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samueleaton / handlers.fs
Last active November 29, 2020 22:44
simple hello world server in F#
namespace MyApp
open Sol.Context
module Middlewares =
let authenticateAdmin next ctx =
let isAdmin = hasQueryParam "is_admin" ctx
samueleaton /
Created March 15, 2019 00:20
Adds remote_address to server context
require "http/server"
# from
class HTTP::Request
@io : IO?
def initialize(@method : String, @resource : String, headers : Headers? = nil, body : String | Bytes | IO | Nil = nil, @version = "HTTP/1.1", @io : IO? = nil)
@headers = headers.try(&.dup) ||
self.body = body
samueleaton /
Created December 14, 2018 17:27
Because sometime your need a big alphanumeric string in Crystal
def rand_str(length = 16, supplemental_chars = "")
res = [] of Char
chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" + supplemental_chars
length.times do { |i| res << chars[rand(chars.size)] }
rand_str 32
#=> xkURIpYnqbRVj893pr23LhhxeukFTu5f
# Follow guide here:
location /api {
# proxy here
# Make all proxy request start with a certain path (ie. /api) so they are quicker and
# we don't have to see if it matches a static asset.
# so instead of "" and NGINX checking if there
samueleaton / dev.dockerfile
Last active September 23, 2017 18:43
Crystal Docker for development
FROM crystallang/crystal:0.22.0
# copy all your app files/directories to image
COPY static ./static
COPY dev ./dev
COPY spec ./spec
COPY src ./src
COPY shard.yml ./shard.yml
samueleaton / key-bindings.json
Last active April 1, 2017 22:03
Adds extra space between brackets when using space key in sublime text
{ "keys": [" "], "command": "insert_snippet", "args": {"contents": " $0 "}, "context": [
{ "key": "preceding_text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "(\\(|\\[|{) ?$", "match_all": true },
{ "key": "following_text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "^(\\)|\\]|})", "match_all": true }
{ "keys": [" "], "command": "insert_snippet", "args": {"contents": "$0 "}, "context": [
{ "key": "preceding_text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "(\\(|\\[|{) $", "match_all": true },
{ "key": "following_text", "operator": "regex_contains", "operand": "^(\\)|\\]|})", "match_all": true }
samueleaton / Flatgrammer.sublime-theme
Last active November 16, 2017 16:02
Monokai Phoenix Flat (Sublime Theme)
// Tab set
"class": "tabset_control",
"layer0.texture": "",
"layer0.tint": [34,34,34],
"layer0.inner_margin": 2, // Overlay light puck (for dark content)
!function(t){function n(e){if(r[e])return r[e].exports;var i=r[e]={exports:{},id:e,loaded:!1};return t[e].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,n),i.loaded=!0,i.exports}var r={};return n.m=t,n.c=r,n.p="",n(0)}([function(t,exports,n){"use strict";function r(t){return t&&t.__esModule?t:{"default":t}}n(1);var e=n(286),i=r(e),o=n(287),u=r(o),a=n(290),c=r(a),f=n(291),s=r(f),l=n(292),p=r(l),h=n(293),v=r(h),g=n(294),d=r(g),y=n(295),_=(r(y),n(296)),m=r(_),b=n(297),w=r(b),x=n(298),S=r(x),j=n(299),O=r(j),E=n(300),A=r(E),k=n(301),F=r(k);(function(){function t(){var t=n();c["default"].each(t,r)}function n(){var t=c["default"].toArray(document.getElementsByClassName("embeddable-q-form"));return c["default"].filter(t,function(t){return!t.dataset.built})}function r(t){function n(){console.log("formContainer: ",t),console.log(" ",,q(,t),setTimeout(function(){r()},400)}function r(){t.classList.remove("hide")}if(!t.dataset.built){,O["default"])("embedable-q-form-"),t.dataset.built=!0,t.classList.add("hide
samueleaton / poorMansLodash.js
Last active February 13, 2020 23:14
Some basic functionality you would find with lodash
/* eslint-disable id-blacklist */
/* eslint-disable id-length */
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
/* eslint-disable no-implicit-coercion */
/* eslint-disable no-undefined */
/* eslint-disable no-empty-function */
/* eslint-disable semi */
/* eslint-disable quotes */
/* eslint-disable no-eq-nullg */
// module.exports = (function(){
var dom = (function(){
var _cache = {};
function cleanCache() {
// document.body.contains(x);
var htmlDoc = document.getElementsByClassName('html')[0];
Object.keys(_cache).forEach(function(k) {