon.wingpanel-with-indicators partition-manager petidomo phoronix-test-suite phosh php73 php73Extensions.apcu php73Extensions.apcu_bc php73Extensions.ast php73Extensions.bcmath php73Extensions.bz2 php73Extensions.calendar php73Extensions.couchbase php73Extensions.ctype php73Extensions.curl php73Extensions.dba php73Extensions.dom php73Extensions.enchant php73Extensions.event php73Extensions.exif php73Extensions.fileinfo php73Extensions.filter php73Extensions.ftp php73Extensions.gettext php73Extensions.gmp php73Extensions.hash php73Extensions.iconv php73Extensions.igbinary php73Extensions.imagick php73Extensions.imap php73Extensions.intl php73Extensions.json php73Extensions.ldap php73Extensions.mailparse php73Extensions.maxminddb php73Extensions.mbstring php73Extensions.memcached php73Extensions.mongodb php73Extensions.mysqli php73Extensions.mysqlnd php73Extensions.oci8 php73Extensions.opcache php73Extensions.openssl php73Extensions.pcntl php73Extensions.pcov php73Extensions.pdlib php73Extensions.pdo php73Extensions.pdo_dblib php73Extensions.pdo_mysql php73Extensions.pdo_oci php73Extensions.pdo_odbc php73Extensions.pdo_pgsql php73Extensions.pdo_sqlite php73Extensions.pdo_sqlsrv php73Extensions.pgsql php73Extensions.php_excel php73Extensions.pinba php73Extensions.posix php73Extensions.protobuf php73Extensions.pspell php73Extensions.pthreads php73Extensions.rdkafka php73Extensions.readline php73Extensions.redis php73Extensions.session php73Extensions.shmop php73Extensions.simplexml php73Extensions.smbclient php73Extensions.snmp php73Extensions.soap php73Extensions.sockets php73Extensions.sodium php73Extensions.sqlite3 php73Extensions.sqlsrv php73Extensions.swoole php73Extensions.sysvmsg php73Extensions.sysvsem php73Extensions.sysvshm php73Extensions.tidy php73Extensions.tokenizer php73Extensions.wddx php73Extensions.xdebug php73Extensions.xml php73Extensions.xmlreader php73Extensions.xmlrpc php73Extensions.xmlwriter php73Extensions.xsl php73Extensions.yaml php73Extensions.zend_test php73Extensions.zlib php73Packages.composer php73Packages.composer1 php73Packages.deployer php73Packages.php-cs-fixer php73Packages.php-parallel-lint php73Packages.phpcbf php73Packages.phpcs php73Packages.phpstan php73Packages.psalm php73Packages.psysh php74Extensions.apcu php74Extensions.apcu_bc php74Extensions.ast php74Extensions.bcmath php74Extensions.bz2 php74Extensions.calendar php74Extensions.couchbase php74Extensions.ctype php74Extensions.curl php74Extensions.dba php74Extensions.dom php74Extensions.enchant php74Extensions.event php74Extensions.exif php74Extensions.ffi php74Extensions.fileinfo php74Extensions.filter php74Extensions.ftp php74Extensions.gettext php74Extensions.gmp php74Extensions.iconv php74Extensions.igbinary php74Extensions.imagick php74Extensions.imap php74Extensions.intl php74Extensions.json php74Extensions.ldap php74Extensions.mailparse php74Extensions.maxminddb php74Extensions.mbstring php74Extensions.memcached php74Extensions.mongodb php74Extensions.mysqli php74Extensions.mysqlnd php74Extensions.oci8 php74Extensions.opcache php74Extensions.openssl php74Extensions.pcntl php74Extensions.pcov php74Extensions.pdlib php74Extensions.pdo php74Extensions.pdo_dblib php74Extensions.pdo_mysql php74Extensions.pdo_oci php74Extensions.pdo_odbc php74Extensions.pdo_pgsql php74Extensions.pdo_sqlite php74Extensions.pdo_sqlsrv php74Extensions.pgsql php74Extensions.php_excel php74Extensions.pinba php74Extensions.posix php74Extensions.protobuf php74Extensions.pspell php74Extensions.rdkafka php74Extensions.readline php74Extensions.redis php74Extensions.session php74Extensions.shmop php74Extensions.simplexml php74Extensions.smbclient php74Extensions.snmp php74Extensions.soap php74Extensions.sockets php74Extensions.sodium php74Extensions.sqlite3 php74Extensions.sqlsrv php74Extensions.swoole php74Extensions.sysvmsg php74Extensions.sysvsem php74Extensions.sysvshm php74Extensions.tidy php74Extensions.tokenizer php74Extensions.xdebug php74Extensions.xml php74Extensions.xmlreader php74Extensions.xmlrpc php74Extensions.xmlwriter php74Extensions.xsl php74Extensions.yaml php74Extensions.zend_test php74Extensions.zlib php74Packages.composer php74Packages.composer1 php74Packages.deployer php74Packages.php-cs-fixer php74Packages.php-parallel-lint php74Packages.phpcbf php74Packages.phpcs php74Packages.phpmd php74Packages.phpstan php74Packages.psalm php74Packages.psysh php80 php80Extensions.apcu php80Extensions.ast php80Extensions.bcmath php80Extensions.bz2 php80Extensions.calendar php80Extensions.ctype php80Extensions.curl php80Extensions.dba php80Extensions.dom php80Extensions.enchant php80Extensions.event php80Extensions.exif php80Extensions.ffi php80Extensions.fileinfo php80Extensions.filter php80Extensions.ftp php80Extensions.gettext php80Extensions.gmp php80Extensions.iconv php80Extensions.igbinary php80Extensions.imagick php80Extensions.imap php80Extensions.intl php80Extensions.ldap php80Extensions.mailparse php80Extensions.maxminddb php80Extensions.mbstring php80Extensions.memcached php80Extensions.mongodb php80Extensions.mysqli php80Extensions.mysqlnd php80Extensions.oci8 php80Extensions.opcache php80Extensions.openssl php80Extensions.pcntl php80Extensions.pcov php80Extensions.pdlib php80Extensions.pdo php80Extensions.pdo_dblib php80Extensions.pdo_mysql php80Extensions.pdo_oci php80Extensions.pdo_odbc php80Extensions.pdo_pgsql php80Extensions.pdo_sqlite php80Extensions.pdo_sqlsrv php80Extensions.pgsql php80Extensions.pinba php80Extensions.posix php80Extensions.protobuf php80Extensions.pspell php80Extensions.rdkafka php80Extensions.readline php80Extensions.redis php80Extensions.session php80Extensions.shmop php80Extensions.simplexml php80Extensions.smbclient php80Extensions.snmp php80Extensions.soap php80Extensions.sockets php80Extensions.sodium php80Extensions.sqlite3 php80Extensions.sqlsrv php80Extensions.swoole php80Extensions.sysvmsg php80Extensions.sysvsem php80Extensions.sysvshm php80Extensions.tidy php80Extensions.tokenizer php80Extensions.xdebug php80Extensions.xml php80Extensions.xmlreader php80Extensions.xmlwriter php80Extensions.xsl php80Extensions.yaml php80Extensions.zend_test php80Extensions.zlib php80Packages.composer php80Packages.composer1 php80Packages.deployer php80Packages.php-cs-fixer php80Packages.php-parallel-lint php80Packages.phpcbf php80Packages.phpcs php80Packages.phpmd php80Packages.phpstan php80Packages.psalm php80Packages.psysh pies popa3d prayer psensor pulseeffects-legacy pulseeffects-pw qcachegrind rabbitvcs rapid-photo-downloader rss-bridge-cli smartmontools spaceFM system-sendmail tlp udiskie udisks unit ursadb usermount vifm-full wp-cli yle-dl
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" }
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/ky2sd4z4dx4c6cyqj9gak4hm6wlmmjvy-source
source root is source
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "patchPhase" }
patching sources
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "configurePhase" }
Placating Nuget in nuget.targets
Just to be sure, replacing Nuget executables by empty files.
renamed './.nuget/NuGet.exe' -> './.nuget/NuGet.exe.bak'
Placating Paket in paket.targets
Just to be sure, replacing Paket executables by empty files.
Patching F# targets in fsproj files...
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "buildPhase" }
Building dotNET packages...
>>>> xbuild tool is deprecated and will be removed in future updates, use msbuild instead <<<<
XBuild Engine Version 14.0
Mono, Version
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Various Mono authors
Build started 05/17/2021 21:24:27.
Project "/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln" (default target(s)):
 Target ValidateSolutionConfiguration:
 Building solution configuration "Release|Mixed Platforms".
 Target Build:
 Project "/build/source/src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj" (default target(s)):
 Target RestorePackages:
 Executing: true NUGET PLACATED BY buildDotnetPackage install "packages.config" -source "" -RequireConsent -solutionDir "/build/source/"
 Target CallFsSrGen:
 Created directory "obj/x86/Release/"
 Tool ../../../lib/bootstrap/4.0/fssrgen.exe execution started with arguments: /build/source/src/fsharp/FSComp.txt obj/x86/Release/FSComp.fs FSComp.resx 
 Tool ../../../lib/bootstrap/4.0/fssrgen.exe execution started with arguments: /build/source/src/fsharp/fsi/FSIstrings.txt obj/x86/Release/FSIstrings.fs FSIstrings.resx 
 Target PrepareForBuild:
 Configuration: Release Platform: x86
 Created directory "../../../bin/v4.5/"
 Target ResolveAssemblyReferences:
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved
 For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles}
 Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently
 For searchpath {HintPathFromItem}
 HintPath attribute not found
 For searchpath {PkgConfig}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in any pkg-config files.
 For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory}
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 For searchpath {GAC}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in the GAC.
 For searchpath {RawFileName}
 Considered 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' as a file, but the file does not exist
 For searchpath ../../../bin/v4.5/
 Considered '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Core' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Core.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Core.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Target GenerateResources:
 Tool /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- execution started with arguments: /useSourcePath /compile "../FSStrings.resx,obj/x86/Release/FSStrings.resources" 
 Tool /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- execution started with arguments: /useSourcePath /compile "FSComp.resx,obj/x86/Release/FSComp.resources" 
 Tool /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- execution started with arguments: /useSourcePath /compile "FSIstrings.resx,obj/x86/Release/FSIstrings.resources" 
 Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
 No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping.
 Target CallFsLex:
 Tool ../../../lib/bootstrap/4.0/fslex.exe execution started with arguments: --unicode -o lex.fs --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing ../lex.fsl 
 compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
 713 states
 writing output
 Tool ../../../lib/bootstrap/4.0/fslex.exe execution started with arguments: --unicode -o illex.fs --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing ../../absil/illex.fsl 
 compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
 137 states
 writing output
 Target CallFsYacc:
 Tool ../../../lib/bootstrap/4.0/fsyacc.exe execution started with arguments: --open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL --module Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Internal.AsciiParser -o ilpars.fs --internal --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing --parslib Internal.Utilities.Text.Parsing ../../absil/ilpars.fsy 
 building tables
 computing first function...time: 00:00:00.0498285
 building kernels...time: 00:00:00.0324074
 building kernel table...time: 00:00:00.0088769
 computing lookahead relations.................................................................................................................................................time: 00:00:00.0426573
 building lookahead table...time: 00:00:00.0139908
 building action table...state 57: shift/reduce error on RBRACK
 state 87: shift/reduce error on RBRACK
 time: 00:00:00.0339980
 building goto table...time: 00:00:00.0086936
 returning tables.
 2 shift/reduce conflicts
 142 states
 32 nonterminals
 68 terminals
 96 productions
 #rows in action table: 142
 Tool ../../../lib/bootstrap/4.0/fsyacc.exe execution started with arguments: --open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler --module Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Parser -o pars.fs --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing --parslib Internal.Utilities.Text.Parsing ../pars.fsy 
 building tables
 computing first function...time: 00:00:00.2445317
 building kernels...time: 00:00:00.4809321
 building kernel table...time: 00:00:00.0170375
 computing lookahead relations...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................time: 00:00:07.3832157
 building lookahead table...time: 00:00:01.6661012
 building action table...state 0: shift/reduce error on error
 state 2: shift/reduce error on error
 state 2: shift/reduce error on error
 state 47: shift/reduce error on EOF
 state 59: shift/reduce error on error
 state 63: shift/reduce error on error
 state 67: shift/reduce error on error
 state 72: shift/reduce error on OBLOCKEND
 state 72: shift/reduce error on OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON
 state 72: shift/reduce error on OBLOCKEND_IS_HERE
 state 77: shift/reduce error on error
 state 124: shift/reduce error on WITH
 state 133: shift/reduce error on WITH
 state 135: shift/reduce error on WITH
 state 143: shift/reduce error on error
 state 176: shift/reduce error on WITH
 state 221: reduce/reduce error on error
 state 221: shift/reduce error on error
 state 225: reduce/reduce error on error
 state 225: shift/reduce error on error
 state 228: reduce/reduce error on error
 state 228: shift/reduce error on error
 state 240: shift/reduce error on error
 state 240: shift/reduce error on error
 state 244: shift/reduce error on error
 state 246: shift/reduce error on error
 state 246: shift/reduce error on error
 state 251: shift/reduce error on error
 state 260: shift/reduce error on OLET
 state 260: shift/reduce error on EXTERN
 state 260: shift/reduce error on error
 state 269: shift/reduce error on error
 state 275: shift/reduce error on BEGIN
 state 275: shift/reduce error on error
 state 285: reduce/reduce error on error
 state 285: shift/reduce error on error
 state 294: shift/reduce error on LBRACK_LESS
 state 307: shift/reduce error on TYPE_COMING_SOON
 state 307: shift/reduce error on MODULE_COMING_SOON
 state 340: shift/reduce error on WITH
 state 340: reduce/reduce error on PUBLIC
 state 340: reduce/reduce error on PRIVATE
 state 340: reduce/reduce error on INTERNAL
 state 340: shift/reduce error on LBRACK_LESS
 state 351: shift/reduce error on error
 state 353: shift/reduce error on error
 state 356: shift/reduce error on WITH
 state 359: shift/reduce error on WITH
 state 367: shift/reduce error on error
 state 371: shift/reduce error on END
 state 371: shift/reduce error on error
 state 373: shift/reduce error on error
 state 377: shift/reduce error on error
 state 383: shift/reduce error on error
 state 386: shift/reduce error on error
 state 418: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 421: shift/reduce error on WITH
 state 428: shift/reduce error on WITH
 state 429: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 432: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 434: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 436: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 442: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 458: shift/reduce error on WITH
 state 498: shift/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 499: reduce/reduce error on error
 state 504: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 506: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 510: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 609: shift/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 616: shift/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 619: shift/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 622: shift/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 625: shift/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 634: shift/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 637: shift/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 638: reduce/reduce error on BAR
 state 777: shift/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_TYAPP
 state 784: shift/reduce error on COLON
 state 836: shift/reduce error on error
 state 836: shift/reduce error on EOF
 state 867: shift/reduce error on error
 state 867: shift/reduce error on EOF
 state 871: shift/reduce error on RPAREN
 state 871: shift/reduce error on RPAREN_COMING_SOON
 state 871: shift/reduce error on RPAREN_IS_HERE
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on EOF
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on OWITH
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on TYPE_COMING_SOON
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on MODULE_COMING_SOON
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on PUBLIC
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on PRIVATE
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on INTERNAL
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on GLOBAL
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on BAR
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on RBRACK
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on RBRACE
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on RBRACE_COMING_SOON
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on RBRACE_IS_HERE
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on BAR_RBRACK
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on UNDERSCORE
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on EQUALS
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on LBRACK
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on LBRACK_BAR
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on LBRACE
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on QMARK
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on COLON
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on COLON_COLON
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on SEMICOLON
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on WHEN
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on WITH
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on AMP
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on LPAREN
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on RPAREN
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on RPAREN_COMING_SOON
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on RPAREN_IS_HERE
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on COMMA
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on RARROW
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on TRUE
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on FALSE
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on IN
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on AS
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on NULL
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on LQUOTE
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on BIGNUM
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on DECIMAL
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on CHAR
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on IEEE64
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on IEEE32
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on NATIVEINT
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on UNATIVEINT
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on UINT64
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on UINT32
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on UINT16
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on UINT8
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on INT64
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on INT32
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on INT16
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on INT8
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on IDENT
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on KEYWORD_STRING
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on STRING
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on BYTEARRAY
 state 872: reduce/reduce error on error
 state 875: shift/reduce error on COLON
 state 876: shift/reduce error on COLON
 state 877: shift/reduce error on COLON
 state 878: shift/reduce error on COLON
 state 879: shift/reduce error on COLON
 state 880: shift/reduce error on COLON
 state 881: shift/reduce error on COLON
 state 889: shift/reduce error on COMMA
 state 890: shift/reduce error on AMP
 state 908: reduce/reduce error on RBRACK
 state 908: reduce/reduce error on BAR_RBRACK
 state 918: shift/reduce error on COLON_QMARK
 state 918: shift/reduce error on COLON_GREATER
 state 918: shift/reduce error on COLON_QMARK_GREATER
 state 918: shift/reduce error on COLON_EQUALS
 state 918: shift/reduce error on JOIN_IN
 state 918: shift/reduce error on BAR_BAR
 state 918: shift/reduce error on INFIX_BAR_OP
 state 918: shift/reduce error on OR
 state 918: shift/reduce error on AMP
 state 918: shift/reduce error on AMP_AMP
 state 918: shift/reduce error on INFIX_AMP_OP
 state 918: shift/reduce error on EQUALS
 state 918: shift/reduce error on INFIX_COMPARE_OP
 state 918: shift/reduce error on DOLLAR
 state 918: shift/reduce error on LESS
 state 918: shift/reduce error on GREATER
 state 918: shift/reduce error on INFIX_AT_HAT_OP
 state 918: shift/reduce error on PERCENT_OP
 state 918: shift/reduce error on COLON_COLON
 state 918: shift/reduce error on PLUS_MINUS_OP
 state 918: shift/reduce error on MINUS
 state 918: shift/reduce error on STAR
 state 918: shift/reduce error on INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP
 state 918: shift/reduce error on INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP
 state 918: shift/reduce error on COMMA
 state 919: shift/reduce error on ORIGHT_BLOCK_END
 state 921: shift/reduce error on COLON
 state 926: shift/reduce error on THEN
 state 926: shift/reduce error on OTHEN
 state 927: reduce/reduce error on EOF
 state 927: reduce/reduce error on RBRACK
 state 927: reduce/reduce error on error
 state 929: shift/reduce error on ODO
 state 929: shift/reduce error on OLET
 state 929: shift/reduce error on EXTERN
 state 929: shift/reduce error on MINUS
 state 929: shift/reduce error on AMP
 state 929: shift/reduce error on AMP_AMP
 state 929: shift/reduce error on RARROW
 state 929: shift/reduce error on NEW
 state 929: shift/reduce error on PERCENT_OP
 state 929: shift/reduce error on LET
 state 929: shift/reduce error on PLUS_MINUS_OP
 state 937: shift/reduce error on OLET
 state 937: shift/reduce error on ODO
 state 937: shift/reduce error on EXTERN
 state 937: shift/reduce error on error
 state 939: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 939: shift/reduce error on DONE
 state 940: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 940: shift/reduce error on DONE
 state 941: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 941: shift/reduce error on DONE
 state 942: shift/reduce error on ODO
 state 942: shift/reduce error on DO
 state 943: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 943: shift/reduce error on DONE
 state 944: shift/reduce error on RBRACK
 state 945: shift/reduce error on RBRACK
 state 946: shift/reduce error on RQUOTE
 state 947: shift/reduce error on BAR_RBRACK
 state 948: shift/reduce error on RPAREN
 state 948: shift/reduce error on RPAREN_IS_HERE
 state 948: shift/reduce error on RPAREN_COMING_SOON
 state 949: shift/reduce error on RPAREN
 state 949: shift/reduce error on RPAREN_IS_HERE
 state 949: shift/reduce error on RPAREN_COMING_SOON
 state 950: shift/reduce error on RBRACE
 state 950: shift/reduce error on RBRACE_IS_HERE
 state 950: shift/reduce error on RBRACE_COMING_SOON
 state 982: shift/reduce error on ODO
 state 982: shift/reduce error on OLET
 state 982: shift/reduce error on EXTERN
 state 986: shift/reduce error on ODO
 state 986: shift/reduce error on OLET
 state 986: shift/reduce error on EXTERN
 state 1021: reduce/reduce error on EOF
 state 1021: reduce/reduce error on OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON
 state 1021: reduce/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 1021: reduce/reduce error on ODO
 state 1021: reduce/reduce error on TYPE_COMING_SOON
 state 1021: reduce/reduce error on MODULE_COMING_SOON
 state 1021: reduce/reduce error on RBRACE_COMING_SOON
 state 1021: reduce/reduce error on RPAREN_COMING_SOON
 state 1021: reduce/reduce error on RARROW
 state 1021: reduce/reduce error on DO
 state 1021: reduce/reduce error on error
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on COLON_QMARK
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on COLON_GREATER
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on COLON_QMARK_GREATER
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on COLON_EQUALS
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on JOIN_IN
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on BAR_BAR
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on INFIX_BAR_OP
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on OR
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on AMP
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on AMP_AMP
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on INFIX_AMP_OP
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on EQUALS
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on INFIX_COMPARE_OP
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on DOLLAR
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on LESS
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on GREATER
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on INFIX_AT_HAT_OP
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on PERCENT_OP
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on COLON_COLON
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on PLUS_MINUS_OP
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on MINUS
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on STAR
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP
 state 1023: shift/reduce error on COMMA
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on COLON_QMARK
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on COLON_GREATER
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on COLON_QMARK_GREATER
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on COLON_EQUALS
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on JOIN_IN
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on BAR_BAR
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on INFIX_BAR_OP
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on OR
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on AMP
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on AMP_AMP
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on INFIX_AMP_OP
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on EQUALS
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on INFIX_COMPARE_OP
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on DOLLAR
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on LESS
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on GREATER
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on INFIX_AT_HAT_OP
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on PERCENT_OP
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on COLON_COLON
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on PLUS_MINUS_OP
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on MINUS
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on STAR
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP
 state 1025: shift/reduce error on COMMA
 state 1154: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1163: shift/reduce error on ELIF
 state 1163: shift/reduce error on ELSE
 state 1163: shift/reduce error on OELSE
 state 1205: reduce/reduce error on error
 state 1209: reduce/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 1217: shift/reduce error on EQUALS
 state 1219: shift/reduce error on QMARK
 state 1222: shift/reduce error on QMARK
 state 1226: shift/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP
 state 1226: shift/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 1226: shift/reduce error on DOT
 state 1233: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1233: shift/reduce error on LPAREN
 state 1233: shift/reduce error on LBRACK
 state 1233: shift/reduce error on EOF
 state 1233: shift/reduce error on LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN
 state 1233: shift/reduce error on IDENT
 state 1236: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1236: shift/reduce error on LPAREN
 state 1236: shift/reduce error on LBRACK
 state 1236: shift/reduce error on EOF
 state 1236: shift/reduce error on LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN
 state 1236: shift/reduce error on IDENT
 state 1245: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1245: shift/reduce error on EOF
 state 1299: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1299: shift/reduce error on EOF
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on EOF
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OINTERFACE_MEMBER
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OBLOCKEND
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OBLOCKEND_IS_HERE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on ORIGHT_BLOCK_END
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OEND
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OBLOCKSEP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OWITH
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OELSE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OTHEN
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on ODO
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OLET
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_TYAPP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on TYPE_COMING_SOON
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on TYPE_IS_HERE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on MODULE_COMING_SOON
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on MODULE_IS_HERE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on EXTERN
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on PUBLIC
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on PRIVATE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INTERNAL
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on GLOBAL
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on STATIC
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on MEMBER
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on ABSTRACT
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OVERRIDE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on DEFAULT
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INHERIT
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on BAR
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on RBRACK
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on RBRACE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on RBRACE_COMING_SOON
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on RBRACE_IS_HERE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on MINUS
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on DOLLAR
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on BAR_RBRACK
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on SEMICOLON_SEMICOLON
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on LARROW
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on EQUALS
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on LBRACK
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on LBRACK_BAR
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on LBRACK_LESS
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on LBRACE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on QMARK
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on DOT
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on COLON
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on COLON_COLON
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on COLON_GREATER
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on COLON_QMARK_GREATER
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on COLON_QMARK
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on COLON_EQUALS
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on SEMICOLON
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on WHEN
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on WITH
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on HASH
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on AMP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on AMP_AMP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on QUOTE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on LPAREN
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on RPAREN
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on RPAREN_COMING_SOON
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on RPAREN_IS_HERE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on STAR
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on COMMA
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on RARROW
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OPEN
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on OR
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on THEN
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on TO
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on TRUE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on TYPE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on VAL
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INTERFACE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on NEW
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on EXCEPTION
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on FALSE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on IN
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on JOIN_IN
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on FINALLY
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on AND
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on AS
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on BEGIN
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on DO
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on DONE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on DOWNTO
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on ELSE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on ELIF
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on END
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on DOT_DOT
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on BAR_BAR
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on NULL
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on MODULE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on NAMESPACE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on BASE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on LQUOTE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on RQUOTE
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on PERCENT_OP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on LESS
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on GREATER
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on LET
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on BIGNUM
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on DECIMAL
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on CHAR
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on IEEE64
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on IEEE32
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on NATIVEINT
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on UNATIVEINT
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on UINT64
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on UINT32
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on UINT16
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on UINT8
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INT64
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INT32
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INT16
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INT8
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on ADJACENT_PREFIX_OP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on PLUS_MINUS_OP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INFIX_AMP_OP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on PREFIX_OP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INFIX_BAR_OP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INFIX_AT_HAT_OP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INFIX_COMPARE_OP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on IDENT
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on KEYWORD_STRING
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on STRING
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on BYTEARRAY
 state 1313: reduce/reduce error on error
 state 1408: shift/reduce error on EOF
 state 1408: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1408: shift/reduce error on RBRACE_COMING_SOON
 state 1409: shift/reduce error on EOF
 state 1409: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1409: shift/reduce error on RBRACE_COMING_SOON
 state 1415: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1421: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1426: shift/reduce error on END
 state 1426: shift/reduce error on OEND
 state 1426: shift/reduce error on ODECLEND
 state 1428: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1430: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1432: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1499: shift/reduce error on QUOTE
 state 1499: shift/reduce error on GLOBAL
 state 1506: shift/reduce error on QUOTE
 state 1506: shift/reduce error on GLOBAL
 state 1513: shift/reduce error on COLON_GREATER
 state 1515: shift/reduce error on INFIX_AT_HAT_OP
 state 1516: shift/reduce error on INFIX_AT_HAT_OP
 state 1516: shift/reduce error on LESS
 state 1516: shift/reduce error on DOT
 state 1521: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 1525: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 1527: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 1535: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 1540: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 1546: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 1563: shift/reduce error on INFIX_AT_HAT_OP
 state 1563: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 1564: shift/reduce error on INFIX_AT_HAT_OP
 state 1568: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 1572: reduce/reduce error on HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP
 state 1575: shift/reduce error on DOT
 state 1601: shift/reduce error on EOF
 state 1601: shift/reduce error on error
 state 1626: shift/reduce error on INFIX_AT_HAT_OP
 state 1744: shift/reduce error on TYPE_COMING_SOON
 state 1744: shift/reduce error on TYPE_IS_HERE
 state 1744: shift/reduce error on TYPE
 state 1749: shift/reduce error on MODULE_COMING_SOON
 state 1749: shift/reduce error on MODULE_IS_HERE
 state 1749: shift/reduce error on MODULE
 time: 00:00:11.6424438
 building goto table...time: 00:00:03.9162454
 returning tables.
 270 shift/reduce conflicts
 233 reduce/reduce conflicts
 1776 states
 319 nonterminals
 195 terminals
 1035 productions
 #rows in action table: 1776
 Target CoreCompile:
 Tool /nix/store/86gni7drrvsjmi5nb1v7fnvpz9qhlnyw-fsharp- execution started with arguments: -o:obj/x86/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll -g --noframework --baseaddress:0x06800000 --define:CROSS_PLATFORM_COMPILER --define:FX_ATLEAST_45 --define:FX_ATLEAST_40 --define:BE_SECURITY_TRANSPARENT --define:TYPE_PROVIDER_SECURITY --define:EXTENSIBLE_DUMPER --define:INCLUDE_METADATA_WRITER --define:COMPILER --define:EXTENSIONTYPING --define:NO_STRONG_NAMES --doc:../../../bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.XML --optimize+ --resource:obj/x86/Release/FSStrings.resources --resource:obj/x86/Release/FSComp.resources --resource:obj/x86/Release/FSIstrings.resources -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- --target:library --nowarn:44,62,9,69,65,54,61,75 --warnaserror:76 --fullpaths --flaterrors --highentropyva- /warnon:1182 --times obj/x86/Release/FSComp.fs obj/x86/Release/FSIstrings.fs ../../assemblyinfo/assemblyinfo.FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.fs ../ExtensibleDumper.fsi ../ExtensibleDumper.fs ../../utils/sformat.fsi ../../utils/sformat.fs ../sr.fsi ../sr.fs ../../utils/prim-lexing.fsi ../../utils/prim-lexing.fs ../../utils/prim-parsing.fsi ../../utils/prim-parsing.fs ../../utils/resizearray.fsi ../../utils/resizearray.fs ../../utils/HashMultiMap.fsi ../../utils/HashMultiMap.fs ../../utils/TaggedCollections.fsi ../../utils/TaggedCollections.fs ../FlatList.fs ../../absil/illib.fs ../../utils/filename.fsi ../../utils/filename.fs ../../absil/zmap.fsi ../../absil/zmap.fs ../../absil/zset.fsi ../../absil/zset.fs ../../absil/bytes.fsi ../../absil/bytes.fs ../../absil/ildiag.fsi ../../absil/ildiag.fs ../InternalCollections.fsi ../InternalCollections.fs ../QueueList.fs ../lib.fs ../InternalFileSystemUtils.fsi ../InternalFileSystemUtils.fs ../TraceCall.fsi ../TraceCall.fs ../range.fsi ../range.fs ../ErrorLogger.fs ../ReferenceResolution.fs ../../absil/il.fsi ../../absil/il.fs ../../absil/ilx.fsi ../../absil/ilx.fs ../../absil/ilascii.fsi ../../absil/ilascii.fs ../../absil/ilprint.fsi ../../absil/ilprint.fs ../../absil/ilmorph.fsi ../../absil/ilmorph.fs ../../absil/ilsupp.fsi ../../absil/ilsupp.fs ilpars.fs illex.fs ../../absil/ilbinary.fsi ../../absil/ilbinary.fs ../../absil/ilread.fsi ../../absil/ilread.fs ../../absil/ilwrite.fsi ../../absil/ilwrite.fs ../../absil/ilreflect.fs ../../utils/CompilerLocationUtils.fs ../PrettyNaming.fs ../../ilx/ilxsettings.fs ../../ilx/pubclo.fsi ../../ilx/pubclo.fs ../../ilx/cu_erase.fsi ../../ilx/cu_erase.fs ../unilex.fsi ../unilex.fs ../layout.fsi ../layout.fs ../ast.fs pars.fs ../lexhelp.fsi ../lexhelp.fs lex.fs ../lexfilter.fs ../tainted.fsi ../tainted.fs ../est.fsi ../est.fs ../sreflect.fsi ../sreflect.fs ../tast.fs ../env.fs ../tastops.fsi ../tastops.fs ../pickle.fsi ../pickle.fs ../import.fsi ../import.fs ../infos.fs ../NicePrint.fs ../augment.fsi ../augment.fs ../outcome.fsi ../outcome.fs ../nameres.fsi ../nameres.fs ../typrelns.fs ../patcompile.fsi ../patcompile.fs ../csolve.fsi ../csolve.fs ../formats.fsi ../formats.fs ../unsolved.fs ../creflect.fsi ../creflect.fs ../check.fsi ../check.fs ../tc.fsi ../tc.fs ../opt.fsi ../opt.fs ../detuple.fsi ../detuple.fs ../tlr.fsi ../tlr.fs ../lowertop.fs ../ilxgen.fsi ../ilxgen.fs ../build.fsi ../build.fs ../fscopts.fsi ../fscopts.fs ../fsc.fsi ../fsc.fs ../vs/IncrementalBuild.fsi ../vs/IncrementalBuild.fs ../vs/Reactor.fsi ../vs/Reactor.fs ../vs/ServiceConstants.fs ../vs/ServiceDeclarations.fsi ../vs/ServiceDeclarations.fs ../vs/Symbols.fsi ../vs/Symbols.fs ../vs/Exprs.fsi ../vs/Exprs.fs ../vs/ServiceLexing.fsi ../vs/ServiceLexing.fs ../vs/ServiceParseTreeWalk.fs ../vs/ServiceNavigation.fsi ../vs/ServiceNavigation.fs ../vs/ServiceParamInfoLocations.fsi ../vs/ServiceParamInfoLocations.fs ../vs/ServiceUntypedParse.fsi ../vs/ServiceUntypedParse.fs ../vs/service.fsi ../vs/service.fs ../vs/SimpleServices.fsi ../vs/SimpleServices.fs ../fsi/fsi.fsi ../fsi/fsi.fs 
 F# Compiler for F# 4.0 (Open Source Edition)
 Freely distributed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License
 TIME: 0.4 Delta: 0.0 Mem: 41 G0: 0 G1: 0 G2: 0 [Import mscorlib]
 TIME: 0.9 Delta: 0.6 Mem: 96 G0: 0 G1: 0 G2: 0 [Import mscorlib and FSharp.Core.dll]
 TIME: 8.8 Delta: 7.9 Mem: 504 G0: 11 G1: 1 G2: 1 [Parse inputs]
 TIME: 8.9 Delta: 0.0 Mem: 517 G0: 2 G1: 1 G2: 1 [Import non-system references]
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 TIME: 40.1 Delta: 31.3 Mem: 639 G0: 125 G1: 1 G2: 1 [Typecheck]
 TIME: 40.1 Delta: 0.0 Mem: 639 G0: 0 G1: 0 G2: 0 [Typechecked]
 TIME: 40.1 Delta: 0.0 Mem: 639 G0: 0 G1: 0 G2: 0 [Write Interface File]
 TIME: 40.2 Delta: 0.0 Mem: 639 G0: 0 G1: 0 G2: 0 [Write XML document signatures]
 TIME: 40.2 Delta: 0.0 Mem: 639 G0: 0 G1: 0 G2: 0 [Write XML docs]
 TIME: 40.2 Delta: 0.0 Mem: 639 G0: 0 G1: 0 G2: 0 [Write HTML docs]
 TIME: 40.9 Delta: 0.7 Mem: 663 G0: 2 G1: 0 G2: 0 [Encode Interface Data]
 TIME: 61.9 Delta: 21.0 Mem: 900 G0: 112 G1: 1 G2: 1 [Optimizations]
 TIME: 61.9 Delta: 0.0 Mem: 900 G0: 0 G1: 0 G2: 0 [Ending Optimizations]
 TIME: 62.0 Delta: 0.1 Mem: 902 G0: 0 G1: 0 G2: 0 [Encoding OptData]
 TIME: 71.8 Delta: 9.7 Mem: 950 G0: 34 G1: 1 G2: 1 [TAST -> ILX]
 TIME: 72.8 Delta: 1.0 Mem: 1032 G0: 4 G1: 0 G2: 0 [ILX -> IL (Unions)]
 TIME: 74.0 Delta: 1.2 Mem: 1150 G0: 5 G1: 1 G2: 1 [ILX -> IL (Funcs)]
 ilwrite: TIME 0.000 (total) 74.030 (delta) - Write Started
 ilwrite: TIME 0.070 (total) 0.070 (delta) - Module Generation Preparation
 ilwrite: TIME 0.130 (total) 0.060 (delta) - Module Generation Pass 1
 ilwrite: TIME 0.790 (total) 0.660 (delta) - Module Generation Pass 2
 ilwrite: TIME 6.490 (total) 5.700 (delta) - Module Generation Pass 3
 ilwrite: TIME 6.620 (total) 0.130 (delta) - Module Generation Pass 4
 ilwrite: TIME 6.640 (total) 0.020 (delta) - Finalize Module Generation Results
 ilwrite: TIME 6.640 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Generated Tables and Code
 ilwrite: TIME 6.650 (total) 0.010 (delta) - Layout Header of Tables
 ilwrite: TIME 6.650 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Build String/Blob Address Tables
 ilwrite: TIME 7.070 (total) 0.420 (delta) - Sort Tables
 ilwrite: TIME 7.070 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Write Header of tablebuf
 ilwrite: TIME 7.080 (total) 0.010 (delta) - Write Tables to tablebuf
 ilwrite: TIME 7.080 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Layout Metadata
 ilwrite: TIME 7.090 (total) 0.010 (delta) - Write Metadata Header
 ilwrite: TIME 7.090 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Write Metadata Tables
 ilwrite: TIME 7.090 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Write Metadata Strings
 ilwrite: TIME 7.090 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Write Metadata User Strings
 ilwrite: TIME 7.090 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Write Blob Stream
 ilwrite: TIME 7.090 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Fixup Metadata
 ilwrite: TIME 7.090 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Generated IL and metadata
 ilwrite: TIME 7.090 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Layout image
 ilwrite: TIME 7.110 (total) 0.020 (delta) - Writing Image
 ilwrite: TIME 20.440 (total) 13.330 (delta) - Finalize PDB
 ilwrite: TIME 20.440 (total) 0.000 (delta) - Signing Image
 TIME: 94.5 Delta: 20.5 Mem: 1258 G0: 17 G1: 0 G2: 0 [Write .NET Binary]
 Target DeployOutputFiles:
 Copying file from '/build/source/src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Service/obj/x86/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb' to '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb'
 Copying file from '/build/source/src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Service/obj/x86/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll' to '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll'
 Done building project "/build/source/src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj".
 Project "/build/source/tests/service/data/CSharp_Analysis/CSharp_Analysis.csproj" (default target(s)):
 Target PrepareForBuild:
 Configuration: Release Platform: AnyCPU
 Created directory "obj/Release/"
 Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
 No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping.
 Target CoreCompile:
 Tool /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- execution started with arguments: /noconfig /debug:pdbonly /optimize+ /out:obj/Release/CSharp_Analysis.dll CSharpClass.cs Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs obj/Release/.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.AssemblyAttribute.cs /target:library /define:TRACE /nostdlib /reference:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- /reference:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- /reference:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- /reference:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- /reference:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- /reference:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- /reference:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- /reference:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- /warn:4
 Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version (2ad4aabc)
 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
CSharpClass.cs(59,35): warning CS0067: The event 'CSharpClass.Event' is never used
CSharpClass.cs(72,35): warning CS0067: The event 'CSharpClass.InterfaceEvent' is never used
 Target DeployOutputFiles:
 Copying file from '/build/source/tests/service/data/CSharp_Analysis/obj/Release/CSharp_Analysis.pdb' to '/build/source/bin/v4.5/CSharp_Analysis.pdb'
 Copying file from '/build/source/tests/service/data/CSharp_Analysis/obj/Release/CSharp_Analysis.dll' to '/build/source/bin/v4.5/CSharp_Analysis.dll'
 Done building project "/build/source/tests/service/data/CSharp_Analysis/CSharp_Analysis.csproj".
 Project "/build/source/samples/EditorService/EditorService.fsproj" (default target(s)):
 Target PrepareForBuild:
 Configuration: Release Platform: AnyCPU
 Created directory "bin/Release/"
 Created directory "obj/Release/"
 Target ResolveAssemblyReferences:
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved
 For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles}
 Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently
 For searchpath {HintPathFromItem}
 HintPath attribute not found
 For searchpath {PkgConfig}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in any pkg-config files.
 For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory}
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 For searchpath {GAC}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in the GAC.
 For searchpath {RawFileName}
 Considered 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' as a file, but the file does not exist
 For searchpath bin/Release/
 Considered '/build/source/samples/EditorService/bin/Release/FSharp.Core' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/samples/EditorService/bin/Release/FSharp.Core.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/samples/EditorService/bin/Release/FSharp.Core.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Target CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal:
 Copying file from '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll' to '/build/source/samples/EditorService/bin/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll'
 Copying file from '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb' to '/build/source/samples/EditorService/bin/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb'
 Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
 No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping.
 Target CoreCompile:
 Tool /nix/store/86gni7drrvsjmi5nb1v7fnvpz9qhlnyw-fsharp- execution started with arguments: -o:obj/Release/EditorService.exe --debug:pdbonly --noframework --define:TRACE --doc:bin/Release/EditorService.XML --optimize+ --platform:anycpu -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/build/source/bin/v4.5//FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll --target:exe --warn:3 --warnaserror:76 --fullpaths --flaterrors --highentropyva- Program.fs 
 F# Compiler for F# 4.0 (Open Source Edition)
 Freely distributed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 Target _CopyAppConfigFile:
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/EditorService/App.config' to '/build/source/samples/EditorService/bin/Release/EditorService.exe.config'
 Target DeployOutputFiles:
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/EditorService/obj/Release/EditorService.exe.mdb' to '/build/source/samples/EditorService/bin/Release/EditorService.exe.mdb'
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/EditorService/obj/Release/EditorService.exe' to '/build/source/samples/EditorService/bin/Release/EditorService.exe'
 Done building project "/build/source/samples/EditorService/EditorService.fsproj".
 Project "/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/InteractiveService.fsproj" (default target(s)):
 Target PrepareForBuild:
 Configuration: Release Platform: AnyCPU
 Created directory "bin/Release/"
 Created directory "obj/Release/"
 Target ResolveAssemblyReferences:
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved
 For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles}
 Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently
 For searchpath {HintPathFromItem}
 HintPath attribute not found
 For searchpath {PkgConfig}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in any pkg-config files.
 For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory}
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 For searchpath {GAC}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in the GAC.
 For searchpath {RawFileName}
 Considered 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' as a file, but the file does not exist
 For searchpath bin/Release/
 Considered '/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/bin/Release/FSharp.Core' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/bin/Release/FSharp.Core.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/bin/Release/FSharp.Core.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Target CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal:
 Copying file from '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll' to '/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/bin/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll'
 Copying file from '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb' to '/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/bin/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb'
 Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
 No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping.
 Target CoreCompile:
 Tool /nix/store/86gni7drrvsjmi5nb1v7fnvpz9qhlnyw-fsharp- execution started with arguments: -o:obj/Release/InteractiveService.exe --debug:pdbonly --noframework --define:TRACE --doc:bin/Release/InteractiveService.XML --optimize+ --platform:anycpu -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/build/source/bin/v4.5//FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll --target:exe --warn:3 --warnaserror:76 --fullpaths --flaterrors --highentropyva- Program.fs 
 F# Compiler for F# 4.0 (Open Source Edition)
 Freely distributed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 Target _CopyAppConfigFile:
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/App.config' to '/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/bin/Release/InteractiveService.exe.config'
 Target DeployOutputFiles:
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/obj/Release/InteractiveService.exe.mdb' to '/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/bin/Release/InteractiveService.exe.mdb'
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/obj/Release/InteractiveService.exe' to '/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/bin/Release/InteractiveService.exe'
 Done building project "/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/InteractiveService.fsproj".
 Project "/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/Tokenizer.fsproj" (default target(s)):
 Target PrepareForBuild:
 Configuration: Release Platform: AnyCPU
 Created directory "bin/Release/"
 Created directory "obj/Release/"
 Target ResolveAssemblyReferences:
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved
 For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles}
 Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently
 For searchpath {HintPathFromItem}
 HintPath attribute not found
 For searchpath {PkgConfig}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in any pkg-config files.
 For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory}
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 For searchpath {GAC}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in the GAC.
 For searchpath {RawFileName}
 Considered 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' as a file, but the file does not exist
 For searchpath bin/Release/
 Considered '/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/bin/Release/FSharp.Core' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/bin/Release/FSharp.Core.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/bin/Release/FSharp.Core.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Target CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal:
 Copying file from '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll' to '/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/bin/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll'
 Copying file from '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb' to '/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/bin/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb'
 Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
 No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping.
 Target CoreCompile:
 Tool /nix/store/86gni7drrvsjmi5nb1v7fnvpz9qhlnyw-fsharp- execution started with arguments: -o:obj/Release/Tokenizer.exe --debug:pdbonly --noframework --define:TRACE --doc:bin/Release/Tokenizer.XML --optimize+ --platform:anycpu -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/build/source/bin/v4.5//FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll --target:exe --warn:3 --warnaserror:76 --fullpaths --flaterrors --highentropyva- Program.fs 
 F# Compiler for F# 4.0 (Open Source Edition)
 Freely distributed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 Target _CopyAppConfigFile:
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/App.config' to '/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/bin/Release/Tokenizer.exe.config'
 Target DeployOutputFiles:
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/obj/Release/Tokenizer.exe.mdb' to '/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/bin/Release/Tokenizer.exe.mdb'
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/obj/Release/Tokenizer.exe' to '/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/bin/Release/Tokenizer.exe'
 Done building project "/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/Tokenizer.fsproj".
 Project "/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/UntypedTree.fsproj" (default target(s)):
 Target PrepareForBuild:
 Configuration: Release Platform: AnyCPU
 Created directory "bin/Release/"
 Created directory "obj/Release/"
 Target ResolveAssemblyReferences:
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved
 For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles}
 Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently
 For searchpath {HintPathFromItem}
 HintPath attribute not found
 For searchpath {PkgConfig}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in any pkg-config files.
 For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory}
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 For searchpath {GAC}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in the GAC.
 For searchpath {RawFileName}
 Considered 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' as a file, but the file does not exist
 For searchpath bin/Release/
 Considered '/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/bin/Release/FSharp.Core' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/bin/Release/FSharp.Core.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/bin/Release/FSharp.Core.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Target CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal:
 Copying file from '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll' to '/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/bin/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll'
 Copying file from '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb' to '/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/bin/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb'
 Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
 No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping.
 Target CoreCompile:
 Tool /nix/store/86gni7drrvsjmi5nb1v7fnvpz9qhlnyw-fsharp- execution started with arguments: -o:obj/Release/UntypedTree.exe --debug:pdbonly --noframework --define:TRACE --doc:bin/Release/UntypedTree.XML --optimize+ --platform:anycpu -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/build/source/bin/v4.5//FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll --target:exe --warn:3 --warnaserror:76 --fullpaths --flaterrors --highentropyva- Program.fs 
 F# Compiler for F# 4.0 (Open Source Edition)
 Freely distributed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 Target _CopyAppConfigFile:
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/App.config' to '/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/bin/Release/UntypedTree.exe.config'
 Target DeployOutputFiles:
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/obj/Release/UntypedTree.exe.mdb' to '/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/bin/Release/UntypedTree.exe.mdb'
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/obj/Release/UntypedTree.exe' to '/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/bin/Release/UntypedTree.exe'
 Done building project "/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/UntypedTree.fsproj".
 Project "/build/source/tests/service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests.fsproj" (default target(s)):
 Target RestorePackages:
 Executing: true NUGET PLACATED BY buildDotnetPackage install "packages.config" -source "" -RequireConsent -solutionDir "/build/source/"
 Target PrepareForBuild:
 Configuration: Release Platform: AnyCPU
 Created directory "obj/Release/"
 Target ResolveAssemblyReferences:
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved
 For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles}
 Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently
 For searchpath {HintPathFromItem}
 HintPath attribute not found
 For searchpath {PkgConfig}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in any pkg-config files.
 For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory}
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 For searchpath {GAC}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in the GAC.
 For searchpath {RawFileName}
 Considered 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' as a file, but the file does not exist
 For searchpath ../../bin/v4.5/
 Considered '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Core' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Core.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Core.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Target CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal:
 Copying file from '/build/source/tests/service/FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.dll' to '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.dll'
 Copying file from '/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-' to '/build/source/bin/v4.5/nunit.framework.dll'
 Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
 No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping.
 Target CoreCompile:
 Tool /nix/store/86gni7drrvsjmi5nb1v7fnvpz9qhlnyw-fsharp- execution started with arguments: -o:obj/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests.dll --debug:pdbonly --noframework --define:TRACE --define:FX_ATLEAST_45 --define:FX_ATLEAST_40 --optimize+ -r:FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.dll -r:../../bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/build/source/bin/v4.5//CSharp_Analysis.dll --target:library --warn:3 --warnaserror:76 --fullpaths --flaterrors --highentropyva- FsUnit.fs Common.fs EditorTests.fs FsiTests.fs FscTests.fs TokenizerTests.fs FileSystemTests.fs ProjectAnalysisTests.fs ProjectOptionsTests.fs MultiProjectAnalysisTests.fs PerfTests.fs InteractiveCheckerTests.fs ExprTests.fs CSharpProjectAnalysis.fs 
 F# Compiler for F# 4.0 (Open Source Edition)
 Freely distributed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License
/build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(12,41): error FS0039: The type 'TestDelegate' is not defined
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
/build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(25,20): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Has' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(27,19): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Has' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(35,16): error FS0039: The type 'NullConstraint' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(41,29): error FS0039: The type 'NullOrEmptyStringConstraint' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(43,16): error FS0039: The type 'TrueConstraint' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(45,17): error FS0039: The type 'FalseConstraint' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(49,13): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Throws' is not defined
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
/build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(154,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(167,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(168,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'False' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(169,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(182,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(183,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'False' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(184,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
/build/source/tests/service/FscTests.fs(212,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'Throws' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FscTests.fs(303,20): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/FscTests.fs(314,20): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/ProjectAnalysisTests.fs(227,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'DoesNotThrow' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(124,13): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type 'a -> 'b but here has type obj
/build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(129,13): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type 'a -> 'b but here has type obj
/build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(191,30): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Is' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(192,30): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Is' is not defined
/build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(194,30): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Is' is not defined
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
/build/source/tests/service/InteractiveCheckerTests.fs(51,7): warning FS0035: This construct is deprecated: The union type for union case 'ImplFile' was defined with the RequireQualifiedAccessAttribute. Include the name of the union type ('ParsedInput') in the name you are using.
/build/source/tests/service/InteractiveCheckerTests.fs(53,7): warning FS0035: This construct is deprecated: The union type for union case 'SigFile' was defined with the RequireQualifiedAccessAttribute. Include the name of the union type ('ParsedInput') in the name you are using.
 Task "Fsc" execution -- FAILED
 Done building target "CoreCompile" in project "/build/source/tests/service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests.fsproj".-- FAILED
 Done building project "/build/source/tests/service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests.fsproj".-- FAILED
 Project "/build/source/samples/FscExe/Fsc.fsproj" (default target(s)):
 Target PrepareForBuild:
 Configuration: Release Platform: AnyCPU
 Created directory "bin/Release/"
 Created directory "obj/Release/"
 Target ResolveAssemblyReferences:
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved
 For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles}
 Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently
 For searchpath {HintPathFromItem}
 HintPath attribute not found
 For searchpath {PkgConfig}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in any pkg-config files.
 For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory}
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 Considered target framework dir /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono-, assembly named 'FSharp.Core' not found.
 For searchpath {GAC}
 Considered FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, but could not find in the GAC.
 For searchpath {RawFileName}
 Considered 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' as a file, but the file does not exist
 For searchpath bin/Release/
 Considered '/build/source/samples/FscExe/bin/Release/FSharp.Core' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/samples/FscExe/bin/Release/FSharp.Core.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Considered '/build/source/samples/FscExe/bin/Release/FSharp.Core.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist
 Target CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal:
 Copying file from '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll' to '/build/source/samples/FscExe/bin/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll'
 Copying file from '/build/source/bin/v4.5/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb' to '/build/source/samples/FscExe/bin/Release/FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll.mdb'
 Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
 No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping.
 Target CoreCompile:
 Tool /nix/store/86gni7drrvsjmi5nb1v7fnvpz9qhlnyw-fsharp- execution started with arguments: -o:obj/Release/FscExe.exe --debug:pdbonly --noframework --define:TRACE --doc:bin/Release/FsiExe.XML --optimize+ --platform:anycpu -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- -r:/build/source/bin/v4.5//FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll --target:exe --nowarn:62,44 --warn:3 --warnaserror:76 --fullpaths --flaterrors --highentropyva- --warnon:1182 ../../src/assemblyinfo/assemblyinfo.fsc.exe.fs FscMain.fs 
 F# Compiler for F# 4.0 (Open Source Edition)
 Freely distributed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 non-IL or abstract method with non-zero RVA
 Target _CopyDeployFilesToOutputDirectoryPreserveNewest:
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/FscExe/fsc.exe.config' to '/build/source/samples/FscExe/bin/Release/fsc.exe.config'
 Target DeployOutputFiles:
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/FscExe/obj/Release/FscExe.exe.mdb' to '/build/source/samples/FscExe/bin/Release/FscExe.exe.mdb'
 Copying file from '/build/source/samples/FscExe/obj/Release/FscExe.exe' to '/build/source/samples/FscExe/bin/Release/FscExe.exe'
 Done building project "/build/source/samples/FscExe/Fsc.fsproj".
 Task "MSBuild" execution -- FAILED
 Done building target "Build" in project "/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln".-- FAILED
Done building project "/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln".-- FAILED



/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/build/source/src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj (default targets) ->
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- (ResolveAssemblyReferences target) ->

 /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved

/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/build/source/tests/service/data/CSharp_Analysis/CSharp_Analysis.csproj (default targets) ->
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- (CoreCompile target) ->

 CSharpClass.cs(59,35): warning CS0067: The event 'CSharpClass.Event' is never used
 CSharpClass.cs(72,35): warning CS0067: The event 'CSharpClass.InterfaceEvent' is never used

/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/build/source/samples/EditorService/EditorService.fsproj (default targets) ->
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- (ResolveAssemblyReferences target) ->

 /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved

/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/build/source/samples/InteractiveService/InteractiveService.fsproj (default targets) ->
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- (ResolveAssemblyReferences target) ->

 /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved

/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/build/source/samples/Tokenizer/Tokenizer.fsproj (default targets) ->
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- (ResolveAssemblyReferences target) ->

 /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved

/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/build/source/samples/UntypedTree/UntypedTree.fsproj (default targets) ->
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- (ResolveAssemblyReferences target) ->

 /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved

/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/build/source/tests/service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests.fsproj (default targets) ->
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- (ResolveAssemblyReferences target) ->

 /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved

/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/build/source/tests/service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests.fsproj (default targets) ->
/nix/store/86gni7drrvsjmi5nb1v7fnvpz9qhlnyw-fsharp- (CoreCompile target) ->

 /build/source/tests/service/InteractiveCheckerTests.fs(51,7): warning FS0035: This construct is deprecated: The union type for union case 'ImplFile' was defined with the RequireQualifiedAccessAttribute. Include the name of the union type ('ParsedInput') in the name you are using.
 /build/source/tests/service/InteractiveCheckerTests.fs(53,7): warning FS0035: This construct is deprecated: The union type for union case 'SigFile' was defined with the RequireQualifiedAccessAttribute. Include the name of the union type ('ParsedInput') in the name you are using.

/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/build/source/samples/FscExe/Fsc.fsproj (default targets) ->
/nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- (ResolveAssemblyReferences target) ->

 /nix/store/81i2hx9rb26nwgjn2i88r2jynnripil5-mono- warning : Reference 'FSharp.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' not resolved


/build/source/FSharp.Compiler.Service.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/build/source/tests/service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.Tests.fsproj (default targets) ->
/nix/store/86gni7drrvsjmi5nb1v7fnvpz9qhlnyw-fsharp- (CoreCompile target) ->

 /build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(12,41): error FS0039: The type 'TestDelegate' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(25,20): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Has' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(27,19): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Has' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(35,16): error FS0039: The type 'NullConstraint' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(41,29): error FS0039: The type 'NullOrEmptyStringConstraint' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(43,16): error FS0039: The type 'TrueConstraint' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(45,17): error FS0039: The type 'FalseConstraint' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsUnit.fs(49,13): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Throws' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(154,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(167,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(168,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'False' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(169,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(182,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(183,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'False' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FsiTests.fs(184,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FscTests.fs(212,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'Throws' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FscTests.fs(303,20): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/FscTests.fs(314,20): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'True' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/ProjectAnalysisTests.fs(227,12): error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'DoesNotThrow' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(124,13): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type 'a -> 'b but here has type obj
 /build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(129,13): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type 'a -> 'b but here has type obj
 /build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(191,30): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Is' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(192,30): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Is' is not defined
 /build/source/tests/service/ProjectOptionsTests.fs(194,30): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Is' is not defined

 11 Warning(s)
 24 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:02:35.3139090
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" }
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/0llz4g0jiyffp3bh6q8f8398bqagc4hx-source
source root is source
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "patchPhase" }
patching sources
applying patch /nix/store/rbqkk16kz188qjaaczz967njf9wm5kz9-php-couchbase.patch
patching file config.m4
Hunk #2 succeeded at 163 (offset 9 lines).
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "autoreconfPhase" }
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version: 20200930
Zend Module Api No: 20200930
Zend Extension Api No: 420200930 warning: $as_echo is obsolete; use AS_ECHO(["message"]) instead
build/php.m4:2072: PHP_CONFIG_NICE is expanded from... the top level warning: The macro `AC_LANG_C' is obsolete. You should run autoupdate.
./lib/autoconf/c.m4:72: AC_LANG_C is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2728: _LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2727: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: The macro `AC_LANG_C' is obsolete. You should run autoupdate.
./lib/autoconf/c.m4:72: AC_LANG_C is expanded from...
lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:692: _AS_IF_ELSE is expanded from...
lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:699: AS_IF is expanded from...
./lib/autoconf/general.m4:2248: AC_CACHE_VAL is expanded from...
./lib/autoconf/general.m4:2269: AC_CACHE_CHECK is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:561: _LT_AC_LOCK is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2728: _LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2727: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: The macro `AC_TRY_LINK' is obsolete. You should run autoupdate.
./lib/autoconf/general.m4:2919: AC_TRY_LINK is expanded from...
lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:692: _AS_IF_ELSE is expanded from...
lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:699: AS_IF is expanded from...
./lib/autoconf/general.m4:2248: AC_CACHE_VAL is expanded from...
./lib/autoconf/general.m4:2269: AC_CACHE_CHECK is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:561: _LT_AC_LOCK is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2728: _LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2727: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: \`$CC' does not support \`-c -o', so \`make -j' may be unsafe
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2728: _LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2727: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me: WARNING: \`$CC' does not support \`-c -o', so \`make -j' may be unsafe
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2728: _LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2727: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: output file \`$ofile' does not exist
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me: WARNING: output file \`$ofile' does not exist
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: output file \`$ofile' does not look like a libtool script
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me: WARNING: output file \`$ofile' does not look like a libtool script
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using \`LTCC=$LTCC', extracted from \`$ofile'
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me: WARNING: using \`LTCC=$LTCC', extracted from \`$ofile'
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: tag name \"$tagname\" already exists
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: The macro `AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS' is obsolete. You should run autoupdate.
./lib/autoconf/c.m4:262: AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2810: _LT_AC_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2809: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: \`$CC' does not support \`-c -o', so \`make -j' may be unsafe
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2810: _LT_AC_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2809: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me: WARNING: \`$CC' does not support \`-c -o', so \`make -j' may be unsafe
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2810: _LT_AC_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2809: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "configurePhase" }
fixing libtool script ./build/
configure flags: --disable-static --prefix=/nix/store/wqy38ypqpzwymza1xp55am1ij675kg1z-php-couchbase-2.6.2 --with-couchbase
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /nix/store/m04gapyj6x978305jxj5v5qhnxx2dlns-gnugrep-3.6/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /nix/store/m04gapyj6x978305jxj5v5qhnxx2dlns-gnugrep-3.6/bin/grep -E
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /nix/store/r4vxx2j52gf4pkmgh01zmg2sl19v5n55-gnused-4.8/bin/sed
checking for pkg-config... no
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to enable C11 features... none needed
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for icc... no
checking for suncc... no
checking for system library directory... lib
checking if compiler supports -R... no
checking if compiler supports -Wl,-rpath,... yes
checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking for PHP prefix... /nix/store/1l6wzh8c17slj1nmd4vfvcc0g27sdf41-php-8.0.5
checking for PHP includes... -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/TSRM -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext/date/lib
checking for PHP extension directory... /nix/store/1l6wzh8c17slj1nmd4vfvcc0g27sdf41-php-8.0.5/lib/php/extensions
checking for PHP installed headers prefix... /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php
checking if debug is enabled... no
checking if zts is enabled... yes
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether to enable Couchbase support... yes, shared
checking wheter to use system FastLZ library... no
checking for libcouchbase in default path... found in /nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4
checking for libcouchbase version >= 2.9.5... 0x021004
checking for stdio.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for zlib.h... yes
checking for compress in -lz... yes
checking for igbinary support... /nix/store/h1rym19ywja2v6v7091z28xwzjwg4gr7-php-igbinary-3.2.1-dev/include
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /nix/store/r4vxx2j52gf4pkmgh01zmg2sl19v5n55-gnused-4.8/bin/sed
checking for ld used by gcc... ld
checking if the linker (ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for ld option to reload object files... -r
checking for BSD-compatible nm... nm
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
./configure: line 6160: /usr/bin/file: No such file or directory
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864
checking command to parse nm output from gcc object... ok
checking for objdir... .libs
checking for ar... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for strip... strip
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... no
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking whether the gcc linker (ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... no
creating libtool
appending configuration tag "CXX" to libtool
checking whether the g++ linker (ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking for g++ option to produce PIC...
checking if g++ static flag works... yes
checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking whether the g++ linker (ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
(cached) (cached) checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... unsupported
configure: patching
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating config.h
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "buildPhase" }
build flags: SHELL=/nix/store/75d0ra57gdcsmgqrrx42lrpvx97bvynb-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash EXTENSION_DIR=\$\(out\)/lib/php/extensions
/nix/store/75d0ra57gdcsmgqrrx42lrpvx97bvynb-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash /build/source/libtool --mode=compile gcc -I. -I/build/source -I/build/source/include -I/build/source/main -I/build/source -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/TSRM -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_ENABLE_STATIC_TSRMLS_CACHE=1 -c /build/source/couchbase.c -o couchbase.lo
mkdir .libs
gcc -I. -I/build/source -I/build/source/include -I/build/source/main -I/build/source -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/TSRM -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_ENABLE_STATIC_TSRMLS_CACHE=1 -c /build/source/couchbase.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/couchbase.o
In file included from /build/source/couchbase.h:60,
from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/build/source/contrib/php_array.h:437:50: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
437 | void *php_array_zval_to_resource(zval *z, int le TSRMLS_DC) {
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/contrib/php_array.h:478:62: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
478 | zval *php_array_zval_to_object(zval *z, zend_class_entry *ce TSRMLS_DC) {
| ^~~~~~~~~
In file included from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/build/source/couchbase.h:93:98: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
93 | const char *bucketname, lcb_AUTHENTICATOR *auth, char *auth_hash TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:94:53: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
94 | void pcbc_connection_addref(pcbc_connection_t *conn TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:95:53: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
95 | void pcbc_connection_delref(pcbc_connection_t *conn TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:179:90: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
179 | zval *bop_get_return_doc(zval *return_value, const char *key, int key_len, int is_mapped TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:208:77: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
208 | void pcbc_exception_init(zval *return_value, long code, const char *message TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:210:46: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
210 | const char *ref TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:758:35: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
758 | int pcbc_pp_begin(int param_count TSRMLS_DC, pcbc_pp_state *state, const char *spec, ...);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:764:47: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
764 | lcb_datatype_t datatype TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:766:45: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
766 | lcb_uint8_t *datatype TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:770:37: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
770 | lcb_cas_t pcbc_cas_decode(zval *cas TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:771:56: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
771 | void pcbc_cas_encode(zval *return_value, lcb_cas_t cas TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:773:103: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
773 | void pcbc_bucket_subdoc_request(pcbc_bucket_t *data, void *builder, int is_lookup, zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:774:92: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
774 | void pcbc_http_request(zval *return_value, lcb_t conn, lcb_CMDHTTP *cmd, int json_response TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:777:44: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
777 | const char *password TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:778:64: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
778 | void pcbc_bucket_manager_init(zval *return_value, zval *bucket TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:780:57: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
780 | zval **groupid, zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:782:80: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
782 | lcb_U32 pcbc_subdoc_options_to_flags(int is_path, int is_lookup, zval *options TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:783:107: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
783 | int pcbc_lookup_in_builder_get(pcbc_lookup_in_builder_t *builder, char *path, int path_len, zval *options TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:784:110: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
784 | void pcbc_mutate_in_builder_init(zval *return_value, zval *bucket, const char *id, int id_len, lcb_cas_t cas TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:786:49: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
786 | lcb_U32 flags TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:787:110: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
787 | int pcbc_mutate_in_builder_remove(pcbc_mutate_in_builder_t *builder, char *path, int path_len, lcb_U32 flags TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:789:55: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
789 | lcb_U32 flags TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:791:56: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
791 | lcb_U32 flags TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:793:59: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
793 | lcb_U32 flags TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:795:50: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
795 | lcb_U32 flags TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:798:53: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
798 | const char *password TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:800:51: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
800 | int pcbc_n1ix_init(zval *return_value, zval *json TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:801:71: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
801 | int pcbc_n1ix_list(pcbc_bucket_manager_t *manager, zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:803:42: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
803 | zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:805:40: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
805 | zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:807:93: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
807 | void pcbc_analytics_query_init(zval *return_value, const char *statement, int statement_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:808:88: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
808 | void pcbc_n1ql_query_init(zval *return_value, const char *statement, int statement_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:809:64: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
809 | void pcbc_mutation_state_init(zval *return_value, zval *source TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:810:100: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
810 | void pcbc_mutation_token_init(zval *return_value, const char *bucket, const lcb_MUTATION_TOKEN *mt TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:812:78: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
812 | int vbuuid_len, char *seqno, int seqno_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:813:89: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
813 | void pcbc_mutation_state_export_for_n1ql(pcbc_mutation_state_t *obj, zval *scan_vectors TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:814:91: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
814 | void pcbc_mutation_state_export_for_search(pcbc_mutation_state_t *obj, zval *scan_vectors TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:818:64: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
818 | const lcb_MUTATION_TOKEN *token TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:820:65: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
820 | const lcb_MUTATION_TOKEN *token TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:821:72: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
821 | void pcbc_document_init_error(zval *return_value, opcookie_res *header TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:823:72: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
823 | lcb_cas_t cas, const lcb_MUTATION_TOKEN *token TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:825:89: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
825 | int pcbc_document_fragment_init(zval *return_value, zval *value, zval *cas, zval *token TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:826:93: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
826 | int pcbc_document_fragment_init_error(zval *return_value, opcookie_res *header, zval *value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:828:50: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
828 | zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:830:50: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
830 | zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:832:50: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
832 | zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:834:53: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
834 | int view_name_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:835:95: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
835 | void pcbc_search_index_manager_init(zval *return_value, pcbc_bucket_manager_t *bucket_manager TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:837:79: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
837 | void pcbc_boolean_field_search_query_init(zval *return_value, zend_bool value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:838:56: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
838 | void pcbc_boolean_search_query_init(zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:839:59: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
839 | void pcbc_date_range_search_query_init(zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:840:58: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
840 | void pcbc_match_all_search_query_init(zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:841:59: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
841 | void pcbc_match_none_search_query_init(zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:842:103: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
842 | void pcbc_match_phrase_search_query_init(zval *return_value, char *match_phrase, int match_phrase_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:843:82: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
843 | void pcbc_match_search_query_init(zval *return_value, char *match, int match_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:844:62: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
844 | void pcbc_numeric_range_search_query_init(zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:845:85: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
845 | void pcbc_prefix_search_query_init(zval *return_value, char *prefix, int prefix_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:846:89: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
846 | void pcbc_query_string_search_query_init(zval *return_value, char *query, int query_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:847:85: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
847 | void pcbc_regexp_search_query_init(zval *return_value, char *regexp, int regexp_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:848:79: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
848 | void pcbc_term_search_query_init(zval *return_value, char *term, int term_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:849:59: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
849 | void pcbc_term_range_search_query_init(zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:850:91: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
850 | void pcbc_wildcard_search_query_init(zval *return_value, char *wildcard, int wildcard_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:852:106: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
852 | double bottom_right_longitude, double bottom_right_latitude TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:854:59: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
854 | int distance_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:855:92: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
855 | void pcbc_term_search_facet_init(zval *return_value, char *field, int field_len, int limit TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:856:98: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
856 | void pcbc_date_range_search_facet_init(zval *return_value, char *field, int field_len, int limit TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:857:101: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
857 | void pcbc_numeric_range_search_facet_init(zval *return_value, char *field, int field_len, int limit TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:859:50: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
859 | void pcbc_search_sort_id_init(zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:860:53: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
860 | void pcbc_search_sort_score_init(zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:861:87: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
861 | void pcbc_search_sort_field_init(zval *return_value, const char *field, int field_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:863:52: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
863 | double lat TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:867:47: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
867 | int num_args TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:868:86: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
868 | void pcbc_disjunction_search_query_init(zval *return_value, zval *args, int num_args TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:869:86: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
869 | void pcbc_conjunction_search_query_init(zval *return_value, zval *args, int num_args TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:870:81: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
870 | void pcbc_doc_id_search_query_init(zval *return_value, zval *args, int num_args TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:871:81: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
871 | void pcbc_phrase_search_query_init(zval *return_value, zval *args, int num_args TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:881:89: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
881 | const char *name, const char *password, char **hash TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:883:90: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
883 | const char *name, const char *password, char **hash TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:885:56: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
885 | int password_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:887:94: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
887 | void pcbc_crypto_register(pcbc_bucket_t *obj, const char *name, int name_len, zval *provider TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:888:80: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
888 | void pcbc_crypto_unregister(pcbc_bucket_t *obj, const char *name, int name_len TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:890:52: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
890 | zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:892:52: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
892 | zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.h:1065:107: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
1065 | lcb_error_t proc_store_results(pcbc_bucket_t *bucket, zval *return_value, opcookie *cookie, int is_mapped TSRMLS_DC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c: In function 'zm_startup_couchbase':
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:105:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
105 | X(LCB_SUCCESS, 0x00, 0, "Success (Not an error)") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:107:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:118:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:125:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:131:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:134:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
134 | X(LCB_EBUSY, 0x05, LCB_ERRTYPE_TRANSIENT, "The server is busy. Try again later") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:136:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
136 | X(LCB_EINTERNAL, 0x06, LCB_ERRTYPE_INTERNAL, "Internal libcouchbase error") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:141:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
141 | X(LCB_EINVAL, 0x07, LCB_ERRTYPE_INPUT, "Invalid input/arguments") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:145:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:148:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:152:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
152 | X(LCB_ERROR, 0x0A, 0, "Generic error") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:160:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:167:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:172:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:176:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:180:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:189:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:195:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:200:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:210:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
210 | X(LCB_NOT_SUPPORTED, 0x13, 0, "Operation not supported") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:214:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
214 | X(LCB_UNKNOWN_COMMAND, 0x14, LCB_ERRTYPE_SRVGEN, "Unknown command") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:221:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:225:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:231:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:236:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:241:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:245:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:250:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:253:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:258:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
258 | X(LCB_SERVER_BUG, 0x1D, 0, "Encountered a server bug") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:260:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:263:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:266:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
266 | X(LCB_INVALID_CHAR, 0x20, LCB_ERRTYPE_INPUT, "Illegal characted") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:271:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:278:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:284:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:292:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:297:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
297 | X(LCB_BUSY, 0x25, LCB_ERRTYPE_INTERNAL, "Busy. This is an internal error") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:300:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:303:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:310:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:316:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:325:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:331:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:337:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:344:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:351:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:362:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:373:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:380:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:385:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:394:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:402:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:407:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:414:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:421:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:424:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
424 | X(LCB_SCHEDFAIL_INTERNAL, 0x38, 0, \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:432:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:439:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:444:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
444 | X(LCB_HTTP_ERROR, 0x3B, 0, \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:449:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:455:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:460:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:464:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:468:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:472:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:476:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
476 | X(LCB_SUBDOC_PATH_E2BIG, 0x42, \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:480:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
480 | X(LCB_SUBDOC_DOC_E2DEEP, 0x43,\
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:484:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:488:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:492:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
492 | X(LCB_SUBDOC_NUM_ERANGE, 0x46, \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:496:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
496 | X(LCB_SUBDOC_BAD_DELTA, 0x47,\
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:500:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:504:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:508:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:512:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:515:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
515 | X(LCB_EMPTY_PATH, 0x4C, LCB_ERRTYPE_INPUT, "Missing subdocument path") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:517:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
517 | X(LCB_UNKNOWN_SDCMD, 0x4D, LCB_ERRTYPE_INPUT, "Unknown subdocument command") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:519:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
519 | X(LCB_ENO_COMMANDS, 0x4E, LCB_ERRTYPE_INPUT, "No commands specified") \
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:521:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:524:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:527:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:530:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:533:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:536:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:539:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:543:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:547:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:551:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:555:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:559:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:563:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:567:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:571:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c:372:51: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
372 | module_number TSRMLS_CC); \
| ^~~~~~~~~
/nix/store/h0mff7l3vv813c2a74snn2y55a08nqg2-libcouchbase-2.10.4/include/libcouchbase/error.h:575:5: note: in expansion of macro 'X'
| ^
/build/source/couchbase.c: At top level:
/build/source/couchbase.c:461:49: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
461 | zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC)
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:687:70: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before 'TSRMLS_DC'
687 | zend_bool jsonassoc, zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC)
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c: In function 'zif_basicEncoderV1':
/build/source/couchbase.c:854:48: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
854 | rv = zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z|a", &value, &options);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:854:10: error: too few arguments to function 'zend_parse_parameters'
854 | rv = zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z|a", &value, &options);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main/php.h:35,
from /build/source/couchbase.h:25,
from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend/zend_API.h:304:22: note: declared here
304 | ZEND_API zend_result zend_parse_parameters(uint32_t num_args, const char *type_spec, ...);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:884:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'basic_encoder_v1' []8;;]8;;]
884 | basic_encoder_v1(value, sertype, cmprtype, cmprthresh, cmprfactor, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:884:84: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
884 | basic_encoder_v1(value, sertype, cmprtype, cmprthresh, cmprfactor, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~~
| )
/build/source/couchbase.c: In function 'zif_basicDecoderV1':
/build/source/couchbase.c:900:48: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
900 | rv = zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sll|a", &bytes, &bytes_len, &flags, &datatype, &options);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:900:10: error: too few arguments to function 'zend_parse_parameters'
900 | rv = zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sll|a", &bytes, &bytes_len, &flags, &datatype, &options);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main/php.h:35,
from /build/source/couchbase.h:25,
from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend/zend_API.h:304:22: note: declared here
304 | ZEND_API zend_result zend_parse_parameters(uint32_t num_args, const char *type_spec, ...);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:910:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'basic_decoder_v1' []8;;]8;;]
910 | basic_decoder_v1(bytes, bytes_len, flags, datatype, json_array, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:910:81: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
910 | basic_decoder_v1(bytes, bytes_len, flags, datatype, json_array, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~~
| )
/build/source/couchbase.c: In function 'zif_passthruEncoder':
/build/source/couchbase.c:918:47: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
918 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &value) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:918:9: error: too few arguments to function 'zend_parse_parameters'
918 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &value) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main/php.h:35,
from /build/source/couchbase.h:25,
from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend/zend_API.h:304:22: note: declared here
304 | ZEND_API zend_result zend_parse_parameters(uint32_t num_args, const char *type_spec, ...);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c: In function 'zif_passthruDecoder':
/build/source/couchbase.c:934:47: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
934 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zzz", &value, &flags, &datatype) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:934:9: error: too few arguments to function 'zend_parse_parameters'
934 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zzz", &value, &flags, &datatype) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main/php.h:35,
from /build/source/couchbase.h:25,
from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend/zend_API.h:304:22: note: declared here
304 | ZEND_API zend_result zend_parse_parameters(uint32_t num_args, const char *type_spec, ...);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c: In function 'zif_defaultEncoder':
/build/source/couchbase.c:953:48: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
953 | rv = zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z|a", &value);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:953:10: error: too few arguments to function 'zend_parse_parameters'
953 | rv = zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z|a", &value);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main/php.h:35,
from /build/source/couchbase.h:25,
from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend/zend_API.h:304:22: note: declared here
304 | ZEND_API zend_result zend_parse_parameters(uint32_t num_args, const char *type_spec, ...);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:959:34: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
959 | return_value TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~~
| )
/build/source/couchbase.c: In function 'zif_defaultDecoder':
/build/source/couchbase.c:976:48: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
976 | rv = zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sll|a", &bytes, &bytes_len, &flags, &datatype);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:976:10: error: too few arguments to function 'zend_parse_parameters'
976 | rv = zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sll|a", &bytes, &bytes_len, &flags, &datatype);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main/php.h:35,
from /build/source/couchbase.h:25,
from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend/zend_API.h:304:22: note: declared here
304 | ZEND_API zend_result zend_parse_parameters(uint32_t num_args, const char *type_spec, ...);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:981:92: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
981 | basic_decoder_v1(bytes, bytes_len, flags, datatype, PCBCG(dec_json_array), return_value TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~~
| )
/build/source/couchbase.c: In function 'zif_zlibCompress':
/build/source/couchbase.c:991:47: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
991 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zdata) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:991:9: error: too few arguments to function 'zend_parse_parameters'
991 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zdata) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main/php.h:35,
from /build/source/couchbase.h:25,
from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend/zend_API.h:304:22: note: declared here
304 | ZEND_API zend_result zend_parse_parameters(uint32_t num_args, const char *type_spec, ...);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c: In function 'zif_zlibDecompress':
/build/source/couchbase.c:1021:47: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
1021 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zdata) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:1021:9: error: too few arguments to function 'zend_parse_parameters'
1021 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zdata) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main/php.h:35,
from /build/source/couchbase.h:25,
from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend/zend_API.h:304:22: note: declared here
304 | ZEND_API zend_result zend_parse_parameters(uint32_t num_args, const char *type_spec, ...);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c: In function 'zif_fastlzCompress':
/build/source/couchbase.c:1049:47: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
1049 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zdata) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:1049:9: error: too few arguments to function 'zend_parse_parameters'
1049 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zdata) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main/php.h:35,
from /build/source/couchbase.h:25,
from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend/zend_API.h:304:22: note: declared here
304 | ZEND_API zend_result zend_parse_parameters(uint32_t num_args, const char *type_spec, ...);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c: In function 'zif_fastlzDecompress':
/build/source/couchbase.c:1075:47: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
1075 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zdata) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/source/couchbase.c:1075:9: error: too few arguments to function 'zend_parse_parameters'
1075 | if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zdata) == FAILURE) {
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main/php.h:35,
from /build/source/couchbase.h:25,
from /build/source/couchbase.c:17:
/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend/zend_API.h:304:22: note: declared here
304 | ZEND_API zend_result zend_parse_parameters(uint32_t num_args, const char *type_spec, ...);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
make: *** [Makefile:210: couchbase.lo] Error 1
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" }
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/sgyscwajjlh6kcwjdjny9faqsiadfy8d-excel-1.0.2-php7.tgz
source root is excel-1.0.2
setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to timestamp 1467678770 of file excel-1.0.2/tests/091.phpt
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "patchPhase" }
patching sources
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "autoreconfPhase" }
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version: 20200930
Zend Module Api No: 20200930
Zend Extension Api No: 420200930 warning: $as_echo is obsolete; use AS_ECHO(["message"]) instead
build/php.m4:2072: PHP_CONFIG_NICE is expanded from... the top level warning: The macro `AC_LANG_C' is obsolete. You should run autoupdate.
./lib/autoconf/c.m4:72: AC_LANG_C is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2728: _LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2727: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: The macro `AC_LANG_C' is obsolete. You should run autoupdate.
./lib/autoconf/c.m4:72: AC_LANG_C is expanded from...
lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:692: _AS_IF_ELSE is expanded from...
lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:699: AS_IF is expanded from...
./lib/autoconf/general.m4:2248: AC_CACHE_VAL is expanded from...
./lib/autoconf/general.m4:2269: AC_CACHE_CHECK is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:561: _LT_AC_LOCK is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2728: _LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2727: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: The macro `AC_TRY_LINK' is obsolete. You should run autoupdate.
./lib/autoconf/general.m4:2919: AC_TRY_LINK is expanded from...
lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:692: _AS_IF_ELSE is expanded from...
lib/m4sugar/m4sh.m4:699: AS_IF is expanded from...
./lib/autoconf/general.m4:2248: AC_CACHE_VAL is expanded from...
./lib/autoconf/general.m4:2269: AC_CACHE_CHECK is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:561: _LT_AC_LOCK is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2728: _LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2727: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: \`$CC' does not support \`-c -o', so \`make -j' may be unsafe
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2728: _LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2727: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me: WARNING: \`$CC' does not support \`-c -o', so \`make -j' may be unsafe
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2728: _LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2727: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: output file \`$ofile' does not exist
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me: WARNING: output file \`$ofile' does not exist
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: output file \`$ofile' does not look like a libtool script
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me: WARNING: output file \`$ofile' does not look like a libtool script
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using \`LTCC=$LTCC', extracted from \`$ofile'
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me: WARNING: using \`LTCC=$LTCC', extracted from \`$ofile'
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: tag name \"$tagname\" already exists
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: The macro `AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS' is obsolete. You should run autoupdate.
./lib/autoconf/c.m4:262: AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2810: _LT_AC_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2809: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: \`$CC' does not support \`-c -o', so \`make -j' may be unsafe
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2810: _LT_AC_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2809: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level warning: back quotes and double quotes must not be escaped in: $as_me: WARNING: \`$CC' does not support \`-c -o', so \`make -j' may be unsafe
build/libtool.m4:1185: AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2810: _LT_AC_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:2809: AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:1918: _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:70: AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:52: _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
build/libtool.m4:39: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from... the top level
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "configurePhase" }
fixing libtool script ./build/
configure flags: --disable-static --prefix=/nix/store/9j8lq1fqcg0gznghvgj51pln73qd21h3-php-php_excel-1.0.2 --with-excel --with-libxl-incdir=/nix/store/lqiyl8mf6g56hqz3479kxph9c9h111mn-libxl- --with-libxl-libdir=/nix/store/lqiyl8mf6g56hqz3479kxph9c9h111mn-libxl-
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /nix/store/m04gapyj6x978305jxj5v5qhnxx2dlns-gnugrep-3.6/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /nix/store/m04gapyj6x978305jxj5v5qhnxx2dlns-gnugrep-3.6/bin/grep -E
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /nix/store/r4vxx2j52gf4pkmgh01zmg2sl19v5n55-gnused-4.8/bin/sed
checking for pkg-config... no
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to enable C11 features... none needed
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for icc... no
checking for suncc... no
checking for system library directory... lib
checking if compiler supports -R... no
checking if compiler supports -Wl,-rpath,... yes
checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking for PHP prefix... /nix/store/1l6wzh8c17slj1nmd4vfvcc0g27sdf41-php-8.0.5
checking for PHP includes... -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/TSRM -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext/date/lib
checking for PHP extension directory... /nix/store/1l6wzh8c17slj1nmd4vfvcc0g27sdf41-php-8.0.5/lib/php/extensions
checking for PHP installed headers prefix... /nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php
checking if debug is enabled... no
checking if zts is enabled... yes
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether to enable excel support... yes, shared
checking C include dir for libxl... yes, shared
checking lib dir for libxl... yes, shared
checking libxml2 install dir... yes, shared
checking for excel includes... found in /nix/store/lqiyl8mf6g56hqz3479kxph9c9h111mn-libxl-
checking for excel libraries... found in /nix/store/lqiyl8mf6g56hqz3479kxph9c9h111mn-libxl-
checking for libxml2... not found
checking for xlCreateBookCA in -lxl... yes
checking for xlBookSetKeyA in -lxl... yes
checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /nix/store/r4vxx2j52gf4pkmgh01zmg2sl19v5n55-gnused-4.8/bin/sed
checking for ld used by gcc... ld
checking if the linker (ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for ld option to reload object files... -r
checking for BSD-compatible nm... nm
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all
./configure: line 6253: /usr/bin/file: No such file or directory
checking for stdio.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864
checking command to parse nm output from gcc object... ok
checking for objdir... .libs
checking for ar... ar
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for strip... strip
checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC
checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC works... yes
checking if gcc static flag -static works... no
checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking whether the gcc linker (ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes
checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
checking whether to build static libraries... no
creating libtool
appending configuration tag "CXX" to libtool
checking whether the g++ linker (ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking for g++ option to produce PIC...
checking if g++ static flag works... yes
checking if g++ supports -c -o file.o... yes
checking whether the g++ linker (ld) supports shared libraries... yes
checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux
(cached) (cached) checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... unsupported
configure: patching
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating config.h
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "buildPhase" }
build flags: SHELL=/nix/store/75d0ra57gdcsmgqrrx42lrpvx97bvynb-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash EXTENSION_DIR=\$\(out\)/lib/php/extensions
/nix/store/75d0ra57gdcsmgqrrx42lrpvx97bvynb-bash-4.4-p23/bin/bash /build/excel-1.0.2/libtool --mode=compile gcc -I. -I/build/excel-1.0.2 -I/build/excel-1.0.2/include -I/build/excel-1.0.2/main -I/build/excel-1.0.2 -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/TSRM -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/nix/store/lqiyl8mf6g56hqz3479kxph9c9h111mn-libxl- -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -c /build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c -o excel.lo
mkdir .libs
gcc -I. -I/build/excel-1.0.2 -I/build/excel-1.0.2/include -I/build/excel-1.0.2/main -I/build/excel-1.0.2 -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/main -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/TSRM -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/Zend -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext -I/nix/store/mjr65lvkfjz6vk2fjsr47csb3gw7lmrv-php-8.0.5-dev/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/nix/store/lqiyl8mf6g56hqz3479kxph9c9h111mn-libxl- -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -c /build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/excel.o
In file included from /build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:31:
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelFormat___construct':
/build/excel-1.0.2/php_excel.h:44:62: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
44 | zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, NULL, &error_handling TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:1531:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_ERROR_HANDLING'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/php_excel.h:45:81: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
45 | # define PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS() zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:1533:3: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/php_excel.h:45:81: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
45 | # define PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS() zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:1536:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelFont___construct':
/build/excel-1.0.2/php_excel.h:44:62: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
44 | zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, NULL, &error_handling TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:1562:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_ERROR_HANDLING'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/php_excel.h:45:81: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
45 | # define PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS() zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:1564:3: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/php_excel.h:45:81: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
45 | # define PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS() zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:1567:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelSheet___construct':
/build/excel-1.0.2/php_excel.h:44:62: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
44 | zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, NULL, &error_handling TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:1913:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_ERROR_HANDLING'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/php_excel.h:45:81: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
45 | # define PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS() zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:1915:3: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/php_excel.h:45:81: error: expected ')' before 'TSRMLS_CC'
45 | # define PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS() zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling TSRMLS_CC);
| ^~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:1918:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_RESTORE_ERRORS'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelSheet_readRow':
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2117:67: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 4 has type 'zend_long' {aka 'long int'} []8;;]8;;]
2117 | php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Failed to read cell in row %d, column %d with error '%s'", row, lc, xlBookErrorMessage(book));
| ~^ ~~~
| | |
| int zend_long {aka long int}
| %ld
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelSheet_readCol':
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2177:78: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 5 has type 'zend_long' {aka 'long int'} []8;;]8;;]
2177 | php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Failed to read cell in row %d, column %d with error '%s'", lc, col, xlBookErrorMessage(book));
| ~^ ~~~
| | |
| int zend_long {aka long int}
| %ld
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelSheet_read':
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2212:66: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 4 has type 'zend_long' {aka 'long int'} []8;;]8;;]
2212 | php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Failed to read cell in row %d, column %d with error '%s'", row, col, xlBookErrorMessage(book));
| ~^ ~~~
| | |
| int zend_long {aka long int}
| %ld
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2212:77: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 5 has type 'zend_long' {aka 'long int'} []8;;]8;;]
2212 | php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Failed to read cell in row %d, column %d with error '%s'", row, col, xlBookErrorMessage(book));
| ~^ ~~~
| | |
| int zend_long {aka long int}
| %ld
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelSheet_write':
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2336:67: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 4 has type 'zend_long' {aka 'long int'} []8;;]8;;]
2336 | php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Failed to write cell in row %d, column %d with error '%s'", row, col, xlBookErrorMessage(book));
| ~^ ~~~
| | |
| int zend_long {aka long int}
| %ld
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2336:78: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 5 has type 'zend_long' {aka 'long int'} []8;;]8;;]
2336 | php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Failed to write cell in row %d, column %d with error '%s'", row, col, xlBookErrorMessage(book));
| ~^ ~~~
| | |
| int zend_long {aka long int}
| %ld
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelSheet_writeRow':
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2381:68: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 4 has type 'zend_long' {aka 'long int'} []8;;]8;;]
2381 | php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Failed to write cell in row %d, column %d with error '%s'", row, i-1, xlBookErrorMessage(book));
| ~^ ~~~
| | |
| int zend_long {aka long int}
| %ld
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2381:79: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 5 has type 'long int' []8;;]8;;]
2381 | php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Failed to write cell in row %d, column %d with error '%s'", row, i-1, xlBookErrorMessage(book));
| ~^ ~~~
| | |
| int long int
| %ld
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelSheet_writeCol':
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2428:68: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 4 has type 'long int' []8;;]8;;]
2428 | php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Failed to write cell in row %d, column %d with error '%s'", i-1, col, xlBookErrorMessage(book));
| ~^ ~~~
| | |
| int long int
| %ld
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2428:79: warning: format '%d' expects argument of type 'int', but argument 5 has type 'zend_long' {aka 'long int'} []8;;]8;;]
2428 | php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Failed to write cell in row %d, column %d with error '%s'", i-1, col, xlBookErrorMessage(book));
| ~^ ~~~
| | |
| int zend_long {aka long int}
| %ld
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelSheet_header':
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2880:75: error: expected ';' before '}' token
2880 | #define PE_RETURN_IS_STRING(data) if (data) { RETURN_STRING((char *)data) } else { RETURN_NULL(); }
| ^
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2890:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PE_RETURN_IS_STRING'
2890 | PE_RETURN_ ## type (xlSheet ## func_name (sheet)); \
| ^~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:3190:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_INFO'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2880:77: error: expected '}' before 'else'
2880 | #define PE_RETURN_IS_STRING(data) if (data) { RETURN_STRING((char *)data) } else { RETURN_NULL(); }
| ^~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2890:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PE_RETURN_IS_STRING'
2890 | PE_RETURN_ ## type (xlSheet ## func_name (sheet)); \
| ^~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:3190:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_INFO'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelSheet_footer':
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2880:75: error: expected ';' before '}' token
2880 | #define PE_RETURN_IS_STRING(data) if (data) { RETURN_STRING((char *)data) } else { RETURN_NULL(); }
| ^
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2890:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PE_RETURN_IS_STRING'
2890 | PE_RETURN_ ## type (xlSheet ## func_name (sheet)); \
| ^~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:3198:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_INFO'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2880:77: error: expected '}' before 'else'
2880 | #define PE_RETURN_IS_STRING(data) if (data) { RETURN_STRING((char *)data) } else { RETURN_NULL(); }
| ^~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2890:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PE_RETURN_IS_STRING'
2890 | PE_RETURN_ ## type (xlSheet ## func_name (sheet)); \
| ^~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:3198:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_INFO'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zim_ExcelSheet_name':
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2880:75: error: expected ';' before '}' token
2880 | #define PE_RETURN_IS_STRING(data) if (data) { RETURN_STRING((char *)data) } else { RETURN_NULL(); }
| ^
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2890:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PE_RETURN_IS_STRING'
2890 | PE_RETURN_ ## type (xlSheet ## func_name (sheet)); \
| ^~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:3366:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_INFO'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2880:77: error: expected '}' before 'else'
2880 | #define PE_RETURN_IS_STRING(data) if (data) { RETURN_STRING((char *)data) } else { RETURN_NULL(); }
| ^~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:2890:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PE_RETURN_IS_STRING'
2890 | PE_RETURN_ ## type (xlSheet ## func_name (sheet)); \
| ^~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:3366:2: note: in expansion of macro 'PHP_EXCEL_INFO'
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c: In function 'zm_startup_excel':
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:85:47: warning: assignment to 'zend_object_clone_obj_t' {aka 'struct _zend_object * (*)(struct _zend_object *)'} from incompatible pointer type 'zend_object * (*)(zval *)' {aka 'struct _zend_object * (*)(struct _zval_struct *)'} []8;;]8;;]
85 | excel_object_handlers_ ## c_name .clone_obj = clone; \
| ^
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:5588:2: note: in expansion of macro 'REGISTER_EXCEL_CLASS'
5588 | REGISTER_EXCEL_CLASS(Format, format, excel_format_object_clone);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:85:47: warning: assignment to 'zend_object_clone_obj_t' {aka 'struct _zend_object * (*)(struct _zend_object *)'} from incompatible pointer type 'zend_object * (*)(zval *)' {aka 'struct _zend_object * (*)(struct _zval_struct *)'} []8;;]8;;]
85 | excel_object_handlers_ ## c_name .clone_obj = clone; \
| ^
/build/excel-1.0.2/excel.c:5589:2: note: in expansion of macro 'REGISTER_EXCEL_CLASS'
5589 | REGISTER_EXCEL_CLASS(Font, font, excel_font_object_clone);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
make: *** [Makefile:209: excel.lo] Error 1
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