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Created June 23, 2013 08:13
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Demo Factor basis for the non-classical paradigms and language course
module Factor where
import Control.Monad.State
-- We can put integer literals or quotations on the stack
data Stackable = IntLiteral Int
| FQuotation (Factor ())
-- Shortcut name
type Stack = [Stackable]
-- The system state is the stack and the definitions
data SystemState = SystemState { stack :: Stack
, definitions :: [(String, Factor ())] }
-- Factor is a state transformed monad embedding an IO,
-- so that we can perform IO operations if needed using
-- lift (see the definition of executeDot for example).
type Factor = StateT SystemState IO
-- applyStack is a generic procedure that applies a function
-- that takes the original stack and returns the new stack in
-- the Factor monad (so that it can perform IO if needed or
-- change definitions), and it returns the old stack in case
-- this is useful.
applyStack :: (Stack -> Factor Stack) -> Factor Stack
applyStack f = do
state <- get
let oldStack = stack state
newStack <- f oldStack
put $ state { stack = newStack }
return oldStack
-- Apply a stack transforming function which does not use
-- the definitions or the IO.
modifyStack :: (Stack -> Stack) -> Factor Stack
modifyStack f = applyStack (return . f)
-- Get the current stack
getStack :: Factor Stack
getStack = modifyStack id
-- Replace the current stack
putStack :: Stack -> Factor ()
putStack s = void $ applyStack $ const $ return s
-- Push a stackable onto the stack
push :: Stackable -> Factor ()
push x = void $ modifyStack (x :)
-- Return the top of stack (must not be empty)
pop :: Factor Stackable
pop = liftM head $ modifyStack tail
-- Add a definition in the current environment
addDefinition :: String -> Factor () -> Factor ()
addDefinition name def = do
state <- get
put $ state { definitions = (name, def) : definitions state }
-- dup implementation
executeDup :: Factor ()
executeDup = do
tos <- pop
push tos
push tos
-- call implementation
executeCall :: Factor ()
executeCall = do
tos <- pop
case tos of
FQuotation f -> f
_ -> error "cannot apply a non-quotation"
-- . implementation
executeDot :: Factor ()
executeDot = do
tos <- pop
let s = case tos of
IntLiteral i -> show i
FQuotation _ -> "<quotation>"
lift $ putStrLn s
-- Shortcut to ease binary arithmetic operators implementation
binOp :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Factor ()
binOp op = do
tos <- pop
tos' <- pop
case (tos', tos) of
(IntLiteral a, IntLiteral b) -> push $ IntLiteral $ a `op` b
_ -> error "non-integer arguments for binop"
-- Push an integer literal to the stack
pushInt :: Int -> Factor ()
pushInt = push . IntLiteral
-- Push a quotation to the stack
pushQuotation :: Factor () -> Factor ()
pushQuotation = push . FQuotation
-- Execute a single command or push an integer onto the stack
executeCommand :: String -> Factor ()
executeCommand s = do
defs <- liftM definitions get
case lookup s defs of
Just f -> f
Nothing -> pushInt $ read s
-- Execute commands or push integers onto the stack
executeCommands :: [String] -> Factor ()
executeCommands = mapM_ executeCommand
-- Parse the current line and execute commands
executeParsed :: String -> Factor ()
executeParsed = executeCommands . words
-- Initial environment
initialDefinitions :: [(String, Factor ())]
initialDefinitions = [("call", executeCall),
("dup", executeDup),
("+", binOp (+)),
("-", binOp (-)),
("*", binOp (*)),
("/", binOp div),
(".", executeDot)]
-- This test should print: 1 2 10 16 <quotation> 256
test :: Factor ()
test = do
-- Add definition for sq
addDefinition "sq" $ executeParsed "dup *"
-- Print 1 2 10 16 and let 2 on the stack
executeParsed "2 2 1 . . 30 20 - . 4 sq ."
-- Push a quotation and print <quotation>
pushQuotation $ executeParsed "sq sq sq"
executeParsed "dup ."
-- Call the quotation and print 256
executeParsed "call ."
-- Run the test with the initial definitions
main :: IO ()
main = void $ runStateT test $ SystemState [] initialDefinitions
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