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Created February 8, 2014 05:53
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Explain Mocha's testing framework - describe(), it() and before()/etc hooks
// # Mocha Guide to Testing
// Objective is to explain describe(), it(), and before()/etc hooks
// 1. `describe()` is merely for grouping, which you can nest as deep
// 2. `it()` is a test case
// 3. `before()`, `beforeEach()`, `after()`, `afterEach()` are hooks to run
// before/after first/each it() or describe().
// Which means, `before()` is run before first it()/describe()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// should.js is the preferred assertion library
var should = require('should');
// **Only 1 test case (in a nameless test suite)**
it('birds should fly', function(){
* However, as long as no error within a it(),
* it() is considered PASSED */
// **Only 1 test case, but nested 3-level deep**
// describe() are:
// - commonly known as test suites, which contains test cases
// - merely groups, and you can have groups within groups
describe('galaxy', function(){
describe('earth', function(){
describe('singapre', function(){
it('birds should fly', function(){ /** ... */ })
// **2 test cases in 1 test suite**
// A common scenario.
describe('singapre', function(){
it('birds should fly', function(){ /** ... */ })
it('horse should gallop', function(){ /** ... */ })
// **Run once before the first test case**
describe('singapre', function(){
console.log('see.. this function is run ONCE only')
it('birds should fly', function(){ /** ... */ })
it('horse should gallop', function(){ /** ... */ })
// **Run once before each test case**
describe('singapre', function(){
console.log('see.. this function is run EACH time')
it('birds should fly', function(){ /** ... */ })
it('horse should gallop', function(){ /** ... */ })
// **2 test suites in a big test suite**
// A common scenario.
describe('earth', function(){
describe('singapre', function(){
it('birds should fly', function(){ /** ... */ })
describe('malaysia', function(){
it('birds should soar', function(){ /** ... */ })
// **before() can be applied to describe() too**
describe('earth', function(){
console.log('see.. this function is run ONCE only, before first describe()')
describe('singapre', function(){
it('birds should fly', function(){ /** ... */ })
describe('malaysia', function(){
it('birds should soar', function(){ /** ... */ })
// **beforeEach() can be applied to describe() too**
describe('earth', function(){
console.log('see.. this function is run EACH time, before each describe()')
describe('singapre', function(){
it('birds should fly', function(){ /** ... */ })
describe('malaysia', function(){
it('birds should soar', function(){ /** ... */ })
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Ah, yes, I eventually figured that out but what I noticed is that each it() and apparently describe() is called sequentially by mocha in an apparently asynchronous fashion, which I imagine is necessary to support async tests. Things happen in order but the flow is not linear.
Anyway, I am now wondering how to do UI testing that requires user verification and interaction - like mouse clicks on rendered HTML. I am researching that now and considering using alert() or confirm() messages to do that. Any suggestions are welcome and thanks for your examples here!

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Hi, I am new to mocha, may I know if I could put 'describe' in 'it'? Something like below:

let data: string[]

before('prepare data', ()=> {
	return new Promise((resolve: any) => {
		setTimeout(()=> {
			data = ['a', 'b'];
		}, 500)

it("test", function () {
	describe("data", function () {
		data?.forEach((m) => {
			it(`${m}`, function () {
				assert(m, 'not empty');

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