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Created July 25, 2013 03:33
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Tradução Arrowchat 1.6.11 pt-br (português brasileiro)
|| #################################################################### ||
|| # ArrowChat # ||
|| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
|| # Copyright ©2010-2012 ArrowSuites LLC. All Rights Reserved. # ||
|| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
|| # ---------------- ARROWCHAT IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
|| # | # ||
|| #################################################################### ||
$language = array();
// ########################### STATUS #############################
$language[1] = "Disponível"; // Available users
$language[2] = "Ocupado"; // Busy users
$language[3] = "Invisível"; // Invisible users
$status['available'] = "Estou disponível"; // Default available status message
$status['busy'] = "Estou ocupado"; // Default busy status message
$status['away'] = "Estou ausente"; // Default idle status message
$status['offline'] = "Estou offline"; // Default offline status message
$status['invisible'] = "Estou offline"; // Default invisible status message
$language[83] = "Visitante"; // Displayed if the user has no username
// ####################### SERVICE UPDATES ########################
$language[27] = "O chat está fechado para manutenção"; // Hover message when chat is in maintenance mode
$language[28] = "fechar"; // Close the announcement message
$language[58] = "Você precisa se registrar ou se logar para usar o chat"; // The message that guests view when logged out
// ######################## NOTIFICATIONS #########################
$language[0] = "Notificações"; // Displayed in the title bar of the notifications popup
$language[9] = "Não há nenhuma nova notificação"; // Displayed when a user has no new notifications
$language[21] = "Ver todoas notificações"; // The tooltip to see all notifications
$language[71] = "segundo atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (second)
$language[72] = "segundos atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (seconds)
$language[73] = "minuto atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (minute)
$language[74] = "minuto atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (minutes)
$language[75] = "hora atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (hour)
$language[76] = "horas atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (hours)
$language[77] = "dia atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (day)
$language[78] = "dias atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (days)
$language[79] = "mês atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (month)
$language[80] = "meses atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (months)
$language[81] = "ano atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (year)
$language[82] = "anos atrás"; // Displayed after the time in notifications (years)
// ######################### BUDDY LIST ###########################
$language[4] = "Chat"; // Displayed in the title bar of the buddy list popup
$language[7] = "Chat (Offline)"; // Displayed in the buddy list tab when offline
$language[8] = "Ninguém disponível no chat"; // Displayed with no one is online
$language[12] = "Busca"; // Displayed in the search text area of the buddy list
$language[22] = "Status"; // Button to show status options in the buddy list
$language[23] = "Opções"; // Button to show options in the buddy list
$language[25] = "Carregando..."; // Text to show while the buddy list is loading
$language[26] = "Nenhum amigo encontrado."; // Displayed when no friends are found after searching
$language[119] = "Digite o nome para usar no chat"; // Displayed in the guest username box
$language[120] = "Você precisa digitar um nome.."; // Error message when the user enters no guest name
$language[121] = "O nome deve conter apenas letras e números."; // Error message when the user enters a guest name with more than letter/numbers
$language[122] = "Existem palavras bloqueadas em seu nome: "; // DISPLAYS BLOCKED WORD AFTER - Error message when the user enters a blocked word guest name
$language[123] = "Você não pode muadr seu nome."; // Error message when user trys to change guest name again
$language[124] = "Esse nome já está sendo usado."; // Error message when duplicate guest name is selected
$language[125] = "O nome não pode conter mais que 25 caracteres.";// Error message when guest name is too long
// ########################### OPTIONS ############################
$language[5] = "Disponível para bate-papo"; // Option to go offline text
$language[6] = "Sons do chat"; // Option to play sound for new messages text
$language[17] = "Manter lista aberta"; // Option to keep the buddy list open text
$language[18] = "Mostrar apenas nomes"; // Option to hide avatars in the buddy list text
$language[29] = "Tema:"; // Text to display next to the theme change select box
$language[95] = "Gerenciar lista negra..."; // Option to manage the block list
$language[96] = "Selecione quem você quer desbloquear"; // Text to display when a user is managing the block list
$language[97] = "Desbloquear"; // Text to display on unblock button
$language[108] = "Selecione o tema que deseja usar"; // Text to display when a user is choosing a theme
$language[109] = "Escolha"; // Text to display on the choose theme button
$language[118] = "Selecione"; // Text to display on the selection for the block menu
// ######################## APPLICATIONS ##########################
$language[16] = "Aplicativos"; // Displayed in the title bar of the applications popup
$language[20] = "Favoritos"; // Displayed in the applications popup for the user's bookmarked applications
$language[64] = "Outros Aplicativos"; // Displayed under bookmarks (non-bookmarks heading)
$language[65] = "Arraste para gravar"; // Drag to reorder text
$language[104] = "Manter aplicativo aberto"; // Displayed in the menu to keep an app window open
$language[105] = "Sempre carregar aplicativo"; // Displayed in the menu to load the app when the bar loads
// ######################### HIDE CHAT ############################
$language[14] = "Esconder Chat"; // Displayed when the user hovers over the hide chat button
$language[15] = "Mostrar Chat"; // Displayed when the user hovers over the show chat button
// ######################## POPOUT CHAT ############################
$language[10] = "Abrir chat em nova janela"; // Option to pop out chat
$language[11] = "Abrir Chat na mesma janela"; // Option to pop in chat
// ############################ CHAT ###############################
$language[13] = "Este usuário está offline e receberá sua mensagem quando logar."; // DISPLAYS USERNAME FIRST - Shown when a message is sent to an offline user
$language[24] = "Limpar conversa"; // Displayed in the chat popup to clear chat history
$language[30] = "Nova mensagem de"; // DISPLAYS USERNAME AFTER - Blinks in the title of the browser on new messages
$language[59] = "Mais &#9660;"; // The text to display more chat options
$language[60] = "Inciar chamada de vídeo"; // The video chat option in the more menu
$language[61] = "Acabei de lhe enviar uma chamada de vídeo. Ignore essa mensagem para recusar a chamada.";// The message to send when a video chat is reuqested
$language[62] = "Aceitar"; // Accept a video chat request
$language[63] = "Seu pedido de chamada de vídeo foi enviado."; // Displayed when a user sends a video chat request
$language[66] = "Enviar arquivo..."; // The file transfer option in the more menu
$language[67] = "cancelar o envio"; // The link to cancel the file transfer
$language[68] = "Seu arquivo foi enviado."; // Displayed when a user sends a file
$language[69] = "Acabei de lhe enviar um arquivo. Ignore essa mensagem para recusar."; // The message to send when a file is sent
$language[70] = "Baixar o arquivo"; // Download a file that was sent
$language[84] = "Bloquear usuário"; // Blocks a user
$language[85] = "Quer também quer reportar esse usuário?"; // Asks the user if they want to report another user
$language[86] = "Buscar"; // The text to browse for a file when uploading
$language[87] = "Aperte Buscar para enviar um arquivo ou "; // Text to display when uploading a file
$language[88] = "Abrir todas conversas em novas janelas"; // Displays when mouseover the popout chat icon
$language[89] = "Fechar chat"; // Displays when mouserver the close icon
$language[90] = "Você"; // Displays on mosueover of your own chat text
$language[102] = "Mensagem não enviada. Este usuário bloqueou você."; // Displays this when a user tries to send a message to another user who has them blocked
$language[103] = "Este usuário foi bloqueado. Mensagem desse usuário não serão mais recebidas."; // Displays when a user is blocked
// ######################### CHAT ROOMS #############################
$language[19] = "Salas de Chat"; // Displayed in the chatrooms popup and tab
$language[31] = "Criar"; // Button to show create chatroom
$language[32] = "Opções"; // Button to show chatroom options
$language[33] = "Sair"; // Button to show leave chatroom
$language[34] = "Carregando..."; // Text so show while the chatroom list is loading
$language[35] = " Online"; // DISPLAYS ONLINE COUNT FIRST - Shown after online count in list
$language[37] = "Criar nova sala de chat:"; // Text to display in the create chatroom popup
$language[36] = "Manter sala aberta"; // Option to keep the chatroom window open
$language[47] = "Ficar na sala"; // Option to stay in the chatroom without the window open on page load
$language[38] = "Bloquear chats privados"; // Option to block private chats from users in the chatroom
$language[39] = "Você precisa aguardar algum tempo antes de abrir uma nova sala."; // Error to show when the chatroom flood limit is reached
$language[40] = "Criação de salas por usuáros está temporariamente indisponível."; // Error to show when user chatrooms are disabled
$language[41] = "Mensagem privada"; // Send user a private messages
$language[42] = "Ver perfil"; // Visit the user's profile
$language[43] = "Visitante"; // The user's title in the chatroom - shown when the user is a guest
$language[44] = "Moderador"; // The user's title in the chatroom - shown when the user is a moderator
$language[45] = "Administrador"; // The user's title in the chatroom - shown when the user is an administrator
$language[46] = "Este usuário desabilitou mensagens privadas"; // The text that the alert box will display when a user trys to PM with blocked chat
$language[48] = "Essa sala não existe."; // Displayed when a user trys to enter an invalid chatroom
$language[49] = "A senha está incorreta. Favor tentar novamente."; // Displayed when a user enters the wrong password
$language[50] = "Digite a senha para entrar na sala."; // Text to display when entering the chatroom password
$language[51] = "Limite atingido: Você precisa aguardar um tempo para enviar outra mensagem."; // Error to show when flood limit is reached
$language[52] = "Fazer moderador"; // Make the user a moderator
$language[54] = "Remover moderador"; // Remove the user from being a moderator
$language[53] = "Banir usuário"; // Ban/Kick the user from the chatroom
$language[55] = "Você foi banido permanentemente dessa sala."; // Shown when a user is permanently banned
$language[56] = "Você está banido dessa sala por alguns minutos: "; // DISPLAYS MINUTES AFTER - shown when a user is kicked
$language[57] = "Digite o número em minutos que o usuário deve permanecer banido. Digite 0 para banir permanentemente."; // Message to show when banning a user. Typing 0 will permanently ban the user
$language[91] = "Defina o nome da sala que você gostaria de criar"; // Message to display when creating a chat room
$language[92] = "Sair da sala"; // Tooltip when mousover the leave chat room icon
$language[93] = "Criar nova sala de chat"; // Tooltip when mouseover the create chat room icon
$language[94] = "Mudar o tema do chat"; // Tooltip when mouseover the change theme icon
$language[98] = "Nome"; // Placeholder for the create chatroom name box
$language[99] = "Senha (Opcional)"; // Placeholder for the create chatroom password box
$language[100] = "Juntar-se"; // Displayed on UI buttons to join a chat room
$language[101] = "Sons da sala de chat"; // The option to enable/disable chat room sounds
$language[106] = " foi feito moderador por "; // DISPLAYS USERNAME FIRST/MODERATOR AFTER - Shown after a user is made a moderator
$language[107] = " foi tirado da sala por "; // DISPLAYS USERNAME FIRST/MODERATOR AFTER - Shown after a user is kicked
$language[117] = "Popout a sala de chat"; // Option to pop out the chat room
// ######################### MOBILE CHAT #############################
$language[110] = "Chat Móvel"; // Displays in the header of the mobile chat
$language[111] = "Usuários Online"; // Displays in the header for the online user list
$language[112] = "Usuários Ausentes"; // Displays in the header for the idle user list
$language[113] = "Voltar"; // Displays on the back button when viewing a chat
$language[114] = "Enviar"; // Text for the send button
$language[115] = "Novo"; // Text to display when a new message is received
$language[116] = "Você deve fazer o login para user o chat de um celular"; // Text to display when user is not logged in using mobile
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