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Created April 29, 2021 04:03
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{ lib, stdenv, fetchzip
# build tools
, gfortran, m4, makeWrapper, patchelf, perl, which, python2, cmake
# libjulia dependencies
, libunwind, readline, utf8proc, zlib
# standard library dependencies
, curl, libgit2, pcre2
# Darwin frameworks
, CoreServices, ApplicationServices
# Things vendored in order: blas lapack arpack openlibm (mpfr fftw fftwSinglePrec openspecfun)
# assert !blas.isILP64;
# assert !lapack.isILP64;
with lib;
majorVersion = "1";
minorVersion = "5";
maintenanceVersion = "4";
src_sha256 = "1ba1v7hakgj95xvhyff0zcp0574qv6vailjl48wl1f8w5k54lsw2";
version = "${majorVersion}.${minorVersion}.${maintenanceVersion}";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "julia";
inherit version;
src = fetchzip {
url = "${version}/julia-${version}-full.tar.gz";
sha256 = src_sha256;
patches = [
postPatch = ''
patchShebangs . contrib
for i in backtrace cmdlineargs; do
mv test/$i.jl{,.off}
touch test/$i.jl
rm stdlib/Sockets/test/runtests.jl && touch stdlib/Sockets/test/runtests.jl
rm stdlib/Distributed/test/runtests.jl && touch stdlib/Distributed/test/runtests.jl
# LibGit2 fails with a weird error, so we skip it as well now
rm stdlib/LibGit2/test/runtests.jl && touch stdlib/LibGit2/test/runtests.jl
sed -e 's/Invalid Content-Type:/invalid Content-Type:/g' -i ./stdlib/LibGit2/test/libgit2.jl
sed -e 's/Failed to resolve /failed to resolve /g' -i ./stdlib/LibGit2/test/libgit2.jl
# XXX explain
# substituteInPlace test/runtests.jl \
# --replace 'if net_on' 'if net_on || haskey(ENV, "NIX_BUILD_CORES")'
dontUseCmakeConfigure = true;
buildInputs = [
libgit2 libunwind readline utf8proc zlib
] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [CoreServices ApplicationServices];
nativeBuildInputs = [ curl gfortran m4 makeWrapper patchelf perl python2 which cmake ];
makeFlags =
arch = head (splitString "-" stdenv.system);
march = {
x86_64 = stdenv.hostPlatform.gcc.arch or "x86-64";
i686 = "pentium4";
aarch64 = "armv8-a";
or (throw "unsupported architecture: ${arch}");
# Julia requires Pentium 4 (SSE2) or better
cpuTarget = { x86_64 = "x86-64"; i686 = "pentium4"; aarch64 = "generic"; }.${arch}
or (throw "unsupported architecture: ${arch}");
# Julia applies a lot of patches to its dependencies, so for now do not use the system LLVM
in [
# "USE_BLAS64=${if blas.isILP64 then "1" else "0"}"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = makeLibraryPath [
libgit2 pcre2
preBuild = ''
sed -e '/^install:/s@[^ ]*/doc/[^ ]*@@' -i Makefile
sed -e '/[$](DESTDIR)[$](docdir)/d' -i Makefile
enableParallelBuilding = true;
# Julia's tests require read/write access to $HOME
preCheck = ''
doCheck = true;
checkTarget = "test";
postInstall = ''
# Symlink shared libraries from LD_LIBRARY_PATH into lib/julia,
# as using a wrapper with LD_LIBRARY_PATH causes segmentation
# faults when program returns an error:
# $ julia -e 'throw(Error())'
find $(echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | sed 's|:| |g') -maxdepth 1 -name '*.${if stdenv.isDarwin then "dylib" else "so"}*' | while read lib; do
if [[ ! -e $out/lib/julia/$(basename $lib) ]]; then
ln -sv $lib $out/lib/julia/$(basename $lib)
passthru = {
inherit majorVersion minorVersion maintenanceVersion;
site = "share/julia/site/v${majorVersion}.${minorVersion}";
meta = {
description = "High-level performance-oriented dynamical language for technical computing";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ raskin rob garrison ];
platforms = [ "i686-linux" "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-linux" ];
broken = stdenv.isi686;
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