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Capture the white flag

Samuel Tang samueltangz

Capture the white flag
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| Options: |
| [C]ipher text |
| [E]ncryption function |
| [M]akekey function |
| [P]ubkey |
| [S]end decrypted message |
| [Q]uit |
$ C
#!/usr/bin/env python
import gmpy
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from secret import x, y, flag
assert gmpy.is_prime(y)
assert gmpy.is_prime(x+1)
assert (x**2 - 1)**2 % (4*x*y - 1) == 0
def laxt(expr, num):
ops = ' %&()*+-/<>^|~'
nude = expr.translate(None, ops)
if set(nude) == set(num):
flag, val = True, eval(expr)
flag, val = False, None
flag, val = False, None
# 0 to 9
0 == eval("-~1")
1 == eval("1")
2 == eval("-~1")
3 == eval("3")
4 == eval("-~3")
5 == eval("-~-~3")
6 == eval("~-~-8")
7 == eval("~-8")
8 == eval("8")
def encrypt(exp, num, key):
assert key >> 512 <= 1
num = num + key
msg = bin(num)[2:][::-1]
C, i = 0, 1
for b in msg:
C += int(b) * (exp**i + (-1)**i)
i += 1
enc = hex(C)[2:].rstrip('L').decode('hex')
import os
from pwn import *
# context.log_level = 'debug'
# copy and paste
def sha(my_string):
m ='sha')
import struct
from z3 import *
import string
def prettify(data):
return ''.join([ ('\033[1;32m%s\033[0m' % c if c in string.printable[:-5] else '\033[2;32m_\033[0m' ) if c in string.printable else ('\033[2;31m?\033[0m' if c == '\x00' else '\033[2;33m?\033[0m') for c in data ]) + '\033[0m'
s = Solver()
char = [ BitVec('char_%d' % i, 8) for i in range(260) ]
word = [ BitVec('word_%d' % i, 16) for i in range(260) ]
import time
import random
from hashlib import sha256
f = open('gov_officials_PK.txt')
ns = [ int(n) for n in'\n') ]
k = 1024
b = 2*k + 128
e = 0x10001
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
import hashlib
from random import randint
def sha256(my_string):
m = hashlib.sha256(my_string).digest()
v = long_to_bytes(ZZ(m.encode('hex'), 16))
return v
def gcd(a, b):
while b: a, b = b, a % b
return a
a1 = 97
b1 = 60824696933898946564451801612435320499799420685700840763560112095108031899334
a2 = 98
b2 = 55380756008140998400554730883757097743477949263876721308471329268298435052112
a3 = 99
b3 = 74193339277347514708965540905420499429551183132658118576165808841075904065168