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Created April 1, 2019 03:25
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const topRacePositions = 3;
const maxHorseRaceCount = 5;
const horseCount = 25;
The numberical constants are very hard-coded into this problem and the algorithm itself.
It could be reworked into making it work with other numbers of horses,
but the requirement of 25 is that 5 horses per race is also the
the square root of 25 in the first place.
The way the algorithm is currently processed is not very dynamic, but I imagine
that it could be updated to support other arities of horses;
Currently there is a 4 line block or so that's repeated with incrementally smaller chunks to narrow
the horse candidates down from 25 to 3, but this arrangement is specifically for 25.
const getHorses = function horseGeneration(horseCount) {
//This function generates named horses with internal speed values that we can use for the problem.
const horseNames = [
const speeds = [];
for(let i = 0;i<25;i++) {
const horses = {};
for(let i = 0;i<horseCount;i++) {
const name = horseNames.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * horseNames.length),1)[0];
horses[name] = {
name: name,
speed: speeds.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * speeds.length),1)[0]
return horses;
const getFastestThreeHorses = function horseSpeedEvaluation(horses) {
//This is the cheating version of the estimation function - only this one can read the horses' speeds.
//(It's a bit more verbose than it needs to be for JS, but I thought the pattern was fun to write by hand, and fast, too)
let f1={speed:-1}, f2={speed:-1}, f3={speed:-1};
for(let key in horses) {
const horse = horses[key];
if(horse.speed > f1.speed) {
f3 = f2;
f2 = f1;
f1 = horse;
} else if(horse.speed > f2.speed) {
f3 = f2;
f2 = horse;
} else if(horse.speed > f3.speed) {
f3 = horse;
return [f1,f2,f3];
//This is used to run a race of 5 horses. The speed is not reported back - the horses' speeds are used to calcuate a FIFO race order. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
const fireTheStartingPistol = horses => horses.sort((a,b) => b.speed - a.speed);
//This is used to test the true horse values with the calculated ones.
const compareHorseResults = function(solvedResults,estimatedResults,log=false) {
if(solvedResults.length !== estimatedResults.length) {
console.error("There is a mismatch in length between solved results and estimated results.");
return false;
for(let i = 0;i<solvedResults.length;i++) {
if(solvedResults[i].name !== estimatedResults[i].name) {
if(log) {
console.log("The estimated results do not match the solved results.");
return false;
if(log) {
console.log("The estimated results are the same as the solved results!");
return true;
const aggregateRaceResult = function(horse,lookupType,horseManifest) {
for(let key in horse[lookupType]) {
const nextHorse = horseManifest[key];
for(let key in nextHorse[lookupType]) {
horse[lookupType][key] = true;
const aggregateRaceResults = function(horseList,horseManifest) {
horseList.forEach(horse => {
const slowestHorseFilter = function(horse) {
return Object.entries(horse.slowerThan).length < topRacePositions;
const highestFasterThanComparison = function(a,b) {
return Object.entries(b.fasterThan).length-Object.entries(a.fasterThan).length;
const processRaceResult = function(raceResult) {
for(let i2 = 0;i2<raceResult.length;i2++) {
const fastHorse = raceResult[i2];
for(let i3 = i2+1;i3<raceResult.length;i3++) {
const slowerHorse = raceResult[i3];
fastHorse.fasterThan[] = true;
slowerHorse.slowerThan[] = true;
const simulateHorseRaces = function(horseManifest) {
const allHorses = [];
for(let key in horseManifest) {
const horse = horseManifest[key];
horse.fasterThan = {};
horse.slowerThan = {};
for(let i = 0;i<maxHorseRaceCount;i++) {
const raceHorseStartIndex = i*maxHorseRaceCount;
const raceResult = fireTheStartingPistol(
const top15Horses = allHorses.filter(slowestHorseFilter);
const top5Race = fireTheStartingPistol(top15Horses.slice(0,maxHorseRaceCount));
const top6Horses = top15Horses.filter(slowestHorseFilter);
const bottom5Race = fireTheStartingPistol(top6Horses.slice(1));
top3Horses = top6Horses.filter(slowestHorseFilter);
return top3Horses;
const tests = 1000;
let passed = true;
for(let i = 0;i<tests;i++) {
const raceHorses = getHorses(horseCount);
const solvedHorseResults = getFastestThreeHorses(raceHorses);
const estimatedResults = simulateHorseRaces(raceHorses);
if(!compareHorseResults(solvedHorseResults,estimatedResults)) {
console.log("BEGIN ALL HORSES");
console.log("BEGIN SOLVED RESULTS");
console.log("END ALL");
passed = false;
if(passed) {
console.log(`The test passed ${tests} iteration${tests !== 1 ? "s" : ""} without failure!`);
} else {
console.log("The above set of race horses failed the estimation heuristic!");
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