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Last active May 28, 2019 12:23
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trait RedisDbT {
val host: String
val port: Int
val timeout: FiniteDuration
implicit val _system : ActorSystem
def getRedisInstance = _system.actorOf(Props(new RedisDbService(host,port,timeout)))
object RedisDbT {
//Other Messages for the Redis Actor
case class EnqueueElementRequest(queueName : String, value : String , duration : Option[FiniteDuration] = None )
case class EnqueueElementResponse(status : Boolean)
case class DequeueElementRequest(queueName : String)
case class DequeueElementResult(result : Option[String])
private[DB] class RedisDbService(
val host: String,
val port: Int,
val timeout: FiniteDuration
) extends Actor
with ActorLogging {
implicit val actorSystem = context.system
lazy val client = RedisClient(host,port)
implicit val _timeout = timeout
import RedisDbT._
override def receive: Receive = {
//Other Actor Messages
case req : EnqueueElementRequest =>
val currentSender = sender()
val enqueueFut = client.rpush(req.queueName,req.value)
case Success(res) =>
res match {
case x if x < 1 => currentSender ! EnqueueElementResponse(false)
case _ => currentSender ! EnqueueElementResponse(true)
case Failure(ex) =>
log.error("Error Enqueuing in Redis : {}",ex.getMessage)
currentSender ! EnqueueElementResponse(false)
case req : DequeueElementRequest =>
val currentSender = sender()
val dequeueFut = client.lpop(req.queueName)
case Success(res) =>
currentSender ! DequeueElementResult(
case Failure(ex) =>
log.error("Error Dequeuing in Redis : {}",ex.getMessage)
currentSender ! DequeueElementResult(None)
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