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Last active January 3, 2016 12:28
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  • Save samuelhnrq/8462587 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save samuelhnrq/8462587 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package io.github.samosaara;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.CuboidRegion;
import io.github.samosaara.Exeptions.SpawnOutsideAreaException;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
* @Author Jake
public class ArenaManager {
private static ArenaManager am = new ArenaManager();
//Usefull for getting the ArenaManager, like so: ArenaManager.getManager()
public static ArenaManager getManager() {
return am;
//A method for getting one of the Arenas out of the list by name:
public Arena getArena(String name) {
for (Arena a: Arena.arenaObjects) { //For all of the arenas in the list of objects
if (a.getName().equals(name)) { //If the name of an arena object in the list is equal to the one in the parameter...
return a; //Return that object
return null; //No objects were found, return null
//A method for adding players
public Inventory addPlayers(Player player, String arenaName) {
Inventory old;
if (getArena(arenaName) != null) { //If the arena exsists
Arena arena = getArena(arenaName); //Create an arena for using in this method
if (!arena.isFull()) { //If the arena is not full
if (!arena.isInGame()) {
old= player.getInventory();
//Every check is complete, arena is joinable
player.getInventory().clear(); //Clear the players inventory
player.setHealth(player.getMaxHealth()); //Heal the player
player.setFireTicks(0); //Heal the player even more ^ ^ ^
//Teleport to the arena's join location
//Add the player to the arena list
arena.getPlayers().add(player.getName()); //Add the players name to the arena
int playersLeft = arena.getMaxPlayers() - arena.getPlayers().size(); //How many players needed to start
//Send the arena's players a message
arena.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + player.getName() + " has joined the arena! We only need " + playersLeft + " to start the game!");
if (playersLeft == 0) { //IF there are 0 players needed to start the game
startArena(arenaName); //Start the arena, see the method way below :)
} else { //Specifiend arena is in game, send the player an error message
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The arena you are looking for is currently full!");
return null;
} else { //Specified arena is full, send the player an error message
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The arena you are looking for is currently full!");
return null;
} else { //The arena doesn't exsist, send the player an error message
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The arena you are looking for could not be found!");
return null;
return old;
public void removePlayer(Player player, String arenaName) {
removePlayer(player, arenaName, Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer("BOB").getPlayer().getInventory());
//A method for removing players
public void removePlayer(Player player, String arenaName, Inventory old) {
if (getArena(arenaName) != null) { //If the arena exsists
Arena arena = getArena(arenaName); //Create an arena for using in this method
if (arena.getPlayers().contains(player.getName())) { //If the arena has the player already
//Every check is complete, arena is leaveable
player.getInventory().clear(); //Clear the players inventory
player.setHealth(player.getMaxHealth()); //Heal the player
player.setFireTicks(0); //Heal the player even more ^ ^ ^
//Teleport to the arena's join location
//remove the player to the arena list
arena.getPlayers().remove(player.getName()); //Removes the players name to the arena
//Send the arena's players a message
arena.sendMessage(ChatColor.BLUE + player.getName() + " has left the Arena! There are " + arena.getPlayers().size() + "players currently left!");
} else { //Specified arena doesn't have the player, send the player an error message
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Your not in the arena your looking for!");
} else { //The arena doesn't exsist, send the player an error message
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The arena you are looking for could not be found!");
//A method for starting an Arena:
public void startArena(String arenaName) {
if (getArena(arenaName) != null) { //If the arena exsists
Arena arena = getArena(arenaName); //Create an arena for using in this method
arena.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "The arena has BEGUN!");
//Set ingame
for (String s: arena.getPlayers()) {//Loop through every player in the arena
Bukkit.getPlayer(s).teleport(arena.getStartLocation()); //Teleports the player to the arena start location
//Do custom stuff here, like give weapons etc, but for the purpose of this tutorial, i'll do nothing
//Set inGa
//A method for ending an Arena:
public void endArena(String arenaName) {
if (getArena(arenaName) != null) { //If the arena exsists
Arena arena = getArena(arenaName); //Create an arena for using in this method
//Send them a message
arena.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "The arena has ended :(");
//Set ingame
for (String s: arena.getPlayers()) {//Loop through every player in the arena
//Teleport them:
Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(s); //Create a player by the name
player.getInventory().clear(); //Clear the players inventory
player.setHealth(player.getMaxHealth()); //Heal the player
player.setFireTicks(0); //Heal the player even more ^ ^ ^
//Remove them all from the list
//And our final method, loading each arena
//This will be resonsible for creating each arena from the config, and creating an object to represent it
//Call this method in your main class, onEnable
public void loadArenas() {
//I just create a quick Config Variable, obviously don't do this.
//Use your own config file
FileConfiguration fc = null //If you just use this code, it will erorr, its null. Read the notes above, USE YOUR OWN CONFIGURATION FILE
//Youll get an error here, FOR THE LOVE OF GAWD READ THE NOTES ABOVE!!!
for (String keys: fc.getConfigurationSection("arenas").getKeys(false)) { //For each arena name in the arena file
//Now lets get all of the values, and make an Arena object for each:
//Just to help me remember: Arena myArena = new Arena("My Arena", joinLocation, startLocation, endLocation, 17)
World world = Bukkit.getWorld("arenas." + keys + ".world");
String shortcut = "arenas."+keys;
//Arena's name is keys
double pos1x = fc.getDouble(shortcut + ".regPos1.x");
double pos1y = fc.getDouble(shortcut + ".regPos1.y");
double pos1z = fc.getDouble(shortcut + ".regPos1.z");
double pos2x = fc.getDouble(shortcut + ".regPos2.x");
double pos2y = fc.getDouble(shortcut + ".regPos2.y");
double pos2z = fc.getDouble(shortcut + ".regPos2.z");
CuboidRegion region = new CuboidRegion(new Vector(pos1x, pos1y, pos1z), new Vector(pos2x, pos2y, pos2z));
double joinX = fc.getDouble("arenas." + keys + ".joinX");
double joinY = fc.getDouble("arenas." + keys + ".joinY");
double joinZ = fc.getDouble("arenas." + keys + ".joinZ");
Location joinLocation = new Location(world, joinX, joinY, joinZ);
double startX = fc.getDouble("arenas." + keys + ".startX");
double startY = fc.getDouble("arenas." + keys + ".startY");
double startZ = fc.getDouble("arenas." + keys + ".startZ");
Location startLocation = new Location(world, startX, startY, startZ);
double endX = fc.getDouble("arenas." + keys + "endX");
double endY = fc.getDouble("arenas." + keys + "endX");
double endZ = fc.getDouble("arenas." + keys + "endX");
Location endLocation = new Location(world, endX, endY, endZ);
int maxPlayers = fc.getInt("arenas." + keys + ".maxPlayers");
//Now lets create an object to represent it:
try {
Arena arena = new Arena(region, keys, joinLocation, startLocation, endLocation, maxPlayers);
} catch (SpawnOutsideAreaException e) {
fc = null;
//Our final method, create arena!
public void createArena(CuboidRegion region, String arenaName, Location joinLocation, Location startLocation, Location endLocation, int maxPlayers) {
//Now, lets create an arena object to represent it:
try {
Arena arena = new Arena(region, arenaName, joinLocation, startLocation, endLocation, maxPlayers);
} catch (SpawnOutsideAreaException e) {
//Now here is where you would save it all to a file, again, im going to create a null FileConfiguration, USE YOUR OWN!!!
FileConfiguration fc = null; //USE YOUR OWN PUNK
fc.set("arenas." + arenaName, null); //Set its name
//Now sets the other values
String path = "arenas." + arenaName + "."; //Shortcut
//Sets the paths
fc.set(path + "joinX", joinLocation.getX());
fc.set(path + "joinY", joinLocation.getY());
fc.set(path + "joinZ", joinLocation.getZ());
fc.set(path + "startX", startLocation.getX());
fc.set(path + "startY", startLocation.getY());
fc.set(path + "startZ", startLocation.getZ());
fc.set(path + "endX", endLocation.getX());
fc.set(path + "endY", endLocation.getY());
fc.set(path + "endZ", endLocation.getZ());
fc.set(path + "maxPlayers", maxPlayers);
fc.set(path + "regPos1", null);
fc.set(path + "regPos1.x", region.getPos1().getX());
fc.set(path + "regPos1.y", region.getPos1().getY());
fc.set(path + "regPos1.z", region.getPos1().getZ());
fc.set(path + "regPos2", null);
fc.set(path + "regPos2.x", region.getPos2().getX());
fc.set(path + "regPos2.y", region.getPos2().getY());
fc.set(path + "regPos2.z", region.getPos2().getZ());
//Now save it up down here
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