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Created January 22, 2013 17:51
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A Radix Trie (aka PATRICIA trie) implemented in Clojure. For my JavaScript implementation, see this interactive JS fiddle:
(ns radix
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(use '
(use 'clojure.pprint)
(println "Loading names... ")
(time (def names
[rdr (reader
(map string/lower-case
(take 30000 (line-seq rdr)))))))
(println "Loading words... ")
(time (def words
[rdr (reader
(map string/lower-case
(line-seq rdr))))))
;; From closure.contrib, but missing from clojure 1.4.0 for some reason.
(defn dissoc-in
"Dissociates an entry from a nested associative structure returning a new
nested structure. keys is a sequence of keys. Any empty maps that result
will not be present in the new structure."
[m [k & ks :as keys]]
(if ks
(if-let [nextmap (get m k)]
(let [newmap (dissoc-in nextmap ks)]
(if (seq newmap)
(assoc m k newmap)
(dissoc m k)))
(dissoc m k)))
(defn word-seq
(map-indexed (fn [i l] (subs word 0 (inc i))) word))
(defn lookup-tree
[T word & {:keys [parentKeys] :or {parentKeys []}}]
[matchedPrefix (first (filter (fn [prefix] (get T prefix)) (word-seq word)))]
(let [subT (get T matchedPrefix)]
; (println "Match: " matchedPrefix (get T matchedPrefix) (conj parentKeys matchedPrefix))
(lookup-tree subT
(subs word (count matchedPrefix))
:parentKeys (conj parentKeys matchedPrefix)))
(do ;(println "No match: " word)
[T (conj parentKeys word)])))
(defn common-prefix-length
[word1 word2]
(loop [i 0]
(if (= (get word1 i) (get word2 i))
(recur (inc i))
(defn common-sibling
[subT parentKeys]
; (println "Common siblings? " (keys subT) parentKeys)
(if-let [siblingKeys (keys subT)]
(if-let [sibling (first (filter
(fn [key] (< 0 (common-prefix-length key (last parentKeys))))
(defn insert
[T word]
(let [[subT parentKeys] (lookup-tree T word)]
; (println "\nInserting " word parentKeys subT)
(if-let [sibling (common-sibling subT parentKeys)]
(let [commonPrefixLength (common-prefix-length (last parentKeys) sibling)
taillessParentKeys (vec (take (dec (count parentKeys)) parentKeys))
newKeys (conj taillessParentKeys
(subs (last parentKeys) 0 commonPrefixLength))
oldKeys (conj taillessParentKeys
; (println "New keys: " newKeys oldKeys sibling)
(assoc-in (dissoc-in T oldKeys) newKeys {
(subs (last parentKeys) commonPrefixLength) {}
(subs sibling commonPrefixLength) {}
(assoc-in T parentKeys {}))))
(defn assemble-nodes
[tree prefix]
(flatten (map (fn [t]
(if (empty? (tree t))
(apply str (concat prefix t))
(assemble-nodes (tree t) (concat prefix t))))
(keys tree))))
(defn lookup
[T word & {:keys [limit] :or {limit 10}}]
(println "\nLooking up: " word)
(let [word (string/lower-case word)
tree (get (lookup-tree T word) 0)]
(take limit (reverse (assemble-nodes tree word)))))
(println "Building names trie... ")
(time (def N (reduce insert {} names)))
(println "Building words trie... ")
(time (def W (reduce insert {} words)))
(pprint (lookup N "Al"))
(pprint (lookup N "Bo"))
(pprint (lookup W "Intell" :limit 3))
(pprint (lookup W "Ear" :limit 3))
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