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Created April 19, 2010 20:11
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Attempting to use JRuby Objects from Java via Red Bridge
import javax.script.*;
import interfaces.*;
public class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) throws ScriptException, FileNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException {
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("jruby");
// Import ruby classes
String filename = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/ruby.rb";
FileReader reader = new FileReader(filename);
// Retrieve the object returned by the last line of the evaluated script
// In this case, a Person object that has a Pet named 'fido'
Object receiver = engine.eval(reader);
Invocable invocable = (Invocable) engine;
// Cast the ruby object to the Person interface
//Person person = (Person) invocable.getInterface(receiver, Person.class);
Person person = (Person) receiver;
// Retrieve the Person's Pet
// Two methods for retrieval are shown below, with the second one commented out
// The first method fails, the second works
// First method: using interface method getPet()
Pet pet = (Pet) person.getPet(); // <- Returns an InterfaceImpl
// NOTE: uncommenting the line below inexplicably causes first method to work;
// Just calling invokeMethod on the getter seems to automagically transform the pet variable
//invocable.invokeMethod(person, "pet"); // Can't call getPet() since invoke goes through Ruby
// Alternate method: using invokeMethod on person with method "pet"
// This method seems to work
//Pet pet = (Pet) invocable.invokeMethod(person, "pet"); // <- Returns a Pet
// Test the pet variable by passing it to a Ruby function
// Using the first method, this will fail... Is there a pet.toRubyObject() or something similar I should be calling?
// The second method works, but what's the point of the interface implementation if I can't use any objects
// returned by its methods?
boolean isPet = person.askIfThisIsAPet(pet);
System.out.println("Was the pet a pet?: " + isPet);
package interfaces;
public interface Person {
Pet getPet();
void setPet(Pet newPet);
boolean askIfThisIsAPet(Object pet);
package interfaces;
public interface Pet {
String getName();
void setName(String newName);
require 'java'
class Person
include Java::interfaces.Person
attr_accessor :pet
def initialize(pet); @pet = pet; end
def askIfThisIsAPet(pet)
puts 'checking...'
puts "ancestors: #{pet.class.ancestors.inspect}"
class Pet
include Java::interfaces.Pet
attr_accessor :name
def initialize(name); @name = name; end
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