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Forked from mrlesmithjr/
Created May 23, 2017 19:06
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Performs NMAP Scan(s) and tests SSH Connections (If desired)
import argparse
import json
import socket
import nmap
import paramiko
__author__ = "Larry Smith Jr."
__email___ = ""
__maintainer__ = "Larry Smith Jr."
__status__ = "Development"
# @mrlesmithjr
def main(args):
Main execution and setup of variables
common_ports = {'21', '22', '23', '25', '53', '69', '80', '109', '110',
'123', '137', '138', '139', '143', '156', '389', '443',
'445', '546', '547', '993', '995', '3306', '3389'}
targethosts = args.hosts
sshuser = args.sshuser
sshpass = args.sshpass
if (args.startport) and args.endport:
start_port = str(args.startport)
end_port = str(args.endport)
targetports = start_port+'-'+end_port
targetports = ', '.join(common_ports)
if args.options:
scan_options = str(args.options)
scan_options = '-sV'
scanned_hosts = {}
scanned_hosts['hosts'] = {}
ssh_hosts = []
scan(scanned_hosts, ssh_hosts, targethosts, targetports, scan_options)
if args.testssh == "true":
ssh_validation(ssh_hosts, scanned_hosts, sshuser, sshpass)
if args.savetofile:
def read_cli_args():
Setup/Read command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Scan some MF\'n Hosts...')
parser.add_argument('hosts', help='Define host(s) to scan [IP, FQDN, HostName or CIDR]')
parser.add_argument('startport', nargs='?', help='Define starting port to scan')
parser.add_argument('endport', nargs='?', help='Define ending port to scan')
parser.add_argument('--options', help='Define additional NMAP options \
[ex. define as --options="-A"]')
parser.add_argument('--savetofile', help='Define file to save results to')
parser.add_argument('--sshpass', help='Define SSH Password (If --testssh)')
parser.add_argument('--sshuser', help='Define SSH User (If --testssh)')
parser.add_argument('--testssh', help='Defines if SSH connection should be tested',
choices=['true', 'false'])
args_check = parser.parse_args()
if args_check.testssh and args_check.sshuser is None and args_check.sshpass is None:
parser.error("--testssh requires --sshuser and --sshpass.")
return parser
def save_results(scanned_hosts):
Save scan results to file specified in JSON format
with open(args.savetofile, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(scanned_hosts, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
def scan(scanned_hosts, ssh_hosts, targethosts, targetports, scan_options):
Performs scan(s) and returns results
nm = nmap.PortScanner()
nm.scan(targethosts, targetports, arguments=scan_options)
for host in nm.all_hosts():
resolve_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(host)
resolved_address = repr(resolve_host[0])
scanned_hosts['hosts'][host] = ({'host': host, 'hostname': resolved_address})
for proto in nm[host].all_protocols():
scanned_hosts['hosts'][host]['protocol'] = proto
lport = nm[host][proto].keys()
scan_port = []
for port in lport:
port_name = nm[host][proto][port]['name']
port_product = nm[host][proto][port]['product']
port_state = nm[host][proto][port]['state']
scan_port.append({'port': port, 'state': port_state,
'name': port_name, 'product': port_product})
scanned_hosts['hosts'][host]['scanned_ports'] = scan_port
except socket.herror:
resolved_address = 'Lookup failed'
scanned_hosts['hosts'][host] = ({'host': host, 'hostname': resolved_address})
for proto in nm[host].all_protocols():
scanned_hosts['hosts'][host]['protocol'] = proto
lport = nm[host][proto].keys()
scan_port = []
for port in lport:
port_name = nm[host][proto][port]['name']
port_product = nm[host][proto][port]['product']
port_state = nm[host][proto][port]['state']
scan_port.append({'port': port, 'state': port_state,
'name': port_name, 'product': port_product})
scanned_hosts['hosts'][host]['scanned_ports'] = scan_port
def scan_results(scanned_hosts):
Display scan results in JSON format
print json.dumps(scanned_hosts, indent=4)
def ssh_validation(ssh_hosts, scanned_hosts, sshuser, sshpass):
Tests SSH connections using supplied username/password
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
for ssh_host in ssh_hosts:
ssh.connect(ssh_host, username=sshuser, password=sshpass)
ssh_connection_status = "Successful"
except paramiko.AuthenticationException:
ssh_connection_status = "Authentication Failed"
except paramiko.SSHException:
ssh_connection_status = "Failed"
except paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError:
ssh_connection_status = "Unable to Connect"
scanned_hosts['hosts'][ssh_host]['ssh_connection_status'] = ssh_connection_status
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = read_cli_args().parse_args()
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