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Created November 3, 2015 14:56
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Inbox, e-mail and menu
<html ng-app="ionicApp">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">
<title>Side Menus</title>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
<script id="app-menu.html" type="text/ng-template">
<ion-side-menus enable-menu-with-back-views="false">
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-positive">
<ion-nav-back-button class="button-icon ion-ios-arrow-left">
<ion-nav-buttons side="right">
<button class="button button-icon button-clear ion-navicon" menu-toggle="right">
<ion-nav-view name="menuContent"></ion-nav-view>
<ion-side-menu side="right">
<ion-header-bar class="bar-assertive">
<h1 class="title">Left Menu</h1>
<ul class="list">
<!-- Note each link has the 'menu-close' attribute so the menu auto closes when clicking on one of these links -->
<a href="#/app/emails/inbox" class="item" menu-close>
<span class="badge badge-assertive">{{data.inboxCount}}</span>
<a href="#/app/emails/flagged" class="item" menu-close>
<span class="badge badge-assertive">{{data.flaggedCount}}</span>
<a href="#/app/emails/sent" class="item" menu-close>
<span class="badge badge-assertive">{{data.sentCount}}</span>
<script id="email-list.html" type="text/ng-template">
<ion-view view-title={{data.title}}>
<ion-nav-buttons side="primary">
<button class="button button-icon icon ion-ios-minus-outline" ng-click="data.showDelete = !data.showDelete"></button>
<ion-list show-delete="data.showDelete">
<ion-item ng-repeat="email in emails" class="item-icon-left item-remove-animate" href="#/app/emails/{{data.mode}}/{{}}">
<i class="icon" ng-class="{'ion-ios-email-outline': email.was_read, 'ion-ios-email energized': !email.was_read}"></i>
<span class="email-text">
<span class="item-note email-text">
{{ | date:'EEE M/d/yyyy h:mm a'}}
<ion-delete-button class="ion-minus-circled" ng-click="onItemDelete(email)">
<script id="email-view.html" type="text/ng-template">
<ion-view view-title="E-Mail">
<div class="list card">
<ion-item class="item-icon-left">
<i class="icon ion-ios-email-outline"></i>
<span class="email-text">
<span class="item-note email-text">
{{ | date:'EEE M/d/yyyy h:mm a'}}
<ion-item class="item-text-wrap email-body-text">
<script id="bloh.html" type="text/ng-template">
<ion-view view-title="E-Mail View">
E-Mail View
angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic'])
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ionicConfigProvider) {
.state('appmenu', {
url: "/app",
abstract: true,
templateUrl: "app-menu.html",
controller: "EmailMenuCtrl"
.state('', {
url: "/emails/:mode",
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: "email-list.html",
controller: "EmailListCtrl"
.state('', {
url: "/emails/:mode/:id",
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: "email-view.html",
controller: "EmailViewCtrl"
.controller('EmailMenuCtrl', function($scope, EmailService) {
$ = {
inboxCount: EmailService.getInboxEmailCount(),
flaggedCount: 333,
sentCount: EmailService.getOutboxEmailCount()
.controller('EmailListCtrl', function($stateParams, $scope, EmailService) {
$scope.emails = [];
$ = {
showDelete: false,
mode: $stateParams.mode,
title: ''
$scope.setListData = function() {
switch ($stateParams.mode) {
case 'inbox':
$ = 'Inbox - All';
$scope.emails = EmailService.getInboxEmails();
case 'flagged':
$ = 'Inbox - Flagged';
$scope.emails = EmailService.getInboxEmails();
case 'sent':
$ = 'Sent';
$scope.emails = EmailService.getOutboxEmails();
$ = 'E-Mails';
$scope.onItemDelete = function(email) {
$scope.emails.splice($scope.emails.indexOf(email), 1);
.controller('EmailViewCtrl', function($stateParams, $scope, $timeout, EmailService) {
if ($stateParams.mode == 'sent') {
$ = EmailService.getOutboxEmail($;
} else {
$ = EmailService.getInboxEmail($;
$timeout(function() {
$ = true;
}, 500);
.factory('EmailService', function() {
var inbox = [];
var outbox = [];
function readInboxEmails() {
if (inbox.length) {
inbox = [{
id: 0,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 1,
subject: 'Test subj #2',
date: '0',
from: 'John',
body: 'Test e-mail body #2',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 2,
subject: 'Test subj #3',
date: '0',
from: 'dd John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #3',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 3,
subject: 'Test subj #4',
date: '0',
from: 'Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 4,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 5,
subject: 'dfhdsfhsdfhsdf',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 6,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 7,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 8,
subject: 'dhfsdf dfhdasfhsdf',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 9,
subject: 'Test subj #11',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 10,
subject: 'Test subj #21',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 11,
subject: 'Test subj #31',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 12,
subject: 'Test subj #41',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 13,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 14,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 15,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 16,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 17,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 18,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 19,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 20,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 21,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 22,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 23,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 24,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '1',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 25,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 26,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 27,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 28,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 29,
subject: 'dfhsdfhsdf dfshsd',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 30,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 31,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 32,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'ooo Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 33,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 34,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '1',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 35,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 36,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 37,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '1',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 38,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 39,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 40,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 41,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 42,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'ooo Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 43,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 44,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 45,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'aaa Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: false
}, {
id: 46,
subject: 'dfghsdfh fdhgs dfh',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: true
}, {
id: 47,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: true
}, {
id: 48,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: true
}, {
id: 49,
subject: 'Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: true
}, {
id: 50,
subject: 'Test subj last',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: true
function readOutboxEmails() {
if (outbox.length) {
outbox = [{
id: 0,
subject: 'Out - Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: true
}, {
id: 1,
subject: 'Out - Test subj #2',
date: '0',
from: 'John',
body: 'Test e-mail body #2',
was_read: true
}, {
id: 2,
subject: 'Out - Test subj #3',
date: '0',
from: 'dd John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #3',
was_read: true
}, {
id: 3,
subject: 'Out - Test subj #4',
date: '0',
from: 'Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: true
}, {
id: 4,
subject: 'Out - Test subj #1',
date: '0',
from: 'John',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: true
}, {
id: 50,
subject: 'Out - Test subj last',
date: '0',
from: 'John Doe',
body: 'Test e-mail body #1',
was_read: true
return {
getInboxEmailCount: function() {
return inbox.length;
getOutboxEmailCount: function() {
return outbox.length;
getInboxEmails: function() {
return inbox;
getOutboxEmails: function() {
return outbox;
getInboxEmail: function(id) {
for (i = 0; i < inbox.length; i++) {
if (inbox[i].id == id) {
return inbox[i];
return null;
getOutboxEmail: function(id) {
for (i = 0; i < outbox.length; i++) {
if (outbox[i].id == id) {
return outbox[i];
return null;
body {
cursor: url(''), auto;
.email-text {
font-size: smaller !important;
color: grey !important;
.email-body-text {
font-size: smaller !important;
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