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Last active January 17, 2019 21:24
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// Task: Implement a 'Range Collection' class.
// A pair of integers define a range, for example: [1, 5). This range includes integers: 1, 2, 3, and 4.
// A range collection is an aggregate of these ranges: [1, 5), [10, 11), [100, 201)
* RangeCollection class
* NOTE: Feel free to add any extra member variables/functions you like.
class RangeCollection {
constructor() {
this.ranges = [];
* Adds a range to the collection
* @param {Array<number>} range - Array of two integers that specify beginning and end of range.
add(range) {
let isStartAvailable = false,
isEndAvailable = false;
// get the start and end from the array by destructuring
const [start, end] = range;
// if start and end are the same, no range is between them, return
if (start == end) {
// If this is the first array to be added, just push to the ranges array
if (this.ranges.length == 0) {
return this.ranges.push(range);
// loop through all current ranges to find out if the start and end are contained herein
for (let element of this.ranges) {
for (let num of this.range(element)){
if (num == start) isStartAvailable = true;
if (num == end) isEndAvailable = true;
if (isStartAvailable && isEndAvailable) {
// if the start and stop happens not to be in any of the ranges array, push the new ranges to the array.
if (!isStartAvailable && !isEndAvailable) {
return this.ranges.push(range);
if (isStartAvailable && !isEndAvailable) {
// get all the ranges, whose last value is lesser than this end.
let availableRangesWithLesserEnd = this.ranges.filter(r => {
return r[1] < end;
// sort by the greater end of them both, so the greater one is the first array
let sortedAvailableRangeByValue = availableRangesWithLesserEnd.sort((a, b) => {
return a[1] < b[1];
// find the position of the array in the ranges index
let indexOfRange = this.ranges.indexOf(sortedAvailableRangeByValue[0]);
// alter the end of the range to the new end we need
return (this.ranges[indexOfRange][1] = end);
* Returns all the numbers in a range
* @param {Array<number>} range - Array of two integers that specify beginning and end of range.
*range(range) {
// destructure start and end from the range array
let [start, end] = range;
while (start <= end) {
yield start;
* Removes a range from the collection
* @param {Array<number>} range - Array of two integers that specify beginning and end of range.
remove(range) {
const [start, end] = range;
// if start and end are the same, no range is between them, return
if (start == end) {
// check for the array that has its start sequence and end sequence
let startIndex, endIndex;
// loop through all the ranges, to see which of them has the range we are looking for
for (let element of this.ranges) {
// if our range is equal to the current element, delete and exit from loop
if(range == element){
let ind = this.ranges.indexOf(element);
return this.ranges.splice(ind, 1);
for (let num of this.range(element)){
if (num == start) startIndex = element;
if (num == end) endIndex = element;
startIndex = this.ranges.indexOf(startIndex);
endIndex = this.ranges.indexOf(endIndex);
// if the range given for start and end are both in the same array, check if the range given
// is the exact same thing with the one in our ranges array, then delete the entry
if (startIndex == endIndex) {
if (range == this.ranges[endIndex]) {
return this.ranges.splice(endIndex, 1);
// check if the end of the range we want to remove is not the same as the end of the range in the ranges array
// also check if the start is not the first one
if (this.ranges[endIndex][1] - end > 0 && start - this.ranges[endIndex][0] > 0) {
// save the current value for the end of the zrange
let formerEnd = this.ranges[endIndex][1];
// update the end of the range to the start of where we want to remove
this.ranges[endIndex][1] = start;
// create a new range leaving the ranges we want to remove out
let newRange = [end, formerEnd];
// add the new range just after the one we have edited.
return this.ranges.splice(endIndex + 1, 0, newRange);
return (this.ranges[endIndex][0] = end);
// Not the same index, find a way to remove the ranges
// delete all ranges between the start and end.
this.ranges[startIndex][1] = start;
this.ranges[endIndex][0] = end;
for (let i = startIndex + 1; i < endIndex; i++) {
this.ranges.splice(i, 1);
* Prints out the list of ranges in the range collection
print() {
// loop through all the arrays and print one after the other, so the results do not come out
// as [[1,5]], but instead as [1. 5]
for (let el of this.ranges) {
// Example run
const rc = new RangeCollection();
rc.add([1, 5]);
// Should display: [1, 5)
rc.add([10, 20]);
// // Should display: [1, 5) [10, 20)
rc.add([20, 20]);
// // Should display: [1, 5) [10, 20)
rc.add([20, 21]);
// rc.print();
// // Should display: [1, 5) [10, 21)
rc.add([2, 4]);
// rc.print();
// // Should display: [1, 5) [10, 21)
rc.add([3, 8]);
// rc.print();
// Should display: [1, 8) [10, 21)
rc.remove([10, 10]);
// rc.print();
// // Should display: [1, 8) [10, 21)
rc.remove([10, 11]);
// rc.print();
// // Should display: [1, 8) [11, 21)
rc.remove([15, 17]);
// rc.print();
// // Should display: [1, 8) [11, 15) [17, 21)
rc.remove([3, 19]);
// // Should display: [1, 3) [19, 21)
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