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Last active November 5, 2024 10:00
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Disable / Enable HyperThreading cores on runtime - linux
function toggleHyperThreading() {
for CPU in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-9]*; do
CPUID=`basename $CPU | cut -b4-`
echo -en "CPU: $CPUID\t"
[ -e $CPU/online ] && echo "1" > $CPU/online
THREAD1=`cat $CPU/topology/thread_siblings_list | cut -f1 -d,`
if [ $CPUID = $THREAD1 ]; then
echo "-> enable"
[ -e $CPU/online ] && echo "1" > $CPU/online
if [ "$HYPERTHREADING" -eq "0" ]; then echo "-> disabled"; else echo "-> enabled"; fi
echo "$HYPERTHREADING" > $CPU/online
function enabled() {
echo -en "Enabling HyperThreading\n"
function disabled() {
echo -en "Disabling HyperThreading\n"
ONLINE=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/online)
OFFLINE=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/offline)
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root"
exit 1
echo "---------------------------------------------------"
echo -en "CPU's online: $ONLINE\t CPU's offline: $OFFLINE\n"
echo "---------------------------------------------------"
while true; do
read -p "Type in e to enable or d disable hyperThreading or q to quit [e/d/q] ?" ed
case $ed in
[Ee]* ) enabled; break;;
[Dd]* ) disabled;exit;;
[Qq]* ) exit;;
* ) echo "Please answer e for enable or d for disable hyperThreading.";;
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hey this actually works, nice!

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sm5hua commented Aug 10, 2024

Works like a charm on my old Slackare 14.2 with a i7-4810mq - Thanks!

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rorar commented Oct 16, 2024

@samueljon Would it be possibel for you to add a few checks?

  1. Check if CPU is HT capable
  2. Check if HT is enabled or disabled
  3. Check for availabe cores and threads per cores

Edit: Did some work here...
Not perfect, still need polishing (colored text output, disable selected cores,...) . Do you want to give it a try?

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@samueljon Would it be possibel for you to add a few checks?

  1. Check if CPU is HT capable
  2. Check if HT is enabled or disabled
  3. Check for availabe cores and threads per cores

Edit: Did some work here... Not perfect, still need polishing (colored text output, disable selected cores,...) . Do you want to give it a try?

Nice I will have a look when I can @rorar . Thanks for the inspiration in your implementation.

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