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Last active May 2, 2024 12:42
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// use, merge and append share-modules with ease:
// Usage:
* simply type "share" before use,merge and append commands
* replace path with "module wave", e.g. "dn 9", see examples below
// Setup:
* copy-paste the share-programme in the beginning of your do-file (or in so that the programme is loaded automatically when you launch stata)
* check the lines with "NB!" below. You will need to make some minor changes to the code in order to update the directories, release numbers etc.
* Daniel Klein
* For more info, please visit the original post
cap nois program drop share
program share
version 18
syntax anything [ using/ ] [ if ] [ in ] [ , * ]
local mydirectory ="C:\D\SHARE\public" //"C:/PATH_TO_YOUR_DIRECTORY" // NB! update with your path (every wave will need to be in its own folder)
if ("`using'" == "") {
<module> and <wave> are part of <anything>
More specifically, we assume that <anything> is
<command> "<module> <wave>"
as in, e.g.,
use "<module> <wave>"
(double quotes optional)
gettoken command anything : anything
gettoken module anything : anything
gettoken wave anything : anything
if (`"`anything'"' != "") error 198
local anything `command'
local using `module' `wave'
else local the_word_using "using"
gettoken module wave_void : using
gettoken wave void : wave_void
if ("`void'" != "") error 198
capture local wave =string(`wave')
*confirm integer number `wave'
*di "test1"
// NB! Make sure that releases and folder names match with yours (do not change any names after downloading it from the data portal)
local release = cond("`wave'"=="9", "rel0", "rel8-0-0") // update release in here
local using "`mydirectory'/sharew`wave'_`release'_ALL_datasets_stata"
local using "`using'/sharew`wave'_`release'_`module'.dta"
display "Module: `module' | Wave: `wave'"
display "File path: `using'"
di "`using'"
`anything' `the_word_using' "`using'" `if' `in' , `options'
share use "dn 6", clear
share merge 1:1 mergeid using "gv_health 8", keepusing(maxgrip)
share merge 1:1 mergeid using "ca 9ca", keepusing(cah006) nogenerate
share merge 1:1 mergeid using "br 9", keepusing(br001_) nogenerate
share append using "dn 7"
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