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Created June 22, 2017 22:27
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$(document).ready(function() {
function ren() {
// render the page -- in case you're wondering,
// nothing will work without javascript!
$("#tit").html('<font face="Garamond"><h1>&nbsp;&nbsp;<i> <font color="lightblue">bedtime calculator</font></i></h1></font>');
var mrend = '';
mrend = mrend +
'<table><tr width="100%">' +
'<td width="20%"></td>' +
'<td><span class="intro"><font face="Garamond" size=5>I have to wake up at <span class="waketime" style="display:none;"></span>&nbsp;</td>' +
'<td>' +
'<select id="hour">' +
// populate our lists
for(var h = 1; h <= 12; h++) {
mrend = mrend + '<option>' + h + '</option>';
mrend = mrend + '</select></td><td><select id="minute"><option>(minute)</option>';
for(var m = 0; m <= 55; m += 5) {
if(m < 10) {
mrend = mrend + '<option value="' + m + '">0' + m + '</option>';
else {
mrend = mrend + '<option>' + m + '</option>';
mrend = mrend + '</select></td><td><select id="ampm">' +
'<option>AM</option><option>PM</option></select></td></tr>' +
'<tr><td><hr color="white"></td></tr>' +
'<tr valign=TOP><td></td><td align="center"><span id="nowtop"><hr color="white" width="25%"><big><font color="#666666"><i>or, find out when to wake up<br/>if you go to bed now</i></font></big></td><td align="center"><hr color="white" width="25%"><input type="button" value="zzz" id="sleepnow"/></span></td>' +
'<td></td></span>' +
'<td></tr><tr><span class="results" style="display:none;"></span></td>' +
function putads() {
// let's throw in some ads
// calculates an hour and a half back
function sleepback(hr, min, an) {
var rmin = 0;
var rhr = 0;
var a = an;
if(min < 30) {
rmin = (min * 1) + (30 * 1);
rhr = hr - 2;
else if(min >= 30) {
rmin = min - 30;
rhr = hr - 1;
if(rhr < 1) {
rhr = 12 + rhr;
if(a == "AM") {
a = "PM";
else {
a = "AM";
var r = [rhr, rmin, a];
return r;
// knockout takes a date object and returns a
// string with wake times!
// time + :14 + (multiples of 90 mins)
function knockout(rightnow) {
var r = ''; // return string
var hr = rightnow.getHours();
var dhr = 0; // separate variable to display because (24 hr clock)
var ap = '';
// it takes 14 minutes to fall asleep
var min = rightnow.getMinutes() + 14;
if(min > 60) {
min = min - 60;
hr = hr + 1;
if(hr >= 24) {
if(hr == 24) {
hr = 0; // midnight, must adjust!
else if(hr == 25) {
hr = 1;
r = '<table><tr><td width="5%"></td><td><font size="5"><p>It takes the average human <b>fourteen minutes</b> to fall asleep.</p><p>If you head to bed right now, you should try to wake up at one of the following times:</p><h2><font color="#666666">';
for(var ctr = 0; ctr < 6; ctr++) { // normal sleep schedule
// add an hour and a half
if(min < 30) {
min = min + 30;
else {
min = min - 30;
hr = hr + 1
hr = hr + 1;
if(hr == 24) {
hr = 0;
if(hr == 25) {
hr = 1;
if(hr < 12) {
ap = ' AM';
dhr = hr;
if(hr == 0) {
dhr = "12";
else {
ap = ' PM';
dhr = hr - 12;
if(dhr == 0) {
dhr = 12;
if(ctr == 0) {
if(min > 9) {
r = r + dhr + ':' + min + ap;
else {
r = r + dhr + ':0' + min + ap;
else if(ctr == 4 || ctr == 5) {
if(min > 9) {
r = r + ' <i>or</i> <font color="#00CC33">' + dhr + ':' + min + ap + '</font>';
else {
r = r + ' <i>or</i> <font color="#00CC33">' + dhr + ':0' + min + ap;
else if(ctr == 3) {
if(min > 9) {
r = r + ' <i>or</i> <font color="#99CC66">' + dhr + ':' + min + ap + '</font>';
else {
r = r + ' <i>or</i> <font color="#99CC66">' + dhr + ':0' + min + ap + '</font>';
else {
if(min > 9) {
r = r + ' <i>or</i> ' + dhr + ':' + min + ap;
else {
r = r + ' <i>or</i> ' + dhr + ':0' + min + ap;
r = r + '</h2></font><p>A good night\'s sleep consists of 5-6 complete sleep cycles.</p>';
return r;
// handle "sleep now" requests
// this currently fades out the #main id,
// and works in a totally separate div
$("#sleepnow").click(function() {
var st = '';
var answ = ''; // this is the text we return
var d = new Date();
answ = knockout(d); // knockout takes a Date() and returns a string of wake times
st = '<span id="bit" style=display:none><font face="Garamond" size=5>' +
answ + '</font></span>';
// user changes the list, so we calculate times!
$("#main select").change(function () {
if($("#hour").val() == '(hour)' || $("#minute").val() == '(minute)') {
return false;
$('#nowtop').fadeOut(500); // ???
var ampm = $("#ampm").val();
var hr = $("#hour").val();
var min = $("#minute").val();
var orig = [hr, min, ampm];
if(hr == 12) {
if(ampm == "AM") {
ampm = "PM";
else {
ampm = "AM";
var txt = '<table><tr><td width="5%"></td><td><font face="Garamond" size=5>You should try to <b>fall asleep</b> at one of the following times:<br/><br/><font size=6>';
var first = true;
var times = new Array();
for(var c = 1; c <= 10; c++) {
var back = sleepback(hr, min, ampm);
var nhr = back[0];
var nmin = back[1];
ampm = back[2];
var ampmt = "";
ampmt = back[2];
// countdown from 12, but that's not
// how am/pm system works... whoops!
if(nhr == 12) {
if(ampm == "AM") {
ampmt = "PM";
else {
ampmt = "AM";
// TODO: reverse display order
if(c == 6 || c == 4 || c == 5 || c == 3) {
var temp = '';
if(nmin > 9) {
if(c == 6) {
temp = '<font color="#01DF74" size="7">' + nhr + ':' + nmin + ' ' + ampmt + '</font>';
else {
temp = ' <i>or</i> ' + '<font color="#01DF74" size="7">' + nhr + ':' + nmin + ' ' + ampmt + '</font>';
else { // insert 0
if(c == 6) {
temp = '<font color="#01DF74" size="7">' + nhr + ':0' + nmin + ' ' + ampmt + '</font>';
else {
temp = ' <i>or</i> ' + '<font color="#01DF74" size="7">' + nhr + ':0' + nmin + ' ' + ampmt + '</font>';
hr = nhr;
min = nmin;
for(i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
txt = txt + times[i];
txt = txt + '</font>';
txt = txt + '<br/><br/><font color="#0080FF">Please keep in mind that you should be <i>falling asleep</i> at these times.<br/><br/> The average adult human takes <b>fourteen minutes</b> to fall asleep, so plan accordingly!</font>';
txt = txt + '<br/></br><font color="#9966CC"> works by counting backwards in <b>sleep cycles</b>. Sleep cycles typically last <b>90 minutes</b>.<br/><br/>Waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle leaves you feeling tired and groggy, but waking up <i>in between</i> cycles lets you wake up feeling refreshed and alert!</font>';
var wtime = "";
if(orig[1] > 9) {
wtime = '<b>' + orig[0] + ':' + orig[1] + ' ' + orig[2] + '</b>';
else {
wtime = '<b>' + orig[0] + ':0' + orig[1] + ' ' + orig[2] + '</b>';
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