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Created November 10, 2019 16:37
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#include <stdint.h>
#include <odrive_main.h>
#include <axis.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include "midi.hpp"
#define MAX_SONGS 10
const uint8_t* songs[MAX_SONGS] = {0};
size_t song_lengths[MAX_SONGS] = {0};
#define __MIDI_VAR_NAME(id) midi_file_ ## id
#define __MIDI_VAR_NAME2(id) dummy_ ## id
#define MIDI_VAR_NAME(id) __MIDI_VAR_NAME(id)
#define MIDI_VAR_NAME2(id) __MIDI_VAR_NAME2(id)
static int register_song(const uint8_t* song, size_t length, size_t id) {
songs[id] = song;
song_lengths[id] = length;
return 0;
// Nyan Cat
// MIDI source:
#define SONG_ID 1
#include <midi/nyan_cat.h>
#undef SONG_ID
// Bach Menuet
// MIDI source: ?
#define SONG_ID 2
#include <midi/menuet.h>
#undef SONG_ID
// Star Wars Imperial March
// MIDI source:
#define SONG_ID 3
#include <midi/imperial_march.h>
#undef SONG_ID
// Bach Menuet
// MIDI source: Samuel Sadok
#define SONG_ID 4
#include <midi/bach_menuet.h>
#undef SONG_ID
// ACDC - Thunderstruck
// MIDI source:
#define SONG_ID 5
#include <midi/thunderstruck.h>
#undef SONG_ID
// Tetris Theme
// MIDI source: derived from
#define SONG_ID 6
#include <midi/tetris.h>
#undef SONG_ID
// Queen - Under Pressure
// MIDI source: Miguel Angel Quero Corrales
#define SONG_ID 7
#include <midi/under_pressure.h>
#undef SONG_ID
// Scorpions - Still loving you
// MIDI source: Daniel Kaufmann
#define SONG_ID 8
#include <midi/still_loving_you.h>
#undef SONG_ID
// Hava Nagila
// MIDI source: Samuel Sadok
#define SONG_ID 9
#include <midi/hava_nagila.h>
#undef SONG_ID
// Generate header from MIDI file:
// (echo "const uint8_t MIDI_VAR_NAME(SONG_ID)[] = {"; xxd -i < "my_file.mid" | sed 's/^/ /'; echo "};"; echo "const int MIDI_VAR_NAME2(SONG_ID) = register_song(MIDI_VAR_NAME(SONG_ID), sizeof(MIDI_VAR_NAME(SONG_ID)), SONG_ID);") > midi_file.h
// MIDI file reference:
float music_voltage = 250.0f;
size_t midi_file_id = 0xffffffff;
typedef struct {
const uint8_t* buf = nullptr;
size_t len = 0;
size_t pos = 0;
uint8_t last_cmd = 0;
uint32_t tick_length_us = 1000;
uint32_t next_event_us = 0;
} track_ctx_t;
typedef struct {
Axis* axis = nullptr;
uint8_t current_key = 0xff;
// float normal_ctrl_freq = 8000;
} output_ctx_t;
output_ctx_t outputs[] = {
{ &axes[1], 0xff },
{ &axes[0], 0xff },
const size_t n_outputs = sizeof(outputs) / sizeof(outputs[0]);
void tone_on(uint8_t key, uint8_t velocity) {
// find first output that is not playing a tone
size_t i = 0;
while (outputs[i].current_key != 0xff)
if (++i >= n_outputs)
output_ctx_t* out = &outputs[i];
if (out->current_key == 0xff) {
out->current_key = key;
//key -= 12; // avoid aliasing at high frequencies
float freq = 440.0f * powf(2, static_cast<float>((int)key - 69) / 12.0f); // key 69 is 440Hz
if (!out->axis)
//out->axis->motor_.config_.switching_frequency = new_ctrl_freq * out->axis->motor_.config_.control_frequency_divider / 2.0f;
// Update switching frequency to be a multiple of the tone frequency to
// prevent aliasing
float switching_freq = out->axis->motor_.config_.max_switching_frequency;
switching_freq = static_cast<float>(static_cast<uint32_t>(switching_freq / freq)) * freq;
if (!((switching_freq >= out->axis->motor_.config_.min_switching_frequency)
&& (switching_freq <= out->axis->motor_.config_.max_switching_frequency))) {
out->axis->motor_.switching_frequency = switching_freq;
out->axis->motor_.current_control_.hf_tone_omega = 2.0f * M_PI * freq;
float amplitude_coef = freq / out->axis->motor_.config_.max_switching_frequency;
out->axis->motor_.current_control_.hf_tone_amplitude = music_voltage * amplitude_coef;
void tone_off(uint8_t key) {
// find first output that playing the specified key
size_t i = 0;
while (outputs[i].current_key != key)
if (++i >= n_outputs)
output_ctx_t* out = &outputs[i];
if (key == out->current_key || key == 0xff) {
out->current_key = 0xff;
if (out->axis) {
//out->axis->motor_.config_.switching_frequency = out->normal_ctrl_freq * out->axis->motor_.config_.control_frequency_divider / 2.0f;
out->axis->motor_.current_control_.hf_tone_amplitude = 0.0f;
void all_tones_off(void) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_outputs; ++i)
static uint32_t get_varint(const uint8_t* buf, size_t* pos) {
uint32_t val = 0;
do {
val <<= 7;
val |= (buf[*pos] & 0x7f);
} while (buf[(*pos)++] & 0x80);
return val;
static uint32_t parse_delta_us(track_ctx_t* track) {
if (track->pos >= track->len)
return UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t ticks = get_varint(track->buf, &track->pos); // todo: read speed info from file
return ticks * track->tick_length_us;
static bool parse_event(track_ctx_t* track) {
uint8_t cmd = track->buf[track->pos++];
// not sure if this is how it works but it works for my files
if ((cmd & 0x80) == 0) {
cmd = track->last_cmd;
if (cmd == 0xf0 || cmd == 0xf7) {
track->pos += get_varint(track->buf, &track->pos);
} else if (cmd == 0xff) {
track->pos++; // type
track->pos += get_varint(track->buf, &track->pos);
} else if ((cmd & 0xf0) == 0xb0) {
uint8_t channel = cmd & 0xf;
uint8_t c = track->buf[track->pos++];
(void) channel;
if (c <= 0x77) {
// footswitch / expression pedal / slider / ...
} else {
// MIDI mode messages
switch (c) {
case 0x78: all_tones_off(); break;
case 0x79: all_tones_off(); break;
case 0x7b: all_tones_off(); break;
default: return true;
} else if ((cmd & 0xf0) == 0xc0) { // "program change" message
uint8_t channel = cmd & 0xf;
uint8_t instrument = track->buf[track->pos++];
(void) channel;
(void) instrument; // ignore
} else if ((cmd & 0xf0) == 0x80) { // "note off" message
uint8_t channel = cmd & 0xf;
uint8_t key = track->buf[track->pos++];
uint8_t velocity = track->buf[track->pos++];
(void) channel;
(void) velocity;
} else if ((cmd & 0xf0) == 0x90) { // "note on" message
uint8_t channel = cmd & 0xf;
uint8_t key = track->buf[track->pos++];
uint8_t velocity = track->buf[track->pos++];
(void) channel;
if (velocity > 0) {
tone_on(key, velocity);
} else {
} else {
return false;
track->last_cmd = cmd;
return true;
bool play_midi() {
size_t current_song = midi_file_id;
if (current_song > MAX_SONGS)
return false;
const size_t max_tracks = 4;
const uint8_t* buf = songs[current_song];
if (!buf)
return false;
size_t len = song_lengths[current_song];
size_t pos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_outputs; ++i) {
if (outputs[i].axis) {
outputs[i].axis->motor_.keep_timer_sync = false;
track_ctx_t tracks[max_tracks];
size_t n_tracks = 0;
uint32_t start_us = get_ticks_us();
uint32_t tick_length_us = 1000;
bool result = false;
while (pos + 8 < len) {
uint32_t chunk_length = (buf[pos + 4] << 24) + (buf[pos + 5] << 16) + (buf[pos + 6] << 8) + (buf[pos + 7] << 0);
if (strncmp((const char*)&buf[pos], "MThd", 4) == 0) {
// header chunk - ignore for now
pos += 8;
uint16_t time_division = (buf[pos + 4] << 8) | buf[pos + 5];
float fps;
float ticks_per_frame;
if (time_division & 0x8000) {
// FPS format
uint8_t fps_int = (time_division >> 8) & 0x7f;
fps = fps_int == 29 ? 29.97f : (float)fps_int;
ticks_per_frame = (float)(time_division & 0xff);
} else {
// ticks per beat format
fps = 2.0f; // default is 120 beats per minute
ticks_per_frame = (float)(time_division & 0x7fff);
tick_length_us = (uint32_t)(1000000.0f / fps / ticks_per_frame);
} else if (strncmp((const char*)&buf[pos], "MTrk", 4) == 0) {
// track chunk
pos += 8;
tracks[n_tracks].buf = &buf[pos];
tracks[n_tracks].len = chunk_length;
tracks[n_tracks].tick_length_us = tick_length_us;
tracks[n_tracks].next_event_us = start_us + parse_delta_us(&tracks[n_tracks]);
if (n_tracks >= max_tracks)
} else {
goto done;
pos += chunk_length;
//tracks[0] = tracks[1];
//n_tracks = 1;
for (;;) {
// abort if the song was switched
if (current_song != midi_file_id)
goto done;
// find smallest time until next event across all tracks
bool finished = true;
uint32_t now_us = get_ticks_us();
int32_t delta_us = INT32_MAX;
for (size_t t = 0; t < n_tracks; ++t) {
delta_us = std::min((int32_t)(tracks[t].next_event_us - now_us), delta_us);
if (tracks[t].pos < tracks[t].len)
finished = false;
// all tracks are finished
if (finished)
if (delta_us > 1000)
osDelay((uint32_t)delta_us / 1000);
// handle events on all tracks that are due
now_us = get_ticks_us();
for (size_t t = 0; t < n_tracks; ++t) {
int32_t due_since = (now_us - tracks[t].next_event_us);
if (due_since > -1500) { // accept deviations of up to 1.5ms
if (!parse_event(&tracks[t])) {
tracks[t].next_event_us += parse_delta_us(&tracks[t]);
result = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_outputs; ++i) {
if (outputs[i].axis) {
outputs[i].axis->motor_.keep_timer_sync = true;
outputs[i].axis->motor_.switching_frequency = outputs[i].axis->motor_.config_.max_switching_frequency;
return result;
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