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Created May 5, 2011 20:58
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Save samwho/957915 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simulation of the ten letters, ten envelopes problem.
# Original puzzle: A secretary receives 10 letters along with 10 addressed
# envelopes to be sent out. She accidentally drops the all the letters and
# envelopes and mixes them all up. So, she decides to put each of the 10
# letters randomly into one of the 10 addressed envelopes and mail them out.
# What is the probability that at least one letter arrives at the correct
# destination?
# Gets a hash that represents the envelopes containing their randomly placed
# letter. Both envelope and letter are represented by a number. If the key and
# the value of each item in the hash are the same, that is a correct
# combination.
def get_envelopes
letters = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
envelopes = {1 => nil, 2 => nil, 3 => nil, 4 => nil, 5 => nil, 6=> nil,
7 => nil, 8 => nil, 9=> nil, 10 => nil}
10.times do |n|
index = rand(letters.count)
envelopes[n+1] = letters[index]
return envelopes
# Takes a hash and compares the key and the value. If they match, it increments
# a count. When the hash has been looped over, the count is returned.
def count_correct_envelopes(envelopes)
count = 0
envelopes.each do |key, value|
if key == value then
count += 1
return count
# Number of simulations to run.
simulations = 50000
# A hash that will eventually contain the count for how many envelopes
# contained the correct letter in them.
correct_envelopes = {0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0, 6=> 0,
7 => 0, 8 => 0, 9=> 0, 10 => 0}
# Run the simulation, count how many envelopes were correct each time
simulations.times do
correct_envelopes[count_correct_envelopes(get_envelopes)] +=1
# Print the results.
at_least_one_correct = 0
correct_envelopes.each do |key, value|
percent = ((value/simulations.to_f)*100)
puts key.to_s + " correct: " + percent.to_s + "%"
at_least_one_correct += percent if key > 0
# Print the "At least 1" result.
puts "At least 1 correct: " + at_least_one_correct.to_s + "%"
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