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Created November 9, 2015 22:57
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let BreadDefaultService = "org.voisine.breadwallet"
enum BRKeychainError: String, ErrorType {
// this is borrowed from the "Locksmith" library:
case Allocate = "Failed to allocate memory."
case AuthFailed = "Authorization/Authentication failed."
case Decode = "Unable to decode the provided data."
case Duplicate = "The item already exists."
case InteractionNotAllowed = "Interaction with the Security Server is not allowed."
case NoError = "No error."
case NotAvailable = "No trust results are available."
case NotFound = "The item cannot be found."
case Param = "One or more parameters passed to the function were not valid."
case RequestNotSet = "The request was not set"
case TypeNotFound = "The type was not found"
case UnableToClear = "Unable to clear the keychain"
case Undefined = "An undefined error occurred"
case Unimplemented = "Function or operation not implemented."
init?(fromStatusCode code: Int) {
switch code {
case Int(errSecAllocate):
self = Allocate
case Int(errSecAuthFailed):
self = AuthFailed
case Int(errSecDecode):
self = Decode
case Int(errSecDuplicateItem):
self = Duplicate
case Int(errSecInteractionNotAllowed):
self = InteractionNotAllowed
case Int(errSecItemNotFound):
self = NotFound
case Int(errSecNotAvailable):
self = NotAvailable
case Int(errSecParam):
self = Param
case Int(errSecUnimplemented):
self = Unimplemented
return nil
class BRKeychain {
// this API is inspired by the aforementioned Locksmith library
static func loadDataForUserAccount(account: String, inService service: String = BreadDefaultService) throws -> [String: AnyObject]? {
var q = getBaseQuery(account, service: service)
q[String(kSecReturnData)] = kCFBooleanTrue
q[String(kSecMatchLimit)] = kSecMatchLimitOne
var res: AnyObject?
let status: OSStatus = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&res) {
SecItemCopyMatching(q, UnsafeMutablePointer($0))
if let err = BRKeychainError(fromStatusCode: Int(status)) {
switch err {
case .NotFound, .NotAvailable:
return nil
throw err
if let res = res as? NSData {
return NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(res) as? [String: AnyObject]
print("Unable to unarchive keychain data... deleting data")
do {
try deleteDataForUserAccount(account, inService: service)
} catch let e as BRKeychainError {
print("Unable to delete from keychain: \(e)")
return nil
static func saveData(data: [String: AnyObject], forUserAccount account: String, inService service: String = BreadDefaultService) throws {
do {
try deleteDataForUserAccount(account, inService: service)
} catch let e as BRKeychainError {
print("Unable to delete from keychain: \(e)")
var q = getBaseQuery(account, service: service)
q[String(kSecValueData)] = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(data)
let status: OSStatus = SecItemAdd(q, nil)
if let err = BRKeychainError(fromStatusCode: Int(status)) {
throw err
static func deleteDataForUserAccount(account: String, inService service: String = BreadDefaultService) throws {
let q = getBaseQuery(account, service: service)
let status: OSStatus = SecItemDelete(q)
if let err = BRKeychainError(fromStatusCode: Int(status)) {
throw err
private static func getBaseQuery(account: String, service: String) -> [String: AnyObject] {
let query = [
String(kSecClass): String(kSecClassGenericPassword),
String(kSecAttrAccount): account,
String(kSecAttrService): service,
String(kSecAttrAccessible): String(kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly)
return query
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