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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Code example showing the Go version of the final python example code in the bottom of this post:
package main
import (
const (
// ======= Main =======
func main() {
// Init processes
hisay := NewHiSayer()
split := NewStringSplitter()
lower := NewLowerCaser()
upper := NewUpperCaser()
zippr := NewZipper()
prntr := NewPrinter()
// Network definition *** This is where to look! ***
split.In = hisay.Out
lower.In = split.OutLeft
upper.In = split.OutRight
zippr.In1 = lower.Out
zippr.In2 = upper.Out
prntr.In = zippr.Out
// Set up processes for running (spawn go-routines)
go hisay.Run()
go split.Run()
go lower.Run()
go upper.Run()
go zippr.Run()
println("Finished program!")
// ======= HiSayer =======
type hiSayer struct {
Out chan string
func NewHiSayer() *hiSayer {
return &hiSayer{Out: make(chan string, BUFSIZE)}
func (proc *hiSayer) Run() {
defer close(proc.Out)
for _, i := range []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} {
proc.Out <- fmt.Sprintf("Hi for the %d:th time!", i)
// ======= StringSplitter =======
type stringSplitter struct {
In chan string
OutLeft chan string
OutRight chan string
func NewStringSplitter() *stringSplitter {
return &stringSplitter{
OutLeft: make(chan string, BUFSIZE),
OutRight: make(chan string, BUFSIZE),
func (proc *stringSplitter) Run() {
defer close(proc.OutLeft)
defer close(proc.OutRight)
for s := range proc.In {
halfLen := int(math.Floor(float64(len(s)) / float64(2)))
proc.OutLeft <- s[0:halfLen]
proc.OutRight <- s[halfLen:len(s)]
// ======= LowerCaser =======
type lowerCaser struct {
In chan string
Out chan string
func NewLowerCaser() *lowerCaser {
return &lowerCaser{Out: make(chan string, BUFSIZE)}
func (proc *lowerCaser) Run() {
defer close(proc.Out)
for s := range proc.In {
proc.Out <- strings.ToLower(s)
// ======= UpperCaser =======
type upperCaser struct {
In chan string
Out chan string
func NewUpperCaser() *upperCaser {
return &upperCaser{Out: make(chan string, BUFSIZE)}
func (proc *upperCaser) Run() {
defer close(proc.Out)
for s := range proc.In {
proc.Out <- strings.ToUpper(s)
// ======= Merger =======
type zipper struct {
In1 chan string
In2 chan string
Out chan string
func NewZipper() *zipper {
return &zipper{Out: make(chan string, BUFSIZE)}
func (proc *zipper) Run() {
defer close(proc.Out)
for {
s1, ok1 := <-proc.In1
s2, ok2 := <-proc.In2
if !ok1 && !ok2 {
proc.Out <- fmt.Sprint(s1, s2)
// ======= Printer =======
type printer struct {
In chan string
func NewPrinter() *printer {
return &printer{}
func (proc *printer) Run() {
for s := range proc.In {
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samuell commented Jul 18, 2015

If we run it, we get:

$ go run dataflow_syntax_test.go
hi for the  1:TH TIME!
hi for the  2:TH TIME!
hi for the  3:TH TIME!
hi for the  4:TH TIME!
hi for the  5:TH TIME!
hi for the  6:TH TIME!
hi for the  7:TH TIME!
hi for the  8:TH TIME!
hi for the  9:TH TIME!
hi for the  10:TH TIME!

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