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Created October 6, 2022 07:05
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[makimiik@puhti-login12 ~]$ sinteractive --account project_2003758 --mem 64000 --tmp 640 --cores 4
Launching a new interavtive job
Interactive batch job is launched with following resources:
Maximum run time (hours:min:sec): 24:00:00
Maximum memory (MB): 64000
$TMPDIR size (GB): 640
Number of cores/threads: 4
Accounting project: project_2003758
srun: job 13488501 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 13488501 has been allocated resources
[makimiik@r18c02 ~]$ module load r-env-singularity
r-env 4.2.1
[makimiik@r18c02 ~]$ start-rstudio-server
Launching RStudio Server...
/appl/soft/math/r-env/421/start-rstudio-server: line 25: python: command not found
INFO: Detected Singularity user configuration directory
RStudio Server SSH tunneling instructions
RStudio Server requires SSH keys, for details see:
Copy/Paste this in your local terminal to SSH tunnel with remote
Linux / macOS / MobaXterm:
ssh -N -L 8787:localhost: -J makimiik@r18c02.bullx
ssh -N -L :localhost: makimiik@r18c02.bullx
Set Source (8787) and Destination (localhost:) in:
PuTTy -> Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels
Copy/Paste this URL into your browser
Enter these at the sign-in screen
Username: makimiik Password: cj7AwcLg4CrG+BERxSUx
To stop RStudio Server: Ctrl + C
/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver: /usr/pgsql-14/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver)
TTY detected. Printing informational message about logging configuration. Logging configuration loaded from '/etc/rstudio/logging.conf'. Logging to '/users/makimiik/.local/share/rstudio/log/rserver.log'.
2022-10-06T06:58:22.708895Z [rserver] ERROR Attempt to run server as user 'rstudio-server' (uid 997) from account 'makimiik' (uid 10011376) without privilege, which is required to run as a different uid; LOGGED FROM: virtual rstudio::core::ProgramStatus rstudio::server::Options::read(int, char* const*, std::ostream&) src/cpp/server/ServerOptions.cpp:322
ssh -N -L 8787:localhost: -J makimiik@r18c02.bullx
cj7AwcLg4CrG+BERxSUx[makimiik@r18c02 ~]$
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