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Created November 4, 2018 15:46
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Linting SCSS files with settings for orders in logical chunks
"extends": [
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"string-quotes": "double",
"no-empty-source": null,
"at-rule-no-unknown": null,
"property-no-unknown": [
"ignoreProperties": [
"max-nesting-depth": 5,
"selector-max-compound-selectors": 5,
"selector-class-pattern": [
"message": "Selector should be written in lowercase with hyphens or underscores (selector-class-pattern)"
"selector-no-qualifying-type": null,
"unit-blacklist": [
"ignoreProperties": {
"px": [
"no-descending-specificity": null,
"a11y/media-prefers-reduced-motion": true,
"a11y/no-outline-none": true,
"a11y/selector-pseudo-class-focus": true,
"plugin/declaration-block-no-ignored-properties": true,
"order/properties-alphabetical-order": null,
"order/order": [
"type": "at-rule",
"name": "extend"
"type": "at-rule",
"name": "include"
"type": "rule",
"selector": "/^&:/"
"type": "rule",
"selector": "/^&/"
"type": "at-rule"
"type": "at-rule",
"name": "include",
"hasBlock": true
"type": "at-rule",
"name": "include",
"parameter": "breakpoint",
"hasBlock": true
"order/properties-order": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"order": "flexible",
"properties": [
"unspecified": "bottom"
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