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Last active August 9, 2017 23:38
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This is an exploration of a DST to be embedded in javascript designed specifically to build and manipulate the HTML DOM.

Largely inspired by a {Kotlin, JFX, Protobuf, JSON-ish}-like syntax (to intermingle well with javascript code) and a JSX-like DOM building algorithm.

Basic idea

Introduce syntax to javascript to intermingle tree-like docs and code and vice versa. Something like this:

let doc = div {
  // comments inside document

  a         // child
  "order"   // child
  b         // child
  "matters" // child
  c         // child
  d(attribute: value) { // child
    e { // child's child
      f(g: false) // child's child's child with attribute
  // if-expressions
  if (cond) {
  } else {
  // for-expressions
  for (u in g) {
    a {
      b { `u.b` }
  // function calls and expressions
  var a = g();
  // inline callbacks
  div(onclick : function() { alert("hi"); }) {
  // async document building
  await fetch("data.pb").map(u => {
    div {
      span {


hello world

var doc = div {
  // New syntax introduced to build documents.
  div {
    // This is a text node and a child
    "hello world"
    // Also, comments allowed!!!


var doc = div {
  form {
    "Enter your name:"
    input(enabled: false) {


var doc = div {
  div {
     "hello world", 
     // inline callbacks
     onclick = function() {


var people = ["goto", "bnutter"];

var doc = div {
  // for-expressions enable you to iterate and add multiple nodes to the parent node.
  for (person in people) {
    div {
      p { a(href: `/users/{{}}`) { `{}` } },
  // arrow functions => { div { p { `{{}}`} })
  // try-catch expressions
  try { avatar(user); } catch {  { div { "invalid user id" }} },
  // TODO(goto): if-then-else expressions
  // TODO(goto): select operator, switch-like expressions



var doc = div {
  // async-await
  var users = await fetch("people.xml"); => div { `` });

CSS Typed OM

var doc = div {
    // Uses CSS's TypedOM, 
    style: {
      width: "100%",
      position: "absolute"
    }) {
    "hello world"

custom elements

// Doc-expressions can also be represented as classes that implement an Element interface.
// For example:

var doc = div {
  head {
   // CSS in JS!!!
   await fetch(["main.css-in-js", "hello.css-in-js"]).map(style => new Style(style));
  body {
    bind ["goto", "bnutter"].map(user => new User(user)),

    // web-components like syntax, creating new node types!
    User {
      name: "Sam"

class Style implements Element {
  doc() {
    return div { "hello world" };

class User implements Element {
  doc() {
    return div { "hello world" };

Related Work

  • JSX
  • Kotlin typed builders
  • Elm
  • Hyperscript
  • json-ish
  • Om
  • Flutter
  • Anko layouts
  • Curl
  • JFX Script
  • JXON
  • E4X
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Kotlin builders:

import com.example.html.* // see declarations below

fun result(args: Array<String>) =
    html {
        head {
            title {+"XML encoding with Kotlin"}
        body {
            h1 {+"XML encoding with Kotlin"}
            p  {+"this format can be used as an alternative markup to XML"}

            // an element with attributes and text content
            a(href = "") {+"Kotlin"}

            // mixed content
            p {
                +"This is some"
                b {+"mixed"}
                +"text. For more see the"
                a(href = "") {+"Kotlin"}
            p {+"some text"}

            // content generated by
            p {
                for (arg in args)

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Groovy builders:

def company = 'ACME') {
    address(id: 'a1', line1: '123 Groovy Rd', zip: 12345, state: 'JV')          
    employee(name: 'Duke', employeeId: 1, address: a1)                          
    employee(name: 'John', employeeId: 2 ){
      address( refId: 'a1' )                                                    

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querying language

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class app {
  static void Main() {
    string[] names = { "Burke", "Connor", "Frank", 
                       "Everett", "Albert", "George", 
                       "Harris", "David" };

    IEnumerable<string> query = from s in names 
                               where s.Length == 5
                               orderby s
                               select s.ToUpper();

    foreach (string item in query)

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samuelgoto commented Aug 2, 2017

more thoughts


function a() {
  return <div></div>;

function a() {
  return div {
    // hello world

function a() {
  return __generic__("div", [], () => { 
    // hello world

class Element {


function __generic__(name: string, args: Array<?>, init: Element => Array<Element>): Element {
  var el = new Element(arguments);
  var proxy = new Proxy(el, {
    get(target, key) {
      console.log(`accessing ${key} on ${target}`);

      // console.log(target.parent);
      if (target[key]) {
        return target[key];
      var child = children.add(__generic__(key, ...));

      return child;
  return React.createElement("div", el.props, el.children);

function a() {
  return div {
    div {

function a() {
  return __generic__("div", [], () => {
    __generic__("div", [], () => {

function a() {
  return React.createElement("div", null);


function a() {
  return <div>

function a() {
  return div { 
    span {} 
    span {}

ffunction a() {
  return React.createElement(
    React.createElement("span", null),
    React.createElement("span", null)

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React implementation

class Element {
  constructor(name, args) { = name;
    this.args = args;
    this.children = [];

  addChild(el) {

function __generic__(name, args, body) {
  console.log(`__generic__ ${name} ${args} ${body}`);
  let el = new Element(name, args);;
  if (this instanceof Element) {
    console.log(`I have a parent!!`);
  } else {
    console.log(`I don't have a parent :(`);
    return el;

let result =, "div", {foo: 1}, function() {
  console.log("am i an element?");
  console.log(this);, "span", {bar: 2}, function() {
    // hello world


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// react

function buttonBar(x1,x2,x3){ 

// hyperscript
var h = require('hyperscript')
var obj = {
  a: 'Apple',
  b: 'Banana',
  c: 'Cherry',
  d: 'Durian',
  e: 'Elder Berry'
  h('tr', h('th', 'letter'), h('th', 'fruit')),
  Object.keys(obj).map(function (k) {
    return h('tr',
      h('th', k),
      h('td', obj[k])

// JFX
 import javafx.stage.Stage;
 import javafx.scene.Scene;
 import javafx.scene.text.Text;
 import javafx.scene.text.Font;
 Stage {
     title: "Hello World"
     width: 250
     height: 80
     scene: Scene {
         content: Text {
             font : Font {
                 size : 24
             x: 10, y: 30
             content: "Hello World"



// kotlin

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
            html {
                head {
                    title { +"XML encoding with Kotlin" }
                body {
                    h1 { +"XML encoding with Kotlin" }
                    p { +"this format can be used as an alternative markup to XML" }

                    // an element with attributes and text content
                    a(href = "") { +"Kotlin" }

                    // mixed content
                    p {
                        +"This is some"
                        b { +"mixed" }
                        +"text. For more see the"
                        a(href = "") { +"Kotlin" }
                    p { +"some text" }

                    // content generated from command-line arguments
                    p {
                        +"Command line arguments were:"
                        ul {
                            for (arg in args)
                                li { +arg }

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// Technique #1 string building
let fragment = "";
fragment += "<div>";
fragment += "  <span>hello world</span>";
fragment += "</div>";
let node = document.createElement("div").innerHTML = fragment;

// Technique #2 imperative calls
let root = document.createElement("div");
let span = document.createElement("span");
let content = document.createTextNode("hello world");

// Technique #3: template languages
let root = mycomponent();

//, gets transpiled into JS
{template name="mycomponent"}
  hello world

// Technique #4: DSL, extendeds JS
let root = 
    <span>hello world</span>

let fragment = div {
  div {
    // New syntax introduced to build documents.
    div {
      // This is a text node and a child
      "hello world"    
      // Also, comments allowed!!!


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samuelgoto commented Aug 7, 2017

Some options for syntax for configuring a builder:

// Cast-like expression
let a = (HtmlElement) div {
  span {

// Cast-like expression, no parens
let a = html div {
  span {

"pragma"-like statement
let a = "html" div {
  span {

// Root-level element
let a = html {
   div {
    span {

// decorator
let a = @html div {
  span {

// #hash
let a = #html div {
  span {

let a = div(@doc = html) {
  span {

// Extra syntax
let a = doc(html) {
   div {
    span {

let a = html#div() {
  span {

let a = div#html() {
  span {

let a = div@html() {
  span {

let a = div as html {
  span {

let a = div[html] {
  span {

let a = /** HtmlElement */ div {
  span {

let a = new HtmlElement() {
  div {
    span {

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