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Last active November 4, 2017 18:09
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Application user networking using Dat protocol

Application user networking using Dat protocol

This document outlines a structure to connect application users using Dat protocol. Users can identify themselves with a dat archive and publish session metadata to coordinate WebRTC connections.

Forewarning: I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Social peer dat archive

A user's identity resides in a dat archive which can be shared to create a connection.


Profiles contain data to identify the user.

	// Name
	"name": "Sam",

	// Join date
	"created": 1509818932375,

	// List of friend archives (optional)
	"friends": [


If this file exists in an archive, the user is hosting an active session. Metadata associated with the session is available here. A url is included as a pointer for the client to initiate a direct connection with the host.

	// Public name
	"name": "Foobar",

	// Session lobby archive
	"url": "dat://asdf1234",

	// Heartbeat of session -- updates every 5 min
	"last_update": 1509667197878,

	// Number of connected peers
	"peers": 2,

	// Maximum number of peers
	"max_peers": 8,

	// Password required upon connection
	"protected": false

Session lobby - Dat archive (Option 1)

Session lobbies are used to connect peers to the host's WebRTC data channel connection via signaling over the hyperdrive file system. This proposal requires multi-user writing to dat archives.


A binary file containing the initial SDP signal data of the host.


A binary file containing the SDP offer data for the given peer hash. This file is transient and will be removed after a connection is established.


A binary file containing the SDP answer data for the given peer hash. This file is transient and will be removed after a connection is established.

Session lobby - hypercore log (Option 2)

Another option for coordinating WebRTC signaling is to use a distibuted, append-only log with hypercore.

The signaling process would look like the following

  1. User A, the host, writes their initial SDP signal data to the log.
  2. User B reads the initial SDP signal to generate an offer and writes it the log.
  3. User A reads the offer and writes their corresponding answer to the log.
  4. User B reads the answer and uses it to establish a WebRTC connection.

Current unknowns

  • How does hypercore relate to dat archives?
  • Can multiple users write to a hypercore log?


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