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Last active May 18, 2023 22:15
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Channel Manager
* This is a small library I wrote when I was doing R&D work and needed a way to communicate
* between an iFrame on the same domain and its parent tab. The existing browser API kinda sucked
* and had a lot of issues, and it wasn't particularly enjoyable to use. So I made this small library to solve that.
* The library allows you to communicate using *channels*, which are just streams of events with a given name.
* You can subscribe to events of a particular type. Each event type has its own event queue, and each subscriber
* must subscribe to a particular event type. This keeps things simple and fast.
* Events are buffered and sent asychronously. There are two ways to send events: firing and blocking.
* Firing is a 'fire and forget' send, and blocking returns a promise that resolves when the event is received.
* This works just like how channel messaging works in Elixir or golang.
* A *channel manager* handles creating channels and ensuring that the same channel object / scope is used
* both in the iFrame and the parent document.
* An event is a redux-style event.
interface BaseEvent<T> {
type: T;
* An event can have an optional payload.
interface EventWithPayload<T, P> extends BaseEvent<T> {
payload: P;
export type Event<T, P = never> = BaseEvent<T> | EventWithPayload<T, P>;
* A subscriber is a function subscribed to a particular event stream. The function
* is called whenever there is a new event on the event stream.
type Subscriber = (payload?: any) => void;
* A subscriber table is a map between event types and the callbacks subscribed to them.
* It also contains a buffer of events left to process (`toSend`). One of these is created
* for each channel.
type SubscriberTable = Map<
toSend: (undefined | unknown)[];
subscribers: Set<Subscriber>;
* A channel table maps channel names to their subscriber tables.
* Maps all the way down!
type ChannelTable = Map<string, SubscriberTable>;
* Utility type to pull the payload off an event (if the event has a payload).
type Payload<
E extends BaseEvent<string>,
N extends string = E["type"]
> = E extends EventWithPayload<N, infer P> ? P : never;
type BaseListener = () => void;
* Type that will resolve to either a function that accepts the payload `P`, or
* if the payload is `never`, resolves to `never`.
type PayloadListener<P> = P extends unknown ? (payload: P) => void : never;
* A more concrete `Subscriber` function that accepts a single argument `P` if `P` is defined,
* or otherwise accepts no arguments.
* In TypeScript, `T | never` is the same as `T`. `never` is ignored in unions. This allows us to make
* a type that only has an argument if the payload is not `never`.
type Listener<P> = BaseListener | PayloadListener<P>;
* Gets the event queue and subscribers from the subscriber table.
* @param subTable The subscriber table to pull from.
* @param type The type of the event.
* @returns The event queue and subscriber table for the event type.
const getSubItem = (subTable: SubscriberTable, type: string) => {
let item = subTable.get(type);
if (item === undefined) {
item = {
toSend: [],
subscribers: new Set(),
subTable.set(type, item);
return item;
* The type of the actual subscribe function. Given an event `E` and a
* type `T`, subscribes the `listener` to be called when events are sent
* with a type `T`.
type Subscribe<
E extends Event<string, any>,
T extends E["type"] = E["type"]
> = (type: T, listener: Listener<Payload<E, T>>) => () => void;
* Simple event loop that processes new events of a given type.
* Calls all of the listeners of a given `type`, passing all new events that have been added
* to the queue since they were last called. If all return successfully, the event queue is emptied.
* @param subTable The subcriber table.
* @param type The event type to process listeners for.
const triggerListeners = async (subTable: SubscriberTable, type: string) => {
const item = getSubItem(subTable, type);
if (item.subscribers.size !== 0 && item.toSend.length > 0) {
let length = item.toSend.length;
item.toSend.forEach((message) => {
item.subscribers.forEach((listener) => listener(message));
if (item.toSend.length === length) item.toSend = [];
* Given a subTable, returns the subscribe function for the given subTable. Must be passed
* a valid Event type through the generic, or no payload listeners will be usable.
* @param subTable The subscriber table.
const createListen = <E extends Event<string, any>>(
subTable: SubscriberTable
) => {
* Subscribes to events of a given `type` on the channel. When an event of `type` is sent on the channel,
* the channel will execute the `listener`. Listeners are executed asychronously as events are sent asynchronously.
* If the given event `type` has a payload type attached to it, the listener will receive the payload as its first argument.
* If there is no payload type on the `type`, the listener will be passed no arguments.
* Note that if the event type of the channel is not set, Typescript will not allow you to have a listener that
* accepts in a payload as the payload type will be `unknown`.
* ## Buffering
* If there are events buffered on the channel of the specific type, the listener will be immediately executed with
* the buffered events. The events will then be removed from the buffer.
* Buffering exists to allow a grace period for listeners to join sightly after events have been fired into the channel.
* This prevents several common race conditions (eg. a sender waiting on a return event might wait indefinitely if buffering
* did not exist.)
* @param type A specific event type to listen to (must be a single string).
* @param listener The listener that will be executed asynchronously when an event of `type` is sent on the channel.
* @returns An `unsubscribe` function. When run, it will stop the listener from receiving any further events.
const listen = <T extends E["type"]>(
type: T,
listener: Listener<Payload<E, T>>
) => {
const item = getSubItem(subTable, type);
if (item.subscribers.size === 0 && item.toSend.length > 0) {
triggerListeners(subTable, type);
return () => {
getSubItem(subTable, type).subscribers.delete(listener);
return listen;
type Fire<E extends Event<string, any>> = (event: E) => void;
* Creates the fire function for the channel.
* @param subTable The subscriber table.
* @returns The fire function.
const createFire = <E extends Event<string, any>>(
subTable: SubscriberTable
) => {
* Fires an event into the channel and immediately resumes execution. This is the 'fire and forget' way of sending.
* If there are no listeners on a given event type, the event will be **buffered**. A buffered event sticks around indefinitely
* in a processing queue. When a new listener is created for the event type, an asynchronous execution of each event in the buffering
* queue will be triggered, just as if the event had been fired immediately.
* Events are fired as an object. The object must have a 'type' string that tells the channel which event queue to send
* the event to. If the specific event type has a payload, the payload will be required.
* Events are processed asynchronously. This ensures that the browser can still do work if it needs to.
* @param event
const fire: Fire<E> = (event) => {
const item = getSubItem(subTable, event.type);
item.toSend.push((event as any).payload || undefined);
if (item.subscribers.size !== 0) triggerListeners(subTable, event.type);
return fire;
type VoidNever<P> = P extends unknown ? P : void;
type Block<E extends Event<string, any>, T extends E["type"]> = (
type: T
) => Promise<VoidNever<Payload<E, T>>>;
const createBlock = <E extends Event<string, any>>({
}: {
listen: Subscribe<E>;
}) => {
* Returns a promise that resolves when an event of the `type` is received.
* Subsequent events of `type` will not be received as the promise is resolved.
* @param type The type of event to listen for.
* @returns A promise that resolves when a single event of `type` is received.
const block = <N extends E["type"]>(
type: N
): Promise<VoidNever<Payload<E, N>>> => {
return new Promise((resolve, _) => {
let unsubscribe = () => {};
unsubscribe = listen(type, ((payload: VoidNever<Payload<E, N>>) => {
if (payload !== undefined) resolve(payload);
else (resolve as any)();
}) as any);
return block;
type BaseFilter = () => true;
type PayloadFilter<P> = P extends unknown ? (payload: P) => void : never;
type Filter<P> = BaseFilter | PayloadFilter<P>;
const createBlockUntil = <E extends Event<string, any>>({
}: {
block: Block<E, string>;
}) => {
const baseBlock = async <T extends E["type"]>(
type: T,
filter: Filter<Payload<E, T>>
): ReturnType<Block<E, T>> => {
while (true) {
const event = await block(type);
if (filter(event as any)) {
return event as any;
const timeoutPromise = (timeout: number) =>
new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(), timeout));
* Creates a promise that returns when an event is received that passes the given `filter`.
* For every event that is received of a given type, the `filter` is called with the payload passed in.
* If the filter returns false, the promise continues to block. If the filter returns true, the event is resolved
* from the promise.
* An optional `timeout` can be set. If an event is not received that passes the timeout, an error will be thrown.
* @param type The type of event to watch.
* @param filter Function that is called for every event. Should return `true` if blocking should stop, else `false` if blocking should continue.
* @param timeout A timeout in ms that an event should be received by.
* @returns
const blockUntil = async <T extends E["type"]>(
type: T,
filter: Filter<Payload<E, T>>,
timeout?: number
): ReturnType<Block<E, T>> => {
const promise = baseBlock<T>(type, filter);
if (timeout) {
return Promise.race([promise, timeoutPromise(timeout)]) as any;
} else return await promise;
return blockUntil;
const initChannel = <E extends Event<string, any>>(
subTable: SubscriberTable
) => {
const listen = createListen<E>(subTable);
const fire = createFire<E>(subTable);
const block = createBlock<E>({ listen: listen });
const blockUntil = createBlockUntil<E>({ block });
return { listen, fire, block, blockUntil };
* Creates a channel manager. A channel manager makes sure that all Javascript threads
* in the browser (eg. an iFrame and the parent frame) reference the same scope automatically.
* When the library is imported twice in these frames, it'll handle merging their scopes together
* using `` automatically so that they never become out-of-sync.
* @param domain A domain is the namespace of the global scope that the channel manager operates in.
* Set this to something unique so that multiple channel managers created on the page don't conflict with each other.
* @returns An object with the channel manager's API.
export const createChannelManager = (domain: string) => {
// Create the root scope if it doesn't exist.
if (!(window as any).top.__channelManager) {
(window as any).top.__channelManager = {};
if (
(window as any).top.__channelManager &&
!(window as any).top.__channelManager[domain]
) {
(window as any).top.__channelManager[domain] = new Map();
// Get the initial channel table from the root scope.
const channelTable = (window as any).top.__channelManager[
] as ChannelTable;
* Creates a channel of `name` in the scope of the channel manager.
* A *channel* has events, senders, and listeners. Senders send messages on the channel using the `fire` function.
* A listener can subscribe to events of a specific type using a listener function (using the `listen` function).
* When a sender sends an event on a channel, every listener subscribed to that event's type will be called.
* **Listeners are called asynchronously**. Execution of the listeners does not happen immediately to keep processing
* broken up.
* Channels must be passed an `Event` generic type. This ensures that listening and firing functions are kept
* type safe. If an `Event` type is not passed, Typescript might not let you do certain things.
* @param name The name of the channel
* @returns A channel object with functions for interacting on the channel.
const createChannel = <E extends Event<string, any>>(name: string) => {
let subTable = channelTable.get(name);
if (subTable === undefined) {
subTable = new Map();
channelTable.set(name, subTable);
return initChannel<E>(subTable);
return { createChannel };
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